  • ISBN:9787567000414
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:351页
  • 出版时间:2012-08-01
  • 条形码:9787567000414 ; 978-7-5670-0041-4


本教程共10个单元, 每单元一个主题、由两篇阅读文章构成。内容涵盖海洋管理、海洋经济、海洋旅游、航海运输、海洋法政等人文海洋主要学科。


Module 1 Ocear Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Planning Your Presentation Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English An Overview of News English Module 2 Endangered Marine Animals Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Opening Your Presentation Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English Undertanding the 5Ws, the H and the News Lead Module 3 Marine Medicine Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Developing Your presentation Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English The Inverted Pyramid Structure Module 4 Marine Law Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Presenting Your Data Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English Tere of News English Module 5 Aquaculture Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Non-verbal Communication Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English Differences Between American English and British English Module 6 Seafood & Security Leaming Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Ending Your Presentation Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English Sentence feature of News English Module 7 Marine Tourism Learning Objectives Part Ⅰ Theme-related Listening, Viewing and Speaking Part Ⅱ Academic Presentation Handing Questior Part Ⅲ Listening Skills for News English News Development and Semantic Marker Module 8 Marine Economy Module 9 Marine Pollution Module 10 New Technology Used in the Marine Field Appendix Keys & Script

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