世纪水利:南水北调:поворот рек с юга на север:俄语

包邮世纪水利:南水北调:поворот рек с юга на север:俄语

1星价 ¥85.0 (7.2折)
2星价¥85.0 定价¥118.0
  • ISBN:9787508529721
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:204
  • 出版时间:2015-03-01
  • 条形码:9787508529721 ; 978-7-5085-2972-1


图书从南水北调工程的建设缘起、规划设计、工程建设、移民搬迁、文物保护、治污、创造性的建设成就等多个方面,体现了南水北调这一历史性工程的全貌,同时小中见大,引用大量建设者的故事,翔实的数据等突出这一工程的建设细节和创新之处。 this book shows the whole picture of this historical project from the perspective of the origin of the project, the planning and design, project construction, the relocation of displaced people, protecting cultural relics, pollution control and creative achievements. at the same time, it tells the stories of many project builders and refers to detailed data to underline the construction details and innovation highlights. 


调南水济苍生,是几代中华儿女魂牵梦萦的宏伟蓝图,今天,这个伟大的梦想正一步步变成现实。1952年毛泽东主席的科学闪念,经过半个世纪的规划论证、周密设计建设,南水北调,这条“水上长城”正在渐渐成型。本书全面地呈现了这一历史性的创造性工程,突出南水北调建设的奇迹创新,展现了中国人破解世界难题的“内功”。图书涵盖的内容全面翔实,突出重点事件和人物,图文并茂,使读者能够全面了解这一重大工程的建设,同时揭示其中不为人知的艰辛历程,体现中国人自强不息、勇于挑战、永不言败的精神特质。 diverting water from south china to north china in order to benefitthe chinese people is a magnificent blueprint that has been on the minds of many generations of chinese people. today, this blueprinthas finally become a reality. the brainchild of chairman mao zedong in 1952 has turned from a dream into a living, breathing reality after half a century’s discussions over planning,careful design and diligent construction, and this “great wall” ofwater isgradually taking shape. this book reviews this creative project and its historical significance, highlights the miracles and innovations achieved in the south-north water diversion project, and shows the strength of chinese people in overcoming some of the most difficult problems that the world has faced. with comprehensive and detailed text and pictures and highlighted key events and figures, it enables readers to fully understand this great project and at the same time, reveals the hardships previously unknown to the general public, embodying the chinese people’s unremitting self-improvement, courage to face challenges and undefeated spirit.  


赵洪亮,中国水利报高级记者 Zhao Hongliang, China Water Resources News Senior Reporter

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