

1星价 ¥29.4 (5.1折)
2星价¥29.4 定价¥58.0
  • ISBN:9787518333233
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2018-07-01
  • 条形码:9787518333233 ; 978-7-5183-3323-3


本书是“雅思天后”刘薇现象级图书《雅思口语全薇机经》的*版本:1. 本书收录雅思口语官方题库所有经典核心题目,涵盖2019年1月新题,是一本不断更新、全面的雅思口语真题集;2. 本书涵盖个175主题、504个题目的7 高分答案,且所有答案经过考官审核,是雅思口语权威答案库;3. 本书包含20个作者刘薇Vicky对雅思口语问题和答案的精致点评,帮助读者构建自己的高分答案,是一本雅思口语高分思路指导书。4. 所有音频由BBC前主播倾情献声,并且在内文扫二维码可直接获取,方便易得。


本书是“雅思天后”刘薇现象级图书《雅思口语全薇机经》的全新版本:1. 本书收录雅思口语官方题库所有经典核心题目,涵盖2019年1月新题,是一本不断更新、全面的雅思口语真题集;2. 本书涵盖个175主题、504个题目的7+高分答案,且所有答案经过考官审核,是雅思口语经典答案库;3. 本书包含20个作者刘薇Vicky对雅思口语问题和答案的精致点评,帮助读者构建自己的高分答案,是一本雅思口语高分思路指导书。4. 所有音频由BBC前主播倾情献声,并且在内文扫二维码可直接获取,方便易得。


Part 1 话题库 TOPIC 1 Advertisement TOPIC 2 Age TOPIC 3 Animals TOPIC 4 Being busy TOPIC 5 Bicycles/Cycling TOPIC 6 Colours TOPIC 7 Computers/Internet TOPIC 8 Concerts TOPIC 9 Cooking TOPIC 10 Daily routine TOPIC 11 Dictionaries TOPIC 12 Drawing/Painting TOPIC 13 Driving TOPIC 14 Films TOPIC 15 Flowers TOPIC 16 Food TOPIC 17 Gifts/Presents TOPIC 18 Habits TOPIC 19 History TOPIC 20 Hobbies TOPIC 21 Home/Accommodation/Flats/Houses TOPIC 22 Hometown TOPIC 23 Indoor games TOPIC 24 Jewellery TOPIC 25 Languages TOPIC 26 Living conditions TOPIC 27 Majors TOPIC 28 Maps TOPIC 29 Meals TOPIC 30 Museums and art galleries TOPIC 31 Music TOPIC 32 Names TOPIC 33 Neighbours TOPIC 34 Parks and gardens TOPIC 35 Plants, trees and forests TOPIC 36 Postcards TOPIC 37 Public holidays TOPIC 38 Rain/Rainy days TOPIC 39 Relaxation TOPIC 40 Schools TOPIC 41 Seasons TOPIC 42 Shoes TOPIC 43 Sleeping TOPIC 44 Sports TOPIC 45 Street markets TOPIC 46 Study TOPIC 47 Sunshine/Sunny clays TOPIC 48 Swimming TOPIC 49 Teachers TOPIC 50 Teenagers TOPIC 51 Time management TOPIC 52 Toys TOPIC 53 Traffic and transport TOPIC 54 Train travel TOPIC 55 Vegetables and fruits TOPIC 56 Watch TOPIC 57 Weather TOPIC 58 Weekend TOPIC 59 Where you live now TOPIC 60 Work Part 2 话题库 PEOPLE & ANIMALS TOPIC 1 Achild TOPIC 2 A foreign musician or an artist TOPIC 3 Afriend TOPIC 4 A friend who you think is a good leader TOPIC 5 A movie star TOPIC 6 A neighbour TOPIC 7 A parent TOPIC 8 A person that you like to work with TOPIC 9 A person who is good at cooking TOPIC 10 A person who likes to help others TOPIC 11 A person you know who dresses well TOPIC 12 A sportsperson who did very well at an event TOPIC 13 A teacher you want to meet again TOPIC 14 A teenager you know TOPIC 15 A TV host TOPIC 16 An animal that you think is interesting TOPIC 17 An old person that you admire OBJECTS TOPIC 18 A book TOPIC 19 A dish or meal TOPIC 20 A letter or card TOPIC 21 A piece of equipment TOPIC 22 A piece of furniture TOPIC 23 A photograph TOPIC 24 An App TOPIC 2S An important plant TOPIC 26 Clothing TOPIC 27 Something that you made by hand to give to a friend or a relative TOPIC 28 Something you borrowed from a friend/family member TOPIC 29 Your favourite season/time of the year TOPIC 30 Your favourite toy in your childhood EVENTS & EXPERIENCES TOPIC 31 A festival TOPIC 32 A happy family event you remember from your childhood TOPIC 33 A long journey which you enjoyed and would like to make again TOPIC 34 A meal you cooked or had TOPIC 35 A small business TOPIC 36 A rule TOPIC 37 A time when you had to wait for someone TOPIC 38 A time when you were busy TOPIC 39 A time you taught a new skill to someone you know, such as a relative or a friend TOPIC 40 An ambition you haven't achieved yet TOPIC 41 An English lesson that you enjoyed TOPIC 42 An exciting sportyou know TOPIC 43 An experience of communicating with a foreigner in English TOPIC 44 An event in the history TOPIC 45 An important traditional event (in your culture/country) TOPIC 46 An indoor game you enjoyed playing as a child TOPIC 47 An interesting conversation you had with someone TOPIC 48 An occasion that you had a special cake TOPIC 49 An occasion when someone you know didn't tell the complete truth TOPIC 50 An occasion when you got lost in a place you didn't know TOPIC 51 An occasion when you receive very good service from a company or shop TOPIC 52 Bad weather TOPIC 53 One science knowledge that you learned from your middle school or high school TOPIC 54 Some advice TOPIC 55 Something that surprised you and made you happy TOPIC 56 Something you do that is good for your health PLACES & BUILDINGS TOPIC 57 A beautiful place where you would like to have a home TOPIC 58 A building of school/college TOPIC 59 A cafe thatyou know in your hometown TOPIC 60 A city TOPIC 61 A colourful place you like TOPIC 62 A garden/park you visited and liked TOPIC 63 A historical place that interests you TOPIC 64 A library TOPIC 65 A noisy place TOPIC 66 A place where you would like to study or work TOPIC 67 A restaurant / 196 TOPIC 68 A restaurant that you have been to and you would like to go to again TOPIC 69 A street where you like to go shopping TOPIC 70 An important building in your city MEDIA TOPIC 71 Agood law TOPIC 72 A movie/film you enjoyed and would like to see again TOPIC 73 A radio programme TOPIC 74 A show or performance TOPIC 75 A song or piece of music TOPIC 76 A TV programme you dislike TOPIC 77 A website TOPIC 78 An advertisement you remembered well TOPIC 79 An educational TV programme TOPIC 80 An interesting story from a TV programme Part 3 话题库 TOPIC 1 Being beautiful & nature TOPIC 2 Buildings TOPIC 3 Celebration TOPIC 4 Environment pollution and protection TOPIC 5 Family & friends TOPIC 6 Famous people TOPIC 7 Gifts/Presents & creativity TOPIC 8 Habits & customs TOPIC 9 Happiness TOPIC 10 Health TOPIC 11 Help & community TOPIC 12 Historical interests & history TOPIC 13 Honest TOPIC 14 Homework & education TOPIC 15 Interaction TOPIC 16 Internet TOPIC 17 Leaders & leadership TOPIC 18 Movies & films TOPIC 19 News TOPIC 20 Prizes & rewards TOPIC 21 Reading TOPIC 22 Restaurant & meals & food & cooking TOPIC 23 School subjects TOPIC 24 Work TOPIC 25 Shopping & advertising TOPIC 26 Singers & music TOPIC 27 Sports TOPIC 28 Technology TOPIC 29 The elderly TOPIC 30 Time & plans TOPIC 31 Toys & children's development TOPIC 32 Traffic in cities TOPIC 33 Travel TOPIC 34 TV programmes & entertainment TOPIC 35 Water



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