

1星价 ¥96.0 (7.5折)
2星价¥96.0 定价¥128.0
  • ISBN:9787508529547
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:NULL
  • 页数:200
  • 出版时间:2014-11-01
  • 条形码:9787508529547 ; 978-7-5085-2954-7


多年来,日本政要一再参拜靖国神社,极大地伤害了中国及亚洲许多曾经遭受过日本侵略国家的人民的感情,使日本与这些国家间的关系也紧张起来,而围绕靖国神社的动向也成为倍受人们关注的问题。因为靖国神社是日本独有的,所以外国人不大清楚日本的靖国神社究竟是什么性质的事物,多数人往往根据自己的体验或知识进行推测。日本的右翼与保守势力也总是发出这样的质疑:每个国家都可以在悼念本国英雄的Shrine举行悼念仪式,如美国人可以将无名战士墓作为自己的Shrine,俄罗斯人可以在莫斯科红场使火炬长年燃烧,中国人可以向人民英雄纪念碑敬献花圈,为什么日本人不可以到自己的Shrine——靖国神社去进行参拜呢?其实,靖国神社的性质决不是可以用“Yasukuni Shrine”(靖国的圣地)简单说明的事物。本系列小册子客观介绍了靖国神社的历史及其在日本社会的影响,让读者能够了解靖国神社的真面目。 In recent years, Japanese politician's frequent visits to Yasukuni Shrine greatly harm the feelings of citizens in China and other Asian countries that Japan invaded and intensify the relationship between Japan and these countries. Besides, Yasukuni Shrine has become the central issue that involves citizens in Asian countries. As Yasukuni Shrine is unique in Japan, foreigners do not really understand its nature and often conjecture based on their experiences or knowledge. Japanese right-wing groups and conconservative forces often retort: Each country can mourn for their heroes in shrine, Americans in Arlington National Cemetery, Russians igniting the torch in Red Square, and Chinese presenting wreath in Monument to the People's Heroes. Why Japanese cannot visit their heroes in Yasukuni Shrine? In fact, the nature of Yasukuni Shrine cannot be reduced to “a sacred place to stabilize the country.” This series of five brochures tell its history and influence in Japan, and help you to know the real side of the Yasukuni Shrine.




步平,中国社会科学院近代史研究所研究员。主要研究方向是中日关系史、东北亚国际关系史、日本侵华史、抗日战争史。著有《阴魂萦绕的祭场——靖国神社与日本的军国主义》、《第二次世界大战期间日本的化学战》、《东北近百年史话》等。 Bu Ping is a research fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, mainly studying the history of China-Japan relations, the history of Northeast Asia's international relations, the history of Japan's invasion of China and the history of the War of Resistance against Japan. He wrote Haunted Sacrificial Site – The Yasukuni Shrine and Japanese Militarism, Japan's Chemical War during World War II, 100-Year History of the Northeast, etc.

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