

1星价 ¥39.5 (5.6折)
2星价¥39.5 定价¥70.0
  • ISBN:9787511624437
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:280
  • 出版时间:2015-12-01
  • 条形码:9787511624437 ; 978-7-5116-2443-7






gospel for 300 million undernourished chineselivestock biodiversity preservation for benefit offuture generationssweet potato boosting pig productionchina's breeding technologies entering digital agechina's tropical crop research connecting to the worldpost-disaster potato productionbreeding more nutritious and healthy ricevirus-free sweet potatoes embark on the journey ofindustrializationcoarse grains make a big differencepolicy solutions to hunger and poverty"hezuo 88" blooming on the yunnan-guizhou plateausmall pigeon pea, big industryproviding high-quality, disease-resistant wheat for the worldlet the chinese tilapia "swimming" around the worldincrease the possibilities of profit-making for sorghum growersnew technology increasing rice yield in anenvironmental-friendly mannera road of hope for the scientific research andindustrial development of banana in chinaan irrigation revolution: ridge tillage and furrow irrigationwater-saving technologywalnuts: helping farmers prosperbuilding green rubber plantation and protecting eco-environment ...biodiversity: providing environment-friendly approach forcrop safetycooperative eventschronicle of cooperation between cgiar and chinachronicle of cooperation between irri and chinachronicle of cooperation between cimmyt and chinachronicle on cooperation between cip and chinachronicle of cooperation between bioversity and chinachronicle of cooperation between ilri and chinachronicle of cooperation between icrisat with chinachronicle of cooperation between ifpri and chinachronicles of events for cooperation between icarda with china .chronicle of cooperation between icraf and chinachronicle of cooperation between cifor and chinachronicle of cooperation between ciat and chinachronicles of cooperation between iwmi and chinachronicle of cooperation between worldfish and chinacollaborative projectscollaborative projects between china and irricollaborative projects between china and cimmytcollaborative projects between china and cipcollaborative projects between china and ciforcollaborative projects between china and ilricollaborative projects between china and icrisatcollaborative projects between china and ifpricollaborative projects between china and icardacollaborative projects between china and icrafcollaborative projects between china and bioversitycollaborative projects between china and ciatcollaborative projects between china and iwmicollaborative projects jointly carried out by china and worldfish.postscript

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