- ISBN:9787513580595
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:32开
- 页数:299
- 出版时间:2016-09-01
- 条形码:9787513580595 ; 978-7-5135-8059-5
Teaching L2 Writing
Neomy Storch The University of Melbourne
Chapter 2 Studies of Second-Language Writing in Canada: Three Generations
Mister Cumming Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto and Beijing Foreign Studies University
Chapter 3 An Ecology of Studies on EFL Writing in the Chinese Context
Junju Wang Shandong University
Chapter 4 Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Writing in Schools of
Hong Kong, China: Bridging the Idealism-Realism Gap
Icy Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chapter 5 English Writing Instruction in Senior High Schools in Japan: A
Historical Ecological Approach
Miyuki Sasaki Nagoya City University
Chapter 6 The Research Context of L2 Writing in South Korea: Historical
Development, Issues, and Future Directions
Yeon Hee Choi Ewha Womans University
Chapter 7 The Status of ESL/EFL Writing in Lebanon
Fatima Esseili University of Dayton
Chapter 8 Small Components: Some Big Contributions——L2 Writing
Research in New Zealand
]ohn Bitchener AUT University, Auckland
Chapter 9 EFL Writing in Poland, Where Traditional Does not Mean
Current, but Current Means Traditional
Lukasz Salski University of Loaz
Chapter 10 The Hole in the Donut: The Shape of Second-Language Writing
Studies in Sweden
Diane Pecorari Linnaeus University
Chapter 11 Foreign Language Writing in Ukraine: Indefinite Past but
Promising Future?
Tatyana Yakhontova Ivan Franko National University of L'viv
Chapter 12 The Status of Second Language Writing in the United States:
Continuing Growth and Change
Tony Silva Purdue University
Chapter 13 The Status of Second Language Writing Studies in Western
Melinda Reichelt University of Toledob
《全球视野下的二语写作研究:已知与待知》: Before describing the state of the English writing ability of Japanese senior high school students (i.e., the remaining structure as the target of this study),I present the goals intended to be met by the Course of Study, the official set of curriculum guidelines,as the sociocultural background to be compared with that ability. The Course of Study is a set of curriculum guidelines promulgated by Japan's Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture (MEXT) for primary to secondary education, covering kindergarten to senior high school. The first Course of Study was issued in 1947 for the new school system, starting in April of that year, after Japan was defeated in World War II. At the time, Japan was under the control of the General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Allied Powers,and starting a new school system was one of the democratizing actions conducted under GHQ guidance (see Sasaki, 2008). Modeled on the US school system, Japan's system changed to six single-track years in elementary school,three years each in junior and senior high school, and two or four years in college or university. Since then, the Course of Study has been revised six times at approximately ten-year intervals to accommodate soaocultural change. The Course of Study for senior high schools was promulgated in 1947, 1960, 1970,1978, 1989, 1999 and 2009, and except for the first one, all were put into effect three to five years later (1963, 1973, 1982, 1994, 2003 and 2013, respectively).Henceforth, to avoid confusion, I will use the years during which each Course of Study was effective instead of its promulgation year. Except for the initial 1947 document, the other six Courses of Study have had legally-binding force,and the curricular content as well as the textbooks used in all primary and secondary schools in Japan were devised according to the Course of Study in force at the time. The most current Course of Study for senior high schools came into effect in April, 2013. However, since it has not been in place for very long, this is too short a period to gauge its effect, and I therefore target the last Course of Study,which was put into effect in 2003. This Course of Study was promulgated in 1999, a time "characterized by the introduction of the government's new educational policies, followed by public criticism of the results of these policies" (Sasaki, 2008, p. 73). However, while conceding the potential importance of the soaal background, I focus here on the Course of Study as the most immediate influence. ……
托尼·席尔瓦:美国普渡大学教授英语系写作中心主任,多年从事英语作为第二语言的教学与研究,创立并主编Journal of Second Language Writing期刊,创办国际二语写作研讨会,曾主编或撰写多部学术著作。
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