My Tryst with China-中印情缘-英文

包邮My Tryst with China-中印情缘-英文

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  • ISBN:9787500151647
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:491
  • 出版时间:2017-05-01
  • 条形码:9787500151647 ; 978-7-5001-5164-7


In essence the narrative is a review of past and present events in India and China, with which I had been and continue to be associated, and my take on those events. Centrality of the narrative is India and China rather than an individual, albeit there are traces of my own professional development vis-à-vis Chinese and China studies in India. There is a definite China and India connection in the narratives right from my descent from Kullu to present.It may be a personal narrative, but since I have witnessed the changes and developments in India and China all these years and have remained connected to these developments, the narrative may represent the feelings of many others too. I hope this narrative will enable people on both sides of the Himalaya to understand each other better and strengthen bonds of friendship between India and China.




CONTENTS Foreword PREFACE CHAPTER ONE Descent and Childhood CHAPTER TWO Degree College Kullu and Jawaharlal Nehru University CHAPTER THREE Peking University Days CHAPTER FOUR Romance on the Volleyball Court CHAPTER FIVE The Beginning of a Marathon Affair CHAPTER SIX Return to Beijing: Witnessing the Rise of China CHAPTER SEVEN Europe, Marriage and Family CHAPTER EIGHT Chinese Fervour in India CHAPTER NINE Cross-Cultural Currents Between India and China Select Bibliography Postscript Index


狄伯杰(B.R.Deepak),印度中印关系专家、翻译家。印度贾瓦哈拉尔•尼赫鲁大学中国与东南亚研究中心教授,主要研究方向为中印关系、中国与周边国家的关系、中国与大国关系、中国文明与历史、文学翻译。著有《印度与中国:外交策略及反应》(2016年)、《中印关系:文明视角》(2012年)、《中印关系:未来展望》(2012年)、《中国:农业、农村与农民》(2010年)、《中国与印度1904—2004:一个世纪的和平与冲突》(2005年)、《20世纪上半叶的印中关系》(2001年)等。译有《论语注释》印地语版(2016年)、《中国诗歌:从诗经到西厢记》(2010年,狄伯杰因此书获得2011年中华图书特殊贡献奖)、《我与柯棣华》英文版(2006年)等。Professor B. R. Deepak was trained in Chinese history and India-China relations at the Peking University and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and University of Edinburgh, UK.
His publications include India and China: Foreign Policy Approches and Responses (2016); India and China 1904-2004: A Century of Peace and Conflicts (2005); India-China Relations in first half of the Twentieth Century (2001); India-China Relations: Civilisational Perspective (2012); China: Agriculture, Countryside and Peasants (2010); Conficius Sukti Sangrah (The Analects of Confucius) (2016); Cheeni Kavita: Gayarvin Shatavdi se Chuahdvin Shatavdi Tak (Chinese Poetry: 1100 BC to 1400 AD) (2011), a translation of 88 selected classical poems for which he was awarded the 2011 “Special Book Prize of China”.

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