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  • ISBN:9787544781718
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:304
  • 出版时间:2020-07-01
  • 条形码:9787544781718 ; 978-7-5447-8171-8


“心灵猎手”斯蒂芬·茨威格的中短篇小说集。 彰显人性的丰满与缺憾,灵魂的完美与不朽! 纯英文精装版本,原汁原味!





THE GOVERNESS...…………………………………………………..1

THE BURNING SECRET.……………………………………………….17


MOONBEAM ALLEY..………………………………………………..135

THE INVISIBLE COLLECTION.……………………………………..155



THE RUNAWAY...……………………………………………………..229

THE ROYAL GAME.…………………………………………………..239



THE GOVERNESS The two girls were alone in their room. The light had been extinguished, and all was dark except for a faint shimmer from the two beds. They were both breathing so quietly that they might have been supposed to be asleep. “I say,” came a gentle, hesitating whisper from one of the beds. The twelve-year-old girl was speaking. “What is it?” asked her sister, who was a year older. “I’m so glad you’re still awake. I’ve something to tell you.” There was no answer in words, only a rustle from the other bed. The elder girl had sat up, and was waiting, her eyes a sparkle in the dim light. “Look here, this is what I want to tell you. But, first of all, have you noticed anything funny about Miss Mann lately?” “Yes,” said the other after a moment’s silence. “There is something, but I hardly know what. She’s not so strict as she used to be. For two days I haven’t done my exercises, and she never scolded me about it. I don’t know what’s happened, but she doesn’t seem to bother about us any more. She sits all by herself, and doesn’t join in our games as she used to.” “I think she’s unhappy, and tries not to show it. She never plays the piano now.” There was a pause, and then the elder girl spoke once more: “You said you had something to tell me.” “Yes, but you must keep it to yourself. You mustn’t breathe a word about it to Mother, or to your friend, Lottie.” “Of course I won’t,” answered the other indignantly. “Do get on!” “Well, after we’d come up to bed, it suddenly struck me that I’d never said good night to Miss Mann. I didn’t bother to put on my shoes again, and I tiptoed across to her room, meaning to give her a surprise. So I opened her door quietly, and for a moment I thought she wasn’t there. The light was on, but I couldn’t see her. Then suddenly—I was quite startled—I heard someone crying, and I saw that she was lying dressed on her bed, her head buried in the pillows. She was sobbing so dreadfully that it made me feel all queer, but she never noticed me. Then I crept out and shut the door as softly as I could. I stood outside there for a moment, for I could hardly walk, and through the door I could still hear her sobbing. Then I came back.”


著者简介: 斯蒂芬.茨威格(Stefan Zweig,1881—1942),奥地利小说家、剧作家和传记作家。他以细腻而饱含情感的心理描写,树立了自己的写作风格,使他的作品在世界范围内广受赞誉。被高尔基誉为“世界上**流的作家”“世界上*了解女人的作家”。《一个陌生女人的来信》发表伊始便引起广泛关注,据此改编的同名电影和话剧盛演不衰。 译者简介: 伊登.保罗(Eden Paul,1865—1944),英国作家、翻译家。

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