

1星价 ¥37.0 (8.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787544655194
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:21cm
  • 页数:428页
  • 出版时间:2018-11-01
  • 条形码:9787544655194 ; 978-7-5446-5519-4


【出版说明】 外教社秉承致力学术创新、促进学术繁荣的宗旨,以服务教学科研、人才培养、文化传承与传播为己任,以高品质的学术出版来引领外语学科建设与发展,为我国外语教学和科研提供了丰富的学术资源。 在外语科研方面,外教社曾先后推出《教育与社科研究入门指南》《小型社科项目研究方法指南》等参考用书,其中《MLA格式指南及学术出版准则》(第二版)(第三版)和《MLA科研论文写作规范》(第五版)(第七版)备受广大读者欢迎,成为外语界论文作者的**工具书。 为进一步解决国内硕士、博士研究生在撰写科研论文和掌握科研方法方面所面临的各种问题和困惑,外教社推出“学术研究方法指导手册”。本套手册融理论和实践为一体,阐释系统、深入,既囊括了对于论文撰写结构与步骤上所有要素的介绍和分析,又涉及有关项目调研、选题论证、时间管理、成果出版、自我评价等方法上的科学指导,为论文撰写规范化提供指南,并对培养研究能力、开辟研究领域和拓展研究思路给予启示。 本套手册对于广大硕士、博士研究生的论文撰写有很好的指导作用,尤其是对人文学科和社会科学领域的硕士、博士研究生的科研工作有非常强的针对性和实用性,对于硕士、博士研究生的学科导师也具有较强的借鉴意义和参考价值。


  This Lively, rigorous and research-informed book is essential reading on any postgraduatecourse. Providing you with invaluable guidance on how to plan and conduct your research,it helps keep your momentum going, shows how you can enjoy the research process itselfand ultimately ensures you are able to produce a high quality dissertation or thesis.Revised and updated throughout, the second edition includes additional material onmethodology and theorising, as well as content on the skills needed to succeed after yourstudy is completed.


【目录】 List of Figures and Tables Acknowledgements 1 Introduction What the book does not do What the book does and how it is structured PART ONE STARTING RESEARCH 2 Starting Your Postgraduate Research Why do an MA, MPhil, PhD or other Doctorate? Planning, key issues and suggestions Starting to think about developing a hypothesis and/or research questions 3 Choosing the Right Research Degree Types of degree Varieties of research degree Choosing your university and supervisor 4 Choosing Your Supervisor(s) Introduction Choosing your supervisor, and internal regulations Working with your supervisors: initial contracts and contacts Managing your supervisor Things to ask/not to ask your supervisor(s) Planning to get the most from your supervisor What research students can expect of supervisors – a brief summary Stages of supervisions – what you might expect at different stages Planning work and supervisions 5 Research Questions and Hypotheses Developing research questions or hypotheses for research proposals and the research The research process Stating your title Research questions Key stages – developing a hypothesis or research questions 'Operationalising' a concept Boundaries and gaps What kind of research is yours going to be? Stages of asking the research question 6 Research Methodologies Choosing research methodologies Methodology Research approaches Methodology, worldview, methods, data and research Using qualitative and quantitative research methods together 7 Conceptual Frameworks Research paradigms and perspectives Some examples of areas 8 Ethics and Confidentiality Typical procedures and their history 9 Writing a Research Proposal What do you want to research? How you can draw up a good proposal PART TWO GETTING GOING – SUPERVISORS, TIME AND COMMUNITY 10 Managing Your Supervisor(s) Planning work and supervisions Learning contracts 11 Managing the Balancing Act Balancing what? Varieties of roles and activities – an audit What kind of balancing act suits you? 12 Managing Your Time and Tasks Good planning: long-, medium- and short-term management of time Overall planning and the cycle of research 13 Learning as a Research Student – Learning Approaches, Styles and Pitfalls Learning styles: deep, surface and strategic learning Disciplines What kind of learner are you? 14 Developing a Supportive Research Culture Locally and at a Distance Group/project team supervisions Self-managed groups and networks Peer pairing Peer support systems over a distance Using electronic and video links to support research students in their work Different modes of contact explored Other peer-support systems – establishing a research culture PART THREE CARRYING OUT THE RESEARCH AND STARTING TO WRITE 15 Carrying out a Literature Review – Developing the Theoretical Perspectives Chapter A literature review/theoretical perspectives chapter International students – some particular issues Carrying out the literature review Writing the theoretical perspectives chapter 16 Methods in Brief Quantitative research methods – designing and using questionnaires Qualitative research methods – interviews, focus groups and observation Case study 1 Case study 2 17 Using Grounded Theory, Case Studies, Journals and Synectics Grounded theory Case studies Case study 1 Case study 2 Journals Synectics 18 Action Research and Practitioner-based Research Benefits of practitioner-based research Possible pitfalls or problems Action research Phenomenography 19 Problem-based or Enquiry-based Research and Problem Solving Stages of problem-based or enquiry-based research Case study 20 Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities The documenting, critiquing and creative continuum The form and shape of arts and humanities theses Case study 1 Case study 2 Researching your own creative work/using the creative in your research work PART FOUR SUPPORT, PROGRESS, ANALYSIS, WRITING UP, THE VIVA, PRESENTATIONS AND AFTERWARDS 21 Being Organised, Keeping Records, Writing Up, Stage-by- Stage Time and task plan – key stages and obvious potentially difficult moments 22 Writing the Thesis or Dissertation Developing the framework of different chapters The shape of the thesis as it develops Models Elements of the structure of the thesis explained – and variants discussed 23 Overcoming Writing Blocks and Learning from Feedback Writing Analysis of narratives, interviews, interactions, cases Some ideas about the writing habit Developing writing 24 Analysing Data and Thinking about Findings Making sense of your data – interpretation and findings Managing data, both quantitative and qualitative Annotating Summarising and generalising Qualitative data activity Documentary analysis Findings 25 Learning from Feedback Working with supervisor and other feedback 26 Writing Transfer Documents and Progress Reports for MPhil, EdD and PhD Theses Open University (OU) EdD Transfer to a PhD MPhil, PhD and EdD – scope and differences Presentation issues to bear in mind as you carry on with your work 27 Writing Up: Definitions and Qualities of a Good MA, MPhil, EdD and PhD Thesis The Master's dissertation or thesis The EdD Definitions of a good dissertation or thesis Positive features in a successful MPhil and PhD Writing up 28 Preparing Your Thesis and Dissertation – Coherence, Conclusions and Conceptual Level Work The proposal – revisited 29 Preparing for and Undertaking Your Viva Being prepared Postgraduate viva Generic questions Stress management The viva voce – a brief outline 30 Dealing with Corrections – Life after the Viva . . . What next? Celebrate 31 Presentations, Conferences and Publishing Plan Prepare Practise Presentation Publications 32 Life After the Research 'Is there life after the research?' Bibliography

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