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  • ISBN:9787560086606
  • 装帧:胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:160
  • 出版时间:2018-05-01
  • 条形码:9787560086606 ; 978-7-5600-8660-6


《英语电影视听说》凭借英语电影这一平台,着重培养英语视听说能力。全书共8个单元,每单元精选一部英语电影,涉及生命,爱情,文化冲突,时尚等激发学习者学习兴趣的主题,分析文化,学习语言,培养思维。整体设计精美,充满创意与人文气息,本身就是一部艺术作品。 每单元包括Warm-up, Movie Exploration, Culture Reflection, Language Appreciation, Recommendation of Similar Movies等板块,分别对电影主题,电影所反映的文化现象以及电影对白做了深入剖析和学习。 适用于:英语电影赏析课程、高级英语视听说课程




Unit 1 Campus Life: Dead Poets Society Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C An Interview on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A The Goals of American Education Section B Prep School Part3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 2 Family Life: About a Boy Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C An Interview on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Hippie Lifestyle Section B Increase in Single Parent Families Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A LanguageTips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 3 Cross-cultural Perspectives: The Joy Luck Club Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Dialog on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Chinese Immigration to the United States Section B Women's Spiritual Awakening and Growth in Modern Society Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 4 Fashion: The Devil Wears Prada Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Review on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Fashion Magazines and Fashion Editors Section B Weight Loss and Anorexia Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 5 Social Problem: Philadelphia Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Review on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Sexual Prejudice Section B AIDS Discrimination Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 6 Love: Beauty and the Beast Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Review on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Sacrificial Love Section B Magic Spells in Fairy Tales Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 7 Royal Family: The Queen Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Review on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Constitutional Monarchy in Britain Section B Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines Unit 8 War in History: Troy Warm-up Part 1 Movie Exploration Section A Movie Story Section B Character Analysis Section C A Review on the Movie Part 2 Culture Reflection Section A Achilles Section B The Trojan Horse Part 3 Language Appreciation Section A Language Tips Section B Excerpts and Expressions Section C Memorable Lines

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