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1星价 ¥64.9 (5.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787508544601
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:182
  • 出版时间:2020-08-01
  • 条形码:9787508544601 ; 978-7-5085-4460-1


本书编写的主旨,是力图以简明扼要的文字,比较系统地表现西藏各个历史阶段的重要内容,以说明西藏历史发展的主要线索。笔者在编写过程中,注意参考前人的有关论著,也尽量吸收西藏历史研究中新的成果。 The book just outlines important events in different periods with concise text to show the main thread of local historical development. The book consults others’ works and includes many new research ults as well.




Chapter I
Tibet before Tubo Kingdom 1
Chapter II
Tubo Kingdom 15
Chapter III
Era of Fragmentation 29
Chapter IV
Tibet in Yuan Dynasty 35
Chapter V
Tibet in Ming Dynasty 53
Chapter VI
Tibet in Early Qing Dynasty 73
Chapter VII
Tibet in Late Qing Dynasty 95
Chapter VIII
Fight against British Aggression 99 Chapter IX
Tibet in the Republic of China 115
Chapter X

aceful Liberation 139
Chapter XI
Establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region 161
The Agreement of the Central People’s Government
and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for
the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet 181



Dozens of Tibetan tribal alliances co-existed around 600 AD. Forty small states in Tibet were then merged into twelve states. According to Dunhuang-Version Historical Records of the Tubo Kingdom, the twelve small states include Zhangzhung?? located in west Ngari and Ladakh; Myangro Pred Kar, Gnubs Gyi Gling Dguv and Myangro Shangpo in the current Gyangze;?? Vbrog Mo Snam Gsum in the current Yadong?? and Sikkim; Skyi Rovi Ljang Sngon, Ngas Povi Khra Sum and Klum Rovi Ya Sum in the Lhasa River Valley; Dbye Mo Yul Bzhi, Oyul Gyi Spang Kar and Rngegs Yul Kyi Gru Bzhi in the current Shannan; Rkong La Bre Snar, Myang Yul Gyi Rta Gsum and Dags Kyi Gru Bzhi in the current Nyingchi and eastern Shannan; Mchims Yul Gyi Dgu Yulin Samye of Shannan; Sumpa from North Tibet Prairie to Yushu and Gantse. It was called by Chinese historical records as a big tribe of West Qiang; Spu Rgyal, which later established the Tubo Kingdom, is located in Qonggyai?? of Shannan.


陈庆英,中国藏学研究中心历史所原所长、研究员。主要从事藏族历史研究,著有《元朝帝师八思巴》《蒙藏关系史大系??政治卷》《达喇嘛转世与历史定制》《中国藏族部落》(主编)、《藏族部落制度研究》(主编)、《历辈达喇嘛生平形象历史》(主编)、《西藏历史文化辞典》(主编)、《中国藏传佛教金铜造像艺术》(主编),译作有《论西藏政教合一制度》《汉藏史集》《章嘉国师若必多吉传》《红史》《萨迦世系史》《五世达喇嘛传》等。发表学术论文七十余篇。 Chen Qingying, former director of history research institute under the China Tibetology Research Center, is dedicated to the study of the history of Tibetans. His major works are Yuan Imperial Tutor chogyal Phagpa, Mongolia-Tibetan Relations (Political Volume) and Reincarnation System of Lama and Historical Rules. Chen has edited such books like Tibetan Tribes, A Study of Tibetan Tribalism, The Biographies of Lamas, Dictionary of Tibetan History and Cultures and The Art of Statue in Tibetan Buddhism. His translation works include Research on Theocracy System in Tibet, The Great Chinese-Tibetan Compendium, Red Annals, A Biography of Changkya Rolpai Dorje, The History of the Sakya Lineage and A Biography of the Fifth Lama. He also published more than 70 academic papers.

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