  • ISBN:9787568018012
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:288
  • 出版时间:2016-08-01
  • 条形码:9787568018012 ; 978-7-5680-1801-2


本书从旅游管理专业“面向行业,紧扣实践”的教学目的出发,探索采用当今主流的服务运营管理理论分析旅游服务管理实例,力求理论精当、简明扼要、深入浅出,强调实用性和操作性相结合。除采用大量典型案例分析、补充阅读材料等辅助教学形式指导学生学习各章重点、难点内容外,本书还在各章节末尾,设计了案例分析题及思考题,帮助师生展开分析讨论与模拟演练,以便有效理解与掌握服务运营管理的精髓。 from the teaching purpose,“an industry,oriented;practice,combined with”,using today’s mainstream theory of service operation management,we try to make the textbook to be accurate,concise,easily understood. in this book we also emphasize the combination of the practicability and the operability. in addition to using a large number of typical case analysis and the supplementary reading materials to guide the students,we design the corresponding case problems at the end of every chapter,in order to help the teachers and students to do analysis,discussion and simulation exercises. the final goal of us is to help learners understand and grasp the essence of service operation management effectively.


本书是配套教育部旅游管理专业本科综合改 革试点项目教材,是面对全国普通高等院校旅 游管理专业类“十三五”规划教材。本书除采用大量典型案例分析、补充阅读材料等辅助教学形式指导学生学习各章重点、难点内容外,本书还在各章节末尾,设计了案例分析题及思考题,帮助师生展开分析讨论与模拟演练,以便有效理解与掌握服务运营管理的精髓。 


1 **章服务经济时代的旅游业 chapter 1tourism service economy era**节服务经济时代及其特点/2 service economy era and its characteristics第二节休闲体验与旅游服务/11 leisure experience and tourism services 19 第二章旅游服务产品与服务质量概述 chapter 2summary of tourism service product and service quality**节服务与服务产品/20 service and service products第二节旅游服务特征/28 tourism service characteristics第三节旅游服务质量构成/32 the quality of tourism services 43 第三章旅游服务期望与顾客感知 chapter 3tourism service expectation and customer awareness**节旅游者的服务期望/44 customer perception and expectation of travel services第二节服务接触与顾客感知/58 service contact and customer awareness 69 第四章旅游服务质量与顾客满意度管理 chapter 4tourism service quality and customer satisfaction management**节顾客满意度/70 customer satisfaction第二节旅游服务全面质量管理/81 total quality management of tourist services 91 第五章旅游服务中的顾客忠诚管理 chapter 5customer loyalty management in tourism service**节顾客的忠诚效应及其价值/92 the effect and value of customer loyalty第二节旅游业的顾客忠诚管理/101 the customer loyalty management in the tourism industry 113 目录 第六章旅游服务中的失误与服务补救 chapter 6service failure and service recovery in tourism service**节服务失误的原因及表现/114 service failure causes and performance第二节顾客对服务失误的反应/118 customer performance to service failure第三节服务失误应对与服务补救/124 respond to service failures and service recovery 137 第七章服务运营与服务体系设计 chapter 7service operation and service system design**节服务运营流程与服务利润链/138 service operation process and the service profit chain第二节旅游服务蓝图设计/156 tourism service blueprint design 163 第八章服务需求与服务供给能力管理 chapter 8service demand and service supply capacity management**节旅游服务供需平衡状态分析/164 the analysis of the tourism service supply and demand balance第二节服务供需管理的基本思路/170 the basic concept of service supply and demand management第三节旅游企业服务能力管理策略/175 tourism enterprise to the service ability of management strategy 187 第九章现代旅游服务的精益化管理 chapter 9the lean management of the modern tourism services**节旅游服务精细化与个性化/188 tourism service refinement and personalization第二节现代旅游业的收益管理/196 the revenue management of modern tourism 209 第十章旅游企业服务营销与关系营销 chapter 10tourism enterprise service marketing and relationship marketing**节传统营销与旅游服务营销/210 the traditional marketing and the marketing of tourist services第二节旅游服务中的关系营销/218 relationship marketing of tourism services 231 第十一章旅游企业竞争策略与服务创新 chapter 11tourism enterprise competition strategy and service innovation**节服务竞争的内涵/232 the connotation of service competition第二节一般竞争策略与服务业竞争策略/236 general competition strategy and competition strategy in service industry第三节旅游业的服务创新及其应用/248 tourism service innovation and its application 257 第十二章现代旅游服务管理中的信息技术 chapter 12modern information technology in the tourism service managemen**节服务业中的信息技术应用/259 information technology application in the service sector第二节新技术应用与智慧旅游服务/269 application of new technology and wisdom travel service 282 参考答案 answers 286 参考文献 references


舒伯阳 1966年生,武汉人。 管理学博士,企业管理博士后,中南财经政法大学旅游系教授、博士生导师。中国旅游研究院武汉分院副院长,教育部旅游管理教学指导委员会委员,《旅游学刊》编委,全国旅游标准化推广武汉基地主任兼首席专家。 研究领域为旅游目的地管理、旅游标准化、服务运营管理、智慧旅游。

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