- ISBN:9787510470622
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:264
- 出版时间:2020-09-01
- 条形码:9787510470622 ; 978-7-5104-7062-2
★每年参加翻译资格考试的人次已经接近30万,但许多人在备考过程中的一大困惑是不知道有什么好的参考材料,这令许多备考者的准备工作不得要领。 现在,这个难题有解了。由全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试办公室组织编写的全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试教材教辅已正式出版。这套教材教辅以考试真题为基础,由具有丰富考试工作筹备经验的专家团队编写,是备考的得力助手。尤其是凝结着翻译和语言专家智慧的译文与详解,更是为备考者提供了一把具有打开解决翻译难题之门的钥匙。 这套丛书既为备考者开辟了宽阔的航道,又像是沿途闪烁的盏盏航灯,将指引备考者驶向成功的彼岸。 ——黄友义,全国翻译专业研究生教指委(MTI)主任委员、全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会主任委员,全国翻译专业高级职称评审委员会主任委员、中国翻译协会常务副会长、中国翻译研究院副院长 ★十几年来,全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试为全国各行各业选拔了大批优秀人才。这些优秀人才正活跃在政治、经济等多个领域,为促进我国改革开放、讲好中国故事、推进我国与国际社会政治经济合作,发挥着重要的作用。 有这套教材教辅在手,考生可以了解考试的要求、社会和市场的需求,切实提高翻译永平,有针对性地进行备考。我相信,大家只要认真使用这套教材教辅,就一定能够在考试时充分发挥自己的水平,挖掘自己的潜能,考出好成绩。 ——陈明明,中国前驻新西兰、库克群岛、瑞典大使,外交部翻译室前主任,全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会副主任委员,全国翻译专业高级职称评审委员会副主任委员,中国翻译协会副会长,国内多所大学客座教授,中央编译局特约翻译专家 ★本套系列教材教辅,是组织了多家业内机构和专家对近年全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试各级别考试用题进行精审、精解,同时精编相应模拟试题而正式推出的,能帮助广大考生和翻译教学人员更透彻了解考试内容,更准确掌握试题规律,更有效制定应考策略,更熟练运用翻译技巧。全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试方兴未艾,服务需求空前旺盛。希望本系列图书对广大考生有所助益。 ——王卫民,全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语专家委员会资深专家、译审
第二单元 经济论坛
第三单元 金融贸易
第四单元 工农业发展
第五单元 社会问题
第六单元 环境保护
第七单元 国际形势
第八单元 中国外交
第九单元 信息科技
第十单元 教育发展
第十一单元 卫生健康
第十二单元 体育运动
《英语口译实务教材同步训练(2级)》: Today, nearly half of the one billion international tourist arrivals in the world are to emerging and developing economies, where those arrivals create and maintain jobs and income for those most in need. And UNWTO expects emerging economies to grow at double the pace of advanced ones over the coming 20 years (4.4% versus 2.2%). At this rate, emerging economies will be receiving over one billion arrivals by 2030. Tourism is thus a fundamental pillar of the current and future socio-economic progress of developed, emerging and developing economies alike. In this context, today I ask you to join me in asking ourselves what this global force, tourism, can do to help us navigate through current challenges. Allow me to highlight five key reasons why tourism will be a strategic pillar of any truly sustainable economic future. 1. Tourism creates jobs at a higher rate than many other sectors. We all know tourism is one of the most labor intensive sectors, yet it is also one that creates jobs at a comparatively higher rate. Data shows that in the EU, during the last decade, the annual growth rate of employment in the tourism sector has almost always been higher than the growth rate of total employment. Furthermore, tourism creates wealth and jobs not just in tourism, but in other sectors as well. At a time in which many economies face domestic constraints on consumption, international tourism brings not only direct export revenues, but also a very significant indirect impact through its enormous value chain. At their destinations, tourists travel by local bus or taxi, taste the local gastronomy and wines, buy local produce ensuring jobs and sleep in a hotel which buys linen from the factories of the country. 2. Tourism is one of the most resilient economic sectors. If there is one characteristic that is critical in facing today's challenges that is resilience - the flexibility and capacity to adapt to changing conditions and recover from setbacks. Indeed, looking back on past decades, we see that international tourism decreased on only three occasions: in 2001 (-0.4%), following September 11, in 2003 (-1.6%) due to the SARS outbreak and in 2009 (-3.8%) in the middle of one of the worst global economic crises of our time. More importantly, international tourism demand always bounced back stronger with growth rates much above the average. If tourism is important in the good times, during a crisis it is vital. 3. Tourism reduces poverty and supports development. Tourism accounts for 45% of the exports of developing countries and is often one of the sectors in which developing countries enjoy a competitive advantage given their abundant natural resources. In this respect, tourism is increasingly an important and effective tool in aid for development. 4. Tourism is a major contributor to a more environmentally sustainable economy. A recent report by the United Nations identified tourism as one of 10 sectors that are vital to greening the global economy. With the right investment, tourism can be a lead change agent in the move to a Green Economy by driving economic growth and job creation while simultaneously improving resource efficiency, minimizing environmental degradation and raising environmental awareness among travelers. 5. Tourism can contribute to world peace and understanding. Quoting a Spanish journalist: "travel makes us better people". Tourism brings people of all backgrounds together and has immense potential in conflict prevention and crisis resolution. At the same time, it can be essential in bringing countries back to the international economy following a conflict, guaranteeing their stability and prosperity. Growing political recognition is a key condition to harnessing tourism's potential to spur growth. As tourism numbers continue to rise, alongside jobs, trade and development, tourism is gaining increasing recognition at national and international levels. ……
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