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  • ISBN:9787561939154
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:251
  • 出版时间:2014-10-01
  • 条形码:9787561939154 ; 978-7-5619-3915-4




  ★ 深入剖析文章改错、阅读和作文部分的试题形式及题型特点,提供考试策略及解题技巧   ★ 全面介绍文章改错部分常用的解题原则,罗列词汇、语法要点及修辞技巧,提供实用的省时策略   ★ 详细讲解阅读部分解题技巧,列举act阅读考试真题词汇,提供不同题材的阅读文章供考生练习   ★ 精心点拨写作技巧,阐释评分原则,提供模拟试题并给出高分范文及点评   ★ 精编1套自测试题供考生自我评估,并收录大量习题及全真模拟题,全面提升考生应试能力


introduction v
act faqs ix
acknowledgments x
self-assessment tests 
general directions 
english test 
reading test 
answer key 
answers explained 
diagnostic charts 
1 overview and format of the act 
english test 
timing plans 
english skills assessed 
reading test 
timing plan 
reading skills assessed 
types of reading passages 
reading test tips 
writing test 
timing plan 
writing skills assessed 
chapter summary 
2 be a class act on test day 
advanced prep plans 
how to be a class act on test day 
act timing tips 
act testing tips 
what to bring to the test center 
what not to bring to the test center 
what to expect at the test center 
what to expect during the test 
chapter summary 
3 english test 
english skills in closer focus 
act english principles 
a author’s style and tone 
accuracy in grammar, usage, and
sentence formation 
c conciseness 
coherence, unity, and focus 
commas, colons, semicolons, and
other punctuation 
t technique: strategy and organization 
tone used by the author 
no sweat points: things you won’t be tested on 
a note about vocabulary and spelling 
quick drills 
making sense of the double-column format 
the ouch! factor 
test-taking tips 
time-saver: zoom in and zoom out 
time-saver: use caret symbols for placement questions 
tackling top-heavy questions 
chapter summary 
practice mini-passage 
answer key 
answers explained 
4 reading test 
reading strategies: preview, focus, read, answer 
five levels of concentration and comprehension 
reading skills in closer focus 
finding the main idea 
locating and interpreting details 
recognizing events in sequence 
drawing comparisons 
understanding cause and effect 
grasping meanings in context 
formulating generalizations 
examining author’s voice and method 
chapter summary 
practice exercises 
prose fiction: “driving down broadway” 
social science: “mobilization for youth” 
humanities (1): “yamas and nimyanas” 
humanities (2): “loving the questions” 
natural science: “dynamic cross-cylinder test” 
answer key 
answers explained 
5 writing test 
how to be a clast act on test day 
writing skills in closer focus 
prewriting, freewriting, revising/editing 
flexible timing plans 
guidelines for evaluation 
chapter summary 
practice exercises 
practice writing prompt 1 
sample response and explanation 
practice writing prompt 2 
sample response and explanation 
an additional writing prompt 
practice tests 
english test 
reading test 
answer key 
answers explained 
diagnostic charts 



Linda Carnevale,15年教材编写经验,著有多本出版书籍,资深SAT专家。

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