  • ISBN:9787513575539
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:811
  • 出版时间:2016-06-01
  • 条形码:9787513575539 ; 978-7-5135-7553-9






导言 / viieugenics and china: a preliminary survey of the background / 1evaluation of chinese student fraternities in america / 14socio-biological implications of confucianism / 34an anthropological view on china’s troubles / 56why christianity fails in china / 67china and birth control / 75the problem of the cultural hybrid / 86browbeating prostitution? / 95familism and the optimum family / 104the meaning of a national examination system / 111glimpses into the universities / 120notes on modern marriage / 128chinese colonization in manchuria / 136the third session of the institute of pacific relations / 166selection and athletic prowess / 174bon voyage to chekiang refugees / 176patrilineage and the surname in the new civil code / 178consanguineous marriage and the law / 183genealogy in china: a neglected phase of historical study / 193the late mr. yuan hsi-tao / 204whither china’s womanhood? / 210japan’s rape on civilization / 216since darwin’s death / 238japan’s southward policy / 241bankruptcy of higher education / 243from lausanne to lousan / 245some vital statistics from kuala lumpur / 248manchuria as china’s “life line” / 251havelock ellis as a humanist / 261construction for rehabilitation / 267ma chun-wu (马君武) / 274educational facilities at home / 277birth control and oversea chinese / 279eugenics and birth regulation / 282the chinese as believers / 286the mongol in our midst / 291race and national solidarity / 294strange stories from a chinese studio (《聊斋志异》) / 301the character of races / 304race or nation / 312environment and race / 316population; standing room only? / 322pr oblems of the pacif ic: proceedings of the second conference of the instituteof pacific relations / 327family disorganization; the family in the making / 332chinese coolie emigration to countries within t



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