- ISBN:9787565909542
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:318
- 出版时间:2015-01-01
- 条形码:9787565909542 ; 978-7-5659-0954-2
本书是美国医师执照考试(usmle)的品牌丛书,本书融生理学知识精要、临床关联和usmle题目为一体,既有利于知识学习,又有助于通过usmle及医学相关的考试,被众多通过usmle的考生推荐为必读参考书,并被世界多所著名医学院校选定为教学用书。该系列书具有以下特点:(1) 提供每门学科*核心的知识,帮助你掌握学科知识的精华;(2)大量的图表,使知识可视化呈现,易于理解和记忆;(3)“临床关联”,帮助你把基础和临床知识融会贯通;(4)每章后附有usmle题目,并有详细解析,帮助你通过usmle等各种考试。
本书是美国医师执照考试(USMLE)的品牌丛书,本书融生理学知识精要、临床关联和USMLE题目为一体,既有利于知识学习,又有助于通过USMLE及医学相关的考试,被众多通过USMLE的考生推荐为必读参考书,并被世界多所著名医学院校选定为教学用书。该系列书具有以下特点:(1) 提供每门学科*核心的知识,帮助你掌握学科知识的精华;(2)大量的图表,使知识可视化呈现,易于理解和记忆;(3)“临床关联”,帮助你把基础和临床知识融会贯通;(4)每章后附有USMLE题目,并有详细解析,帮助你通过USMLE等各种考试。
1. cell physiology
i. cell membranes
ii. transport across cell membranes
iii. osmosis
iv. diffusion potential, resting membrane potential, and action potential
v. neuromuscular and synaptic transmission
vi. skeletal muscle
vii. smooth muscle
viii. comparison of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle
review test
2. neurophysiology
i. autonomic nervous system (ans)
ii. sensory systems
iii. motor systems
iv. higher functions of the cerebral cortex
v. blood-brain barrier and cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
vi. temperature regulation
review test
3. cardiovascular physiology
i. circuitry of the cardiovascular system
ii. hemodynamics
iii. cardiac electrophysiology
iv. cardiac muscle and cardiac output
v. cardiac cycle
vi. regulation of arterial pressure
vii. microcirculation and lymph
viii. special circulations
ix. integrative functions of the cardiovascular system: gravity, exercise, and hemorrhage
review test
4. respiratory physiology
i. lungvolumes and capacities
ii. mechanics of breathing
iii. gas exchange
iv. oxygen transport
v. co2transport
vi. pulmonary circulation
vii. v/qdefects
viii. control of breathing
ix. integrated responses of the respiratory system
review test
5. renal and acid-base physiology
i. body fluids
ii. renal clearance, renal blood flow (rbf), and glomerular filtration rate (gfr)
iii. reabsorption and secretion
iv. nacl regulation
v. k+ regulation
vi. renal regulation of urea, phosphate, calcium, and magnesium
vii. concentration and dilution of urine
viii. renal hormones
ix. acid-base balance
x. diuretics
xi. integrative examples
review test
6. gastrointestinal physiology
i. structure and innervation of the gastrointestinal tract
ii. regulatory substances in the gastrointestinal tract
iii. gastrointestinal motility
iv. gastrointestinal secretion
v. digestion and absorption
vi. liver physiology
review test
7. endocrine physiology
i. overview of hormones
ii. cell mechanisms and second messengers
iii. pituitary gland (hypophysis)
iv. thyroid gland
v. adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
vi. endocrine pancreas-glucagon and insulin
vii. calcium metabolism (parathyroid hormone, vitamin d, calcitonin)
viii. sexual differentiation
ix. male reproduction
x. female reproduction
review test
comprehensive examination
1. cell physiology
i. cell membranes
ii. transport across cell membranes
iii. osmosis
iv. diffusion potential, resting membrane potential, and action potential
v. neuromuscular and synaptic transmission
vi. skeletal muscle
vii. smooth muscle
viii. comparison of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle
review test
2. neurophysiology
i. autonomic nervous system (ans)
ii. sensory systems
iii. motor systems
iv. higher functions of the cerebral cortex
v. blood-brain barrier and cerebrospinal fluid (csf)
vi. temperature regulation
review test
3. cardiovascular physiology
i. circuitry of the cardiovascular system
ii. hemodynamics
iii. cardiac electrophysiology
iv. cardiac muscle and cardiac output
v. cardiac cycle
vi. regulation of arterial pressure
vii. microcirculation and lymph
viii. special circulations
ix. integrative functions of the cardiovascular system: gravity, exercise, and hemorrhage
review test
4. respiratory physiology
i. lungvolumes and capacities
ii. mechanics of breathing
iii. gas exchange
iv. oxygen transport
v. co2transport
vi. pulmonary circulation
vii. v/qdefects
viii. control of breathing
ix. integrated responses of the respiratory system
review test
5. renal and acid-base physiology
i. body fluids
ii. renal clearance, renal blood flow (rbf), and glomerular filtration rate (gfr)
iii. reabsorption and secretion
iv. nacl regulation
v. k+ regulation
vi. renal regulation of urea, phosphate, calcium, and magnesium
vii. concentration and dilution of urine
viii. renal hormones
ix. acid-base balance
x. diuretics
xi. integrative examples
review test
6. gastrointestinal physiology
i. structure and innervation of the gastrointestinal tract
ii. regulatory substances in the gastrointestinal tract
iii. gastrointestinal motility
iv. gastrointestinal secretion
v. digestion and absorption
vi. liver physiology
review test
7. endocrine physiology
i. overview of hormones
ii. cell mechanisms and second messengers
iii. pituitary gland (hypophysis)
iv. thyroid gland
v. adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
vi. endocrine pancreas-glucagon and insulin
vii. calcium metabolism (parathyroid hormone, vitamin d, calcitonin)
viii. sexual differentiation
ix. male reproduction
x. female reproduction
review test
comprehensive examination
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