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2025-03-06 15:34:19
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  • ISBN:9787550037816
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:197
  • 出版时间:2020-09-01
  • 条形码:9787550037816 ; 978-7-5500-3781-6


☆《国学经典·处世三奇书》系列丛书(全三册)之一 ☆收录以修身养性、劝善励志为主题的锦言佳句。包含道德、修身、读书、安贫乐道、教子、忠孝、勤俭等多方面内容 ☆汉英对照本,内容丰富翔实,易读性强。收录原作的同时,配以中文注释、今文解译、英文注释和英文翻译,便于中外各层次读者理解文意,感受中国古典文化的精妙 ☆有均衡与和谐之美。既有诗歌的韵律,又有散文的流畅,形式短小精致,文风飘逸清雅 ☆启迪人心,发人深省。书中展现丰富的学养、渊博的知识、明敏的思辨、冷隽的文字、促人深省的儆诫、益人心智的启迪以及豁达如禅的觉醒 ☆弘扬中国传统文化菁华。诠释中国传统文人的文化底蕴和人文情怀,为世人展现了一幅古人修身养性的清晰图景




目 录 Contents 一、教于幼正大光明 检于心忧勤惕厉 ………………………… 1. To educate children, we'd better cultivate their honesty and integrity; to examine ourselves, we'd better do it with diligence and self-encouragement. 二、学朋友长处 习圣贤言语…………………………………… 2. Learn strong points from our friends and practice the teachings of sages. 三、俭以济贫 勤能补拙………………………………………… 3. Be frugal to survive your poverty and diligent to make up for your dullness. 四、稳当话也即平常话 本分人也即快活人…………………… 4. Proper words are ordinary words; dutiful persons are happy persons. 五、处事为人作想 读书须己用功……………………………… 5. In dealing with affairs, think for others; when engaged in learning, do it with concentration yourself. 六、信是立身之本 恕乃接物之要……………………………… 6. Credibility is the essence of life while toleranceis the key toassociation. 七、说话而杀身 积财而丧命…………………………………… 7. You will be endangered if you are too talkative or accumulate too much wealth. 八、严可平躁 敬以化邪………………………………………… 8. Strictness helps to restrain impetuous dispositions; courtesy helps to dissolveevil thoughts. 九、勤修恒业 审定章程………………………………………… 9. Rules and regulations must be observed in managing a family enterprise. 一〇、名利不可贪 学业在德行………………………………… 10. Undeserved fame and gain must not be coveted; academic achievement lies in morality. 一一、古朴君子力挽江河 名节之士光争日月………………… 11. A man of integrity is he who can stem the current trend; a man of honor is he who can compete with the sun and moon. 一二、心正见神明 人生无安逸………………………………… 12. A man who keeps his heart properlywill have the aid of deities; there are no ease and comfort in real life. 一三、人心足恃 天道好还……………………………………… 13. The will of a true mancanalways be counted on; heavenly retribution, good or bad, is bound to come in turn. 一四、有才者如浑金璞玉 为学者如行云流水………………… 14. Atalented man should be like unrefined gold and uncut jade and like flowing water and floating cloud, the man of learning. 一五、积善有余庆 积财易遗祸………………………………… 15. The accumulation of goodness brings about good fortune while the accumulation of wealth invites calamity. 一六、要以德化人 勿以财累己………………………………… 16. Influence others with virtue and don't let your wealth weigh you down. 一七、读书无论资性高低 立身不嫌家世贫贱………………… 17. Aptitude is not a decisive factor in study; poor family status does not affect personal establishment. 一八、恶乡愿 弃鄙夫…………………………………………… 18. Stay away from hypocrites and despise vulgarians. 一九、精明败家风 朴实振家业………………………………… 19. Too much astuteness in social dealings ruins family reputation; plainness and honesty revitalize family businesses. 二〇、明辨是非 不忘廉耻……………………………………… 20. To be a man, one should distinguish right from wrong and keep in his heart the sense of shame. 二一、愚忠愚孝不可取 假仁假义要不得……………………… 21. Neither foolish loyalty and filial piety nor sham benevolence and righteousness are advisable. 二二、权势如雨云过眼 奸邪无事生非………………………… 22. Power and influence are floating clouds; an evil man makes trouble out of nothing. 二三、不为富贵所动 常将忠孝记挂…………………………… 23. Never be moved by wealth and rank and always keep in mind loyalty and filialty. 二四、物命可惜 人心可回……………………………………… 24. Lives of the all living beings under heaven are worth cherishing. 二五、处事辩是非 立言贵精详………………………………… 25. In handling affairs, one should be clear about right and wrong, and attentive to intensiveness and thoroughness in writing and speaking. 二六、有科名心 无济世才……………………………………… 26. There are some who only have the heart to gain scholarship but no ability to govern and serve. 二七、静而止闹 淡而消窘……………………………………… 27. Motionlessness can calm down disturbance while plainness can avoid embarrassment. 二八、行善救人 脱身俗情……………………………………… 28. Be willing to help others and one will break away from poor taste. 二九、气性乖张短命 言语尖刻薄福 29. Those who are eccentric and often behave in a queer way are short of longevity and luck. 三〇、胸怀大志 脚踏实地……………………………………… 30. We should not only be ambitious, but also down-to-earth. 三一、贫贱不能移 富贵要济世………………………………… 31. Remain unyielding when poor; be useful to the world when rich. 三二、即物穷理 名副其实……………………………………… 32. To derive the implications from the name of a subject is always advisable. 三三、以身作则 心平气和……………………………………… 33. In daily life, we must make ourselves an example and be gentle with others. 三四、不贻羞于父母 勿贻害于子孙…………………………… 34. Don't do anything stupid to shame your parents and injure your offspring. 三五、待人不可势利 习业万勿粗心…………………………… 35. Don't be snobbish in dealing with others; don't be careless in doing things. 三六、不妄自尊大 要奋发图强………………………………… 36. Strive to be strong, not arrogant. 三七、东山可再起 江心补漏迟………………………………… 37. Failure can make a comeback. 三八、生命有穷期 学问无止境………………………………… 38. Life must have its end while knowledge has no limit. 三九、做事要问心无愧 创业需量力而行……………………… 39. Things need to be done with a clear conscience; Entrepreneurship needs to be done according to one's ability. 四〇、气性乖张无足取 言语矫饰属可疑……………………… 40. It is undesirable to be eccentric and questionable. 四一、守拙可取 交友宜慎……………………………………… 41. It' quite advisable to remain free from ambition and careful in making friends. 四二、放眼读书 立跟做人……………………………………… 42. Be open-minded when reading; stand firm to be a man. 四三、持身贵严 处世贵谦……………………………………… 43. Solemnness is valuable in conducting oneself,so is modesty in dealing with the world. 四四、善用其财 无愧其禄……………………………………… 44. It will bring you no shame if you can make a good use of your salary. 四五、交益友 立品行…………………………………………… 45. It's better to make helpful friends and behave yourself properly. 四六、君子如神 小人如鬼……………………………………… 46. The man of virtue is like a deity and a ghost, the man of no virtue. 四七、严以律己 宽以待人……………………………………… 47. Be strict with yourself and lenient with others. 四八、守口如瓶 持身若璧……………………………………… 48. Keep your mouth as tight as a bottle and be yourself as pure as jade. 四九、不较横逆 安守贫穷……………………………………… 49. Overlook the importunate persons and be content with poverty. 五〇、白云山岳皆文章 黄花松柏乃吾师……………………… 50. White clouds and high mountains are all good texts; chrysanthemums and pines are my examples. 五一、行善自乐 奸谋自坏……………………………………… 51. The person who is willing to help others entertains himself; the fellow who hatches a plot can be ruined by his own plot. 五二、以人为镜 防微杜渐……………………………………… 52. To practice precaution, take human as mirror. 五三、谨守规模 必无大错……………………………………… 53. Act according to the public conventions and one will make no big mistake. 五四、耐得住烦 吃得起亏……………………………………… 54. Be patient in everything and ready to suffer losses at any time. 五五、习读书业 知读书乐……………………………………… 55. Taking learning as a lifetime hobby, one should know the pleasure in it. 五六、知己不足 学业日进……………………………………… 56. Only when you are aware of your shortcomings can you study hard and make progress every day. 五七、敬人者人恒敬之 靠人者莫若靠己……………………… 57. To respect others is to respect yourself; to rely on others is no better than to rely on yourself. 五八、学长者助人之道 识君子修己之功……………………… 58. Learn the way of helping others from the elders and from the men of virtue, the way of moral cultivation. 五九、奢侈悭吝俱可败家 庸愚精明都能覆事………………… 59. Luxury is enough to dissipate a family, so is stinginess; stupidity is enough to spoil a thing, so is astuteness. 六〇、安守本业 不合浊流……………………………………… 60. Do your own business and never go with the turbid current. 六一、衣食比下有余 学业比上不足…………………………… 61. It's not desirable to be worse off than some in study and better off than many in daily life. 六二、富不骄纵 贫不改志……………………………………… 62. Don't be arrogant when you are rich; don't change your mind whether you are poor. 六三、富贵要谦恭 衣禄需俭省………………………………… 63. Be modest when getting rich and powerful, and frugal when carefree of food and clothing. 六四、作善降祥 不善降殃……………………………………… 64. Good luck will call on you if you show mercy while bad luck will do so if you do evil. 六五、和平处事 正直居心……………………………………… 65. Live peacefullywith the worldand be fair and upright yourself. 六六、君子拯救尘世 圣贤关心民生…………………………… 66. It's a duty for a man of virtue to save the world and take care about the people, for a sage. 六七、偷安败家 争赀必伤……………………………………… 67. Indulgence in ease and comfort is to ruin the family; scrambling for family properties is to injure the kindred. 六八、沉实谦恭兴业 忠厚勤俭兴家…………………………… 68. Being steady and modest makes a business prosperous; being honest and diligent makes a family flourish. 六九、莲朝开而暮合 草冬枯而春荣…………………………… 69. Lotus flowers bloom in the morning and shut in the evening; grasses flourish in spring and wither in winter. 七〇、自伐自衿当戒 我自求仁求义…………………………… 70. Gard against the habitof boasting and cultivate yourself with benevolence and righteousness. 七一、贫寒更须读书 富贵不忘稼穡…………………………… 71. Study harder when poor and don't forget the hardship of farmwork when rich. 七二、俭可养廉 静能生悟……………………………………… 72. Thrift helps to nourish the character of incorruptibility; quiet helps to breed the sense of the world. 七三、助人在于有心 虑事在于精详…………………………… 73. Helping others is all about the heart; considering a thing is all about the accurateness and carefulness. 七四、常怀振奋心 多说切直话………………………………… 74. Always keep in mind your lofty aspirations and speak as earnestly as you can. 七五、虚怀若谷即才德 骄奢淫逸枉富贵……………………… 75. It's a virtue to be modest and a shame to be arrogant when rich and powerful. 七六、凝浩然正气 法古今完人………………………………… 76. Cultivate yourself with uprightness and learn from the men of perfect morality. 七七、饱暖则气昏志惰 饥寒则神紧骨坚……………………… 77. People tend to be indolent when well fed and will be firm-minded when hungry and cold. 七八、愁烦中具潇洒襟怀 暗昧处见光明世界………………… 78. Be easy and unrestrained when in a bad mood and open and above board when in a benighted circumstance. 七九、势利人行为虚假 虚浮者一事无成……………………… 79. Asnob behaves falsely while apompous fellow can be nowhere. 八〇、不忮不求 勿忘勿助……………………………………… 80. Be neither jealous nor covetous of what others have; keepthe heart quiet and let it be as it was. 八一、求其理则数难违 守其常变亦能御……………………… 81. Man's fate is predestined and irresistible; stick to the routine, and no unforeseen event cannot be dealt with. 八二、和气为祥 骄气为衰……………………………………… 82. Gentlenessstands for the auspiciousness while arrogance, the decline. 八三、人生不可安闲 日用必须简省…………………………… 83. One should not rest content with a leisurely life but should be frugal in daily life. 八四、卓有成就 铁面无私……………………………………… 84. To make a great achievement, one must be selfless and fearless. 八五、责己不责人则成 信己不信人则败……………………… 85. Blaming only oneself rather than others produces success; believing only in oneself rather than others results in failure. 八六、通达事理 无做作气……………………………………… 86. Be a man who is full of sense and unaffected. 八七、正直之心 留名后世……………………………………… 87. Be a man of integrity and make a good name for yourself after death. 八八、后天需努力 小节要谨慎………………………………… 88. Do work hard and be cautious about the trifles. 八九、忠厚受人尊敬 平淡趣味深长…………………………… 89. Loyalness is worth respecting while plainness has more taste. 九〇、交正直友 学德高人……………………………………… 90. Make friends with honest people and follow the men of high moral character. 九一、解邻里纷争 说因果关系………………………………… 91. Disputes between neighbors should be settled through explanation of the rotation of karma. 九二、发达需要努力 福寿也靠积德…………………………… 92. Development and flourishing need efforts; fortune and longevity depend on virtue. 九三、百善孝为先 万恶淫为首………………………………… 93. Filial piety is the most important of all virtues; Lewdness is the worst of all sins. 九四、自奉减几分 处世退一步………………………………… 94. In getting along with others, it'sbetter to conduct yourself in a concessive way. 九五、持守本分安贫乐道 凡事忍让长久不衰………………… 95. Know your poverty and remain happy; forbear for long-term prosperity. 九六、境遇无常 光阴易逝……………………………………… 96. Man's lot is changeable and fleet, man's life. 九七、川学海而至海 莠似苗而非苗…………………………… 97. All the rivers follow the sea's example and run into it; bristlegrasses seem to be but are not seedlings of cereal crops. 九八、守身必谨严 养心须淡泊………………………………… 98. Man's integrity must be maintained with great care while cultivation of the mind needs no fame and fortune. 九九、有德不在有位 能行不在能言…………………………… 99. It's important to have noble virtues rather than noble ranks and the ability to act rather than the ability to speak. 一〇〇、称誉易 无怨难………………………………………… 100. It is easy to win praise but hard to avoid resentment. 一〇一、多记先贤格言 闲看他人行事………………………… 101. Keep in heart the teachings of ancient sagesand observe the ways of others to act. 一〇二、身为重臣而精勤 面临大敌犹弈棋…………………… 102. An important official in the land should know how to keep calm in the face of a strong enemy. 一〇三、有济人之心 无欺人之意……………………………… 103. One should have the heart to donate others rather than the intention to bully them. 一〇四、能读书即有福 教子弟即创家………………………… 104. To read and learn is to invite happiness; to educate kids is to enrich a family. 一〇五、教子勿溺爱 子堕莫弃绝……………………………… 105. Don't spoil your children and give them up when they degenerate. 一〇六、专心可立功 偏见易败事……………………………… 106. Concentration is the road to success; prejudice is a slippery slope. 一〇七、 不忘艰难之境 不存侥幸之心……………………… 107. Don't forget the existence of adversity and take chances in doing things. 一〇八、心静则明 品超斯远…………………………………… 108. Man's heart will be clear the minute it calms down; anoble character can rise above the material desires. 一〇九、贫乃顺境 俭即丰年…………………………………… 109. Poverty is good for reading; frugality is equivalent to abundance. 一一〇、常有正直心 莫有浮华志……………………………… 110. Be honest and down-to-earth but don't be hollow and superficial. 一一一、异端背乎经常 邪说涉于虚诞………………………… 111. Things against the set norms and conventions arecalled heterodoxy and those relating to fabrication and preposterousness are called heresy. 一一二、亡羊尚可补牢 羡鱼何如结网………………………… 112. It's never too late to mend the fold even after the sheep is lost; to stand by a river to dream of fish is not as good as going home to knit fishnet. 一一三、道本足于身 境难足于心……………………………… 113. Substance in human nature is resourceful for moral cultivation; material affluencecan hardly satisfy man's heart. 一一四、下苦功读书 有益于社会……………………………… 114. To benefit the world, one must study hard. 一一五、知错即改 不甘堕落…………………………………… 115. Correct the mistake when you know it and never abandon yourself to vice. 一一六、淡中交耐久 静里寿延长……………………………… 116. Plain fellowship will ever last; life in peace will be prolonged. 一一七、深思熟虑 以绝后患…………………………………… 117. To prevent future trouble, one must think carefully before acting. 一一八、聪明不外露 耕读可兼营……………………………… 118. Farm work and academic study can run side by side. 一一九、享受适可而止 学问永不知足………………………… 119. One should know how far to go in seeking enjoyment and never be satisfied in learning. 一二一、既中规中矩 又灵活变化……………………………… 121. In social dealings, one should be both disciplined and flexible. 一二二、山水是文章化境 烟云乃富贵幻形…………………… 122. The mountains and waters are the magic subjects in literature. 一二三、察人伦留心细微 化乡风道义为本…………………… 123. To observe the world interpersonally is to find out its small problems; to cultivate the countryside is to promote its moral education. 一二四、勿妄行欺诈 不独享安闲……………………………… 124. Don't cheat others and enjoy leisure alone. 一二五、忍让非懦弱 自大终糊涂……………………………… 125. He who practices forbearance is never a coward; he who thinks himself important is after all a blunderer. 一二七、闭目养心 口阖防祸…………………………………… 127. Close your eyes to nourish the heart; close your mouth to prevent disasters. 一二八、富贵难教子 贫穷要读书……………………………… 128. It's difficult for rich people to bring up their children properly; poor scholars should be devoted to their academic pursuit. 一二九、苟且不能振 庸俗不可医……………………………… 129. People who don't do their business can't cheer up; people of low taste can never be redeemed. 一三〇、立大志成大功 不纠错成大祸………………………… 130. No great ambition, no great achievement; no error correction, no way to avoid disasters. 一三一、让退一步 容易处事…………………………………… 131. When a thing becomes difficult to deal with, a step back can make it easy. 一三二、无学为贫 无德为孤…………………………………… 132. Poverty is the lack of knowledge; loneliness is that of virtue. 一三三、知过能改 抑恶扬善…………………………………… 133. Correct the mistake when you know it and you can shun evil and promote good. 一三四、诗书立业 孝悌做人…………………………………… 134. Classics are the basis of aman of knowledge and filial piety thepedestal of a man of virtue. 一三五、得意勿忘形 苦心终有报……………………………… 135. Don't get dizzy with success; you will be rewarded if you have done your best and most. 一三六、自知之明 不卑不亢…………………………………… 136. People should know themselves well and be neither haughty nor humble. 一三七、有为之士不轻为 好事之人非晓事…………………… 137. A promisingperson is one who never act recklessly while a troublemaker one who has no common sense. 一三八、勿因噎废食 莫讳疾忌医……………………………… 138. We should not give up eating for fear of choking and refuse to accept treatment for fear that others will know about our illness. 一三九、幕中之宾 座上之客…………………………………… 139. A trusted person is admitted to participating in decision-making; a distinguished guest is worth invitingto take a prominent seat. 一四〇、种田须尽力 读书要专心……………………………… 140. Do your best in the field and concentrate your efforts on study. 一四一、要栽培子弟 勿暴殄天物……………………………… 141. Bring up your children with care and don't let things go to waste. 一四二、和气待人 藏器待时…………………………………… 142. Treat others kindly and don't use your talent tillthe right time comes. 一四三、大好光阴 切莫错过…………………………………… 143. Don't miss the good time when it is with you. 一四四、不失良心 但行正路…………………………………… 144. Keep conscience only to follow the right path. 一四五、务本业者常乐 当大任者常忧………………………… 145. He who focuses on his own business is always happy; he who is in charge always worried. 一四六、求死难救 求福在己…………………………………… 146. It's hard to save a person who is determined to end his life; to seek happiness, do it by oneself. 一四七、身不正难有好子弟 依势者必有真对头……………… 147. Your children will behave well if you yourself stand straight; bully others on another's strength and one will bring in enemies for himself. 一四八、为学要静敬 教人去骄惰……………………………… 148. To learn is to make yourself quiet and respectful; to educate people is to get rid of their complacency and laziness. 一四九、面对知己无愧 读书要能致用………………………… 149. Be worthy of your confidant and practice what you have learned. 一五〇、直道教人 诚心待人…………………………………… 150. Educate people to follow the right path and treat them with sincerity. 一五一、粗粝能甘 纷华不染…………………………………… 151. Be a man who can live a simple life and resist the temptation of wealth and rank. 一五二、性情执拗 不可谋事…………………………………… 152. One cannot collaborate with those who are of stubborn temperament. 一五三、做人不必事事皆能……………………………………… 153. There is no need to be capable ofdoing everything. 一五四、无愧于心 收效桑榆…………………………………… 154. Be worthy of yourself and strive to gain some exploits before getting too old. 一五五、创业维艰 毋负先人…………………………………… 155. It's hard to start a business, so we should not let our ancestors down. 一五六、生要有济于乡里 死要有可传之事…………………… 156. Try to be helpful to your native fellows when alive and do something worth remembering after death. 一五七、齐家先修身 读书在明理……………………………… 157. The government of a man's family should be preceded by his self-cultivation; to acquire knowledge is to refine sensibility. 一五八、积善有余庆 多藏必厚亡……………………………… 158. Thingsgood for the world enjoy constant prosperitywhiletoo much amassment is liable to lead to great loss. 一五九、修身求备 读书求深…………………………………… 159. Perfection to a man's self-cultivation is applicable and so profoundness to his academic pursuit. 一六〇、立言与立功立德并传…………………………………… 160. Establishing arguments is as important as cultivating virtue and making achievements. 一六一、求教受劝 向善积德…………………………………… 161. To consult is to ask for advice; to do good is to accumulate virtue. 一六二、有真涵养 写大文章…………………………………… 162. Writing an article of great significance and influenceneeds genuine accomplishment. 一六三、为善在让 立身在敬…………………………………… 163. To do good is to make a concession; to stand upright is to act with reverence. 一六四、是非自明 得失自知…………………………………… 164. One should have a clear sense of right and wrong and the knowledge about his own merit and demerit. 一六五、仁义宽厚 儒家之道…………………………………… 165. Benevolenceand toleranceare part of the core of Confucianism. 一六六、莫之大祸 起于不忍…………………………………… 166. Almost every big disaster is caused by a momentary lack of tolerance. 一六七、体察他人 换位思考…………………………………… 167. To understand others, one must observe them in their positions. 一六八、读书积德 事长亲贤…………………………………… 168. Accumulate virtue while learning; serve the old while paying homage to the worthy. 一六九、虞舜立五伦 朱熹集四书……………………………… 169. The Five Interpersonal Relationships were set by King Shun and the Four Books systematized by Zhu Xi. 一七〇、意趣清高 志量远大…………………………………… 170. Be a man of noble interest and great aspiration. 一七一、势家女难伺 富家儿难处……………………………… 171. It's hard to serve a daughter from a powerful family and get along with a son of a rich clan. 一七二、钱造福也能生祸 药救人也能杀人…………………… 172. Money can do man good and harm as well; drugs can save people and kill as well. 一七三、身体力行 集思广益…………………………………… 173. To solve a problem collectively, one should do it without letup and listen to all the useful opinions. 一七四、种田读书 皆成其业…………………………………… 174. Farm work and study for officialdom are the two ways to earn a living. 一七五、儒者多文为富 君子疾名不称………………………… 175. A Confucian scholar takes the productiveness of his writings as wealth; anaccomplished man is always afraid that he cannot live up to his reputation. 一七六、博学笃志 神闲气静…………………………………… 176. Learn widely and aspire steadfastly; be calm-minded andmild-mannered. 一七七、规我过者益友 偏私我者小人………………………… 177. He who admonishes meofmy errors is a helpful friend and a mean fellow, he who only pursues his own ends. 一七八、待人宜宽 行礼宜厚…………………………………… 178. Be lenient when treating with others and generous when sending gifts. 一七九、观已然而知未然………………………………………… 179. Look at what has happened, and you will know what will happen. 一八〇、观规模之大小 知事业之高卑………………………… 180. Look at its size effect, and you will know if an enterprise is flourishing or declining. 一八一、君子尚义 小人趋利…………………………………… 181. A gentleman upholds morality and justice while a mean fellow pursues interests. 一八二、小心谨慎无咎 高位难保其终………………………… 182. Be careful to avoid error, for superiority gained througha high position cannot last long. 一八三、勿以耕读谋富贵………………………………………… 183. One should not take farm work and academic research as the means to accumulate riches and glory. 一八四、富而不懂布置则耻……………………………………… 184. It's a shame if one wishes to make plenty of money but know not how to use it.


周文标,上海市作家协会会员,1954年生于上海市,1975年大学毕业,长期从事英汉、汉英文学方面的翻译工作,译有美国长篇小说《叛舰喋血》(1983),合译有英国长篇小说《闲话栏之争》(1986),主编《世界名言博引词典》(1990)、《多功能英汉案头大辞源》(1993)、中国明朝清言集《菜根谭》(2009)。 应佳鑫,1987年生于上海,2012年毕业于复旦大学国际文化交流学院对外汉语专业,获得硕士学位。在《中文自修》《学习报》《黄浦教育研究》等多家报刊发表教科研论文及其他文章数篇。

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