- ISBN:9787300280714
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:172
- 出版时间:2020-06-01
- 条形码:9787300280714 ; 978-7-300-28071-4
1. 教育 2. 社会 3. 科技 4. 文体 5. 媒体 6. 环保 7. 政府 8. 抽象
之后又梳理出了 17 大类话题词汇,在此基础上又进一步分出 15 大类常考场景素材。可 以说大家考试的时候,大概率会遇到这些类别。 这些词汇整理出来后,作者苦读官方范文和英文原著,并借助国外词典,给大家呈现出用法地道、表达清楚、内容合理的例句。
Unit 1 教育方式类 /1
Unit 2 教育内容类 /10
Unit 3 社会观念类 /18
Unit 4 犯罪问题类 /24
Unit 5 国际关系类 /31
Unit 6 科技发展类 /36
Unit 7 文化艺术类 /41
Unit 8 媒体影响类 /46
Unit 9 广告作用类 /49
Unit 10 环境保护类 /52
Unit 11 家庭工作类 /59
Unit 12 时代发展类 /66
Unit 13 动物处理类 /73
Unit 14 政府职能类 /80
Unit 15 社会公平类 /87
Unit 16 体育话题类 /93
Unit 17 抽象话题类 /96
第二章 常考话题佳句集锦 /99
**节 动物 Animals /99
第二节 计算机与互联网 Computer & Internet /102
第三节 教育 Education /105
第四节 生活 Life /112
第五节 环境 Environment /115
第六节 语言与文化 Language & Culture /119
第七节 科学与技术 Science & Technology /121
第八节 社会 Society /125
第九节 大众传媒 Mass media /129
第十节 国家 Nation /133
第十一节 职业 Occupation /137
第十二节 运动 Sports /140
第十三节 政府 Government /144
第十四节 旅游和旅游业 Travel & Tourism /148
第十五节 其他 Others /150
第三章 雅思写作高频词近义表达 /157
Unit 4 犯罪问题类 ●?? antisocial adj. 不擅社交的,反社会的 例 The ascending rate of youth unemployment always brings about various forms of antisocial behaviours. 持续攀升的年轻人失业率往往导致各种形式的反社会行为 ?? assault n. 攻击,袭击例 A series of savage sexual assaults on women miserably occurred in India. 一系列的针对女性的野蛮性侵犯案件在印度悲惨地进行着。 ?? astray adv. 迷途地,入歧途地 Erotic movies will lead innocents go astray. 色情电影会把小孩引入歧途。 ●?? atrocity n. 残暴,暴行 The atrocity caused widespread indignation. 暴行引起了普遍的愤慨。 ●?? avenge vt. 为……报复 例 Without the appropriate treatment to prisoners, these jail habitants avenge themselves on society after being set free. 缺乏对于囚犯的合适处理,这些人往往在释放后报复社会。 ●?? barbarism n. 野蛮 例 Some people think that in such a so-called civilised society, death penalty is little more than barbarism. 有人认为在现在的一个所谓的文明社会里,死刑与野蛮行径相去不远。 ●?? bawdry n. 淫秽,猥亵 例 The obscene word and bawdry should never been spoken out from the mouths of teachers. 污言秽语不应该从老师的嘴里说出来。 ●?? bully vt. 威吓,威逼 Some disobedient students prefer to bully those who are inferior to them in terms of ages. 一些调皮的学生喜欢欺负弱小的同学。 ●?? burglary n. 入室行窃 In order to find a way to make a living, some unemployed commit burglaries. 为了生存,一些失业人员犯了入室行窃罪。 ●?? charge v. 控诉 例 Some companies are charged with causing contamination. 一些公司被指控制造污染。六、学生做兼职工作 1 The issue of children doing paid work is a complex and sensitive one. 小孩子从事有偿工作是个复杂且敏感的话题。 2 The little money that they earn does not compensate for the fatigue incurred by working and studying at the same time. 这微不足道的额外收人并不足以补偿同时学习和工作所带来的疲倦。 3 We must all learn to plan our time so that we do not become overly absorbed in one single task. 我们都应学会安排时间,这样我们就不会过于专注于一件事了。 4 Tuition fees and the prices of books, not to mention the cost of living, are soaring by the day. 学费和书本费,更不用说生活费,都与日俱增。 5 Working while studying teaches students good time-management skills and can provide useful career experience. 边学习边工作可以教会学生合理安排时间的习惯,也能给他们提供有用的工作经验。 6 A proper part-time job does not take up too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of their time on their studies. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并 不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。 7 Children from low income families have to carry a heavy burden from an early age. 来自低收入家庭的小孩不得不从很小就承受负担。 8 By taking a major-related part-time job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, which they would never be able to get solely from a textbook. 通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上 得不到的经验。 9 The majority of students believe that a part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job market. 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作 是非常有好处的。 七、学习国际新闻 1 Keeping abreast of international news can broaden students’ horizons. 学习国际新闻可以拓宽学生们的视野。 2 Staying in touch with international news can also cultivate their ability to analyse and compare information. 学习国际新闻可以培养他们的分析和比较信息的能力 3 It might also increase the prestige of their own country, since foreigners would see that we know about events that are happening around the world and take an interest in them. 这会提高国家的声望,因为外国人会知道我们了解世界上发生的一切,并对此感兴趣。 4 Incorporating this new subject into the school schedule may be difficult, but I would encourage people to view it as a supplement to other subjects rather than a competitor. 把这个新的科目(学习国际新闻)加入学校的课程表是有些困难的,但是我会鼓励人们把它 作为其他课程的补充物来看待,而不是将它视为别的课程的竞争者。 5 They learn to elicit information from news and use it in decision making. 他们学着从新闻中提取信息,并在做决策时用到它们。 6 Reading editorials allows them to practice independent thinking. 阅读社论性的文章能够培养他们的独立思维。 7 Since there are many news stories that are identical with each other in essence, it requires teachers to select news in advance. 由于很多新闻故事在实质上都是一样的,这就需要老师们提前筛选新闻。
朱宏 学为贵写作名师 北京国际关系学院学士,外交学院硕士。 2008年起进入培训行业,教授雅思写作、托福写作、SAT写作等课程。 10余年来培养出写作高分学员无数。 曾获得“第五届北京民办教育园丁奖”; “北京市优秀教师”奖。 教学风格深受学员喜爱,江湖爱称“娘娘”,寓意培训界皇后。
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