TOEFL Junior词汇精讲精练

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  • ISBN:9787553634319
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:146
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787553634319 ; 978-7-5536-3431-9


《toefl junior词汇精讲精练》是“toefl junior”系列图书中的词汇专项辅导书。本书由toefl junior资深优秀教师和考试研究专家精心编写,是国内备考toefl junior不可多得的辅导丛书。本书分为44个单元,每单元收录一篇主题鲜明的文章,并在关键词处设空,题型多样,难度适中,帮助考生在情景与联想中记单词。此外,每单元还提供记忆联想词汇列表,列举toefl junior考试涉及的重点词汇及其近义词、反义词及扩展词,帮助考生轻松突破词汇关。 优势卖点: l  记忆联想,充分拓展关联词汇 l  精编习题,题型多样直击考点 l  读记结合,情境记忆效果更佳 l  科学编排,高频词汇活学活用


通过任何一个语言考试的**步都是掌握词汇。《toefl junior词汇精讲精练》正是“toefl junior”系列图书中的词汇专项辅导书。 本书由toefl junior资深优秀教师和考试研究专家精心编写,是国内备考toefl junior不可多得的辅导丛书。全书一共有44个单元,每单元都有一篇主题鲜明的文章,阅读文章题材广泛、体裁多样,结合语境记单词,阅读能力与词汇记忆齐头并进。另外,每单元都提炼了toefl junior高频词汇,给出近/反义词以及相关扩展词,帮助考生全方位扩充词汇量。每个单元都设有练习题,共3种题型,引导考生掌握词汇的意义及用法。书中习题均配有标准答案,题目难度适中,助考生轻松突破toefl junior词汇关。 


unit 01 abandoned and ruined “big houses”                            1unit 02 slavery in the united states                                   4unit 03 normal and abnormal intestinal absorption byhumans            7unit 04 professor                                                      10unit 05 how to manage your time                                        13unit 06 amie schaefer                                                 16unit 07 life of pi                                                    19unit 08 toy story                                                     22unit 09 ambulance                                                     26unit 10 history of basketball                                          29unit 11 amelia earhart at childhood (1)                                32unit 12 amelia earhart in youth (2)                                    36unit 13 amelia earhart —famous female aviator (3)                   39unit 14 amelia earhart —famous female aviator (4)                   42unit 15 carnival                                                      46unit 16 great depression                                              49unit 17 arithmetic                                                    52unit 18 boston bombing suspect charged                                 55unit 19 dimension                                                     58unit 20 alien                                                         61unit 21 arch bridge                                                   64unit 22 the efficient level of pollution and thecoase theorem (1)     67unit 23 the efficient level of pollution and thecoase theorem (2)     70unit 24 the history of human evolution                                 73unit 25 antelope                                                      76unit 26 import-export taxes and duties in china                        79unit 27 obama’s euro-crisis lecture                                   82unit 28 dunkirk in world war ii                                        85unit 29 close striking assault — martial arts                         88unit 30 antique                                                       91unit 31 oscar pistorius awarded bail                                   94unit 32 manuel gonzales with big imagination (1)                       97unit 33 manuel gonzales with big imagination (2)                       100unit 34 nobel laureate mo yan (1)                                      103unit 35 nobel laureate mo yan (2)                                      106unit 36 5.12 sichuan earthquake                                        109unit 37 what causes allergies?                                         112unit 38  blue whale                                                     115unit 39 types of volcanic eruptions                                    118unit 40 evaluation of the elderly patient                              121unit 41 amateur vs. professional boxing                                125unit 42 surgeon                                                       128unit 43 mammals                                                       131unit 44 calendar types: solar, lunar and lunisolarcalendars           134keys to the exercises                                                   138


杨彦琦:TOEFL Junior 资深优秀教师和考试研究专家,著有《TOEFL Junior词汇精讲精练》。

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