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1星价 ¥147.6 (6.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787550293632
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:28cm
  • 页数:576
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787550293632 ; 978-7-5502-9363-2


内容简介 本书依据《现代内科学》编写而成,介绍了皮肤、五官、循环系统、血液系统、消化系统等11个系统80种常见疾病。每种疾病的内容以案例引出,分设“学习目标”“问题”“答案与解析”“参考文献”四个栏目。其中,“问题”“答案与解析”突出疾病的临床表现、实验室检查、治疗过程和结果。知识点简明扼要、易学易记。本书适合各大医学院校医学生在见习和实习阶段、住院医师规范化培训阶段使用,也可供高年资医生随时查阅与提高。


案例经典根据对医学生、住院医生、执业医生的重要性来选择案例和介绍相关的疾病知识,以一致、快速入门的格式呈现,促进学生有效地学习,并提供逐步解决临床问题的方法。本指南列举的主题代表了医生在日常实践中可能遇到的所有临床问题。资料新颖本书广泛更新了诊断性试验、实验室检查和影像学表现。另有*的药物治疗方案和疗程,以及疾病康复和预后的信息。助力考试学习本指南,可以帮助您通过各种考试,如中国执业医师资格考试,美国Clerkship Shelf考试、USMLE第2步考试、ABIM考试和换发新证考试等。


简 目 Preface Skin Disorders Pulmonary/Ear, Nose,and Throat Disorders Heart/Hypertension/LipidDisorders Hematologic Disorders Gastrointestinal/Liver/Pancreas Disorders Gynecologic/UrologicDisorders Musculoskeletal Disorders Kidney/Electrolyte Disorders Nervous System/PsychiatricDisorders Endocrine/MetabolicDisorders Infectious Disorders Index 目 录 Preface Skin Disorders 1. Atopic Dermatitis 2. Contact Dermatitis7 3. Psoriasis Pulmonary/Ear, Nose,and Throat Disorders 4. Asthma 5. Chronic ObstructivePulmonary Disease 6. Cough 7. Dyspnea 8. Lung Cancer 9. Pharyngitis 10. Pneumonia 11. Pulmonary Embolism 12. Sinusitis (Bacterial) Heart/Hypertension/LipidDisorders 13. Acute Myocardial Infarction 14. Aortic Regurgitation 15. Aortic Stenosis 16. Chest Pain 17. Dyslipidemia 18. Heart Failure 19. Hypertension 20. Mitral Regurgitation 21. Mitral Stenosis 22. Shock Hematologic Disorders 23. Hypercoagulable States 24. Iron Deficiency Anemia 25. Deep Venous Thrombosis andThromboembolism 26. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia Gastrointestinal/Liver/Pancreas Disorders 27. Acute Cholecystitis 28. Cirrhosis 29. Colorectal Cancer 30. Crohn Disease 31. Diarrhea 32. Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding 33. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding 34. Viral Hepatitis 35. Acute Pancreatitis 36. Chronic Pancreatitis 37. Ulcerative Colitis Gynecologic/UrologicDisorders 38. Breast Cancer 39. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 40. Dysmenorrhea 41. Prostate Cancer Musculoskeletal Disorders 42. Low Back Pain 43. Gout 44. Knee Pain 45. Rheumatoid Arthritis 46. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Kidney/Electrolyte Disorders 47. Glomerulonephritis 48. Hypokalemia 49. Hyponatremia 50. Acute Kidney Injury 51. Chronic Kidney Disease 52. Kidney Stone Disease 53. Metabolic Acidosis 54. Nephrotic Syndrome Nervous System/PsychiatricDisorders 55. Altered Mental Status 56. Dementia 57. Depression 58. Epilepsy 59. Bacterial Meningitis 60. Myasthenia Gravis 61. Parkinson Disease 62. Stroke 63. Smoking Cessation 64. Substance Abuse Endocrine/MetabolicDisorders 65. Adrenocortical Insufficiency 66. Cushing Syndrome 67. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 68. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 69. Hyperaldosteronism (Aldosteronism) 70. Hypercalcemia 71. Primary Hyperparathyroidism 72. Hyperthyroidism 73. Hypothyroidism 74. Obesity 75. Osteoporosis Infectious Disorders 76. Fever 77. HIV-AIDS 78. Healthcare-Associated Infections 79. Infective Endocarditis 80. Sepsis Index 前 言 PREFACE Purpose Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT) is the leading internal medicine textbook known for its com- prehensive coverage of current inpatient and outpatient care with diagnostic tools relevant to day-to-day practice. Facilitating its usefulness, this CMDT Study Guide, second edition, directs readers through a case analysis of 80 of the most common topics in internal medicine. The CMDT Study Guide provides a comprehensive and clearly orga- nized synopsis of each medical topic that helps the reader review and study for a variety of examinations, such as the medicine clerkship shelf exam, USMLE Step 2 examina- tions, ABIM internal medicine boards, and recertification examinations. As such it will be very useful to medical, nursing (Adult and Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Exam), pharmacy, and other health professional students, Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE), to house officers, and to practicing physicians. The CMDT Study Guide is engaging and patient-centered since each of the 80 topics begins with presentation of a typical patient to help the reader think in a step-wise fashion through the various clinical problem-solving aspects of the case. For each topic, the CMDT Study Guide provides PubMed’s references to the most current and pertinent MEDLINE articles for that topic. Each reference provides PMID num- bers to facilitate retrieval of the relevant articles. Outstanding Features • Eighty common internal medicine topics useful to learners and practitioners for patient care and to pre- pare for examinations • Material drawn from the expert source, Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2016, including tables about laboratory tests and treatments • In-depth, consistent, and readable format organized in a way that allows for quick study and easy access to information • Emphasis on a standard approach to clinical problem- solving with Learning Objectives, Salient Features, Symptoms and Signs, Treatment, Outcomes, When to Refer and When to Admit, and References 后 记 出版后记 服务热线: 133-6631-2326 188-1142-1266 服务信箱: reader@hinabook.com 后浪出版公司


Gene R.Quinn是加利福尼亚大学医学院的教授,是美国知名的内科专家。

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