
- ISBN:9787514229783
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:260
- 出版时间:2021-01-01
- 条形码:9787514229783 ; 978-7-5142-2978-3
项目一 模切压痕虚拟仿真实训
任务一 熟悉模切压痕虚拟仿真实训系统环境/ 2
一、模切压痕工艺/ 2
二、软件启动与熟悉环境/ 2
三、启动模切压痕虚拟仿真实训模块/ 4
四、学习模切压痕虚拟仿真实训模块构成/ 5
任务二 学习模切压痕设备的结构组成及工作原理/ 5
一、学习模切压痕设备的结构组成/ 5
二、学习模切压痕设备的工作原理/ 15
任务三 学习模切压痕设备模压版制作过程/ 15
一、模切压痕版制作工艺流程/ 15
二、使用虚拟仿真系统学习模切版制作过程/ 19
任务四 学习模切压痕设备结构模拟拆装/ 24
任务五 学习模切压痕故障排除模拟操作/ 27
一、有暗线和炸线产品故障排除模拟操作/ 27
二、模切太轻故障排除模拟操作/ 30
项目二 折页虚拟仿真实训
任务一 学习折页设备的工作原理及主要结构/ 34
一、学习折页设备种类及主要结构/ 34
二、使用虚拟仿真系统学习栅栏式折页装置/ 36
任务二 学习折页设备结构模拟拆装/ 39
任务三 学习折页机故障排除模拟操作/ 43
一、纸堆不平整故障排除模拟操作/ 43
二、吸嘴上下运动不畅故障排除模拟操作/ 46
项目三 烫印虚拟仿真实训
任务一 学习烫印设备的工作原理及工艺流程/ 50
一、学习烫印种类及工艺流程/ 50
二、学习烫印设备工作原理/ 56
任务二 学习烫印设备结构模拟拆装/ 56
任务三 学习烫印机模拟操作/ 59
一、熟悉操作界面/ 59
二、温度调节模拟操作/ 61
三、压力调节模拟操作/ 63
四、烫印版调整/ 66
任务四 学习烫印机故障排除模拟操作/ 69
一、烫印不上质量弊病排除模拟操作/ 69
二、产品字迹发虚质量弊病排除模拟操作/ 75
项目四 覆膜虚拟仿真实训
任务一 学习覆膜设备的工作原理及主要构成/ 79
一、学习覆膜种类及主要构成/ 79
二、学习覆膜设备工作原理/ 83
任务二 学习覆膜设备结构模拟拆装/ 84
一、即涂覆膜机模拟拆装/ 84
二、预涂覆膜机模拟拆装/ 87
任务三 学习覆膜机模拟操作/ 90
一、熟悉操作界面/ 90
二、复合压力调节模拟操作/ 92
三、复合温度调节模拟操作/ 93
任务四 学习覆膜机故障排除模拟操作/ 95
一、覆膜工艺主要质量故障产生的原因和解决方法/ 95
二、涂覆不均质量故障排除模拟操作/ 96
三、皱膜、皱纸质量故障排除模拟操作/ 99
Project 1 Die-cutting virtual simulation training
Task 1: Familiarity to the operating environment of the die-cutting virtual simulation training
system / 2
1. Familiarity to the die-cutting process / 2
2. Launching software and the operating environment’s familiarity / 3
3. Starting the die-cutting virtual training module / 4
4. Learning the composition of the die-cutting virtual simulation training module / 5
Task 2: Learning the structural composition and working principles of die-cutting equipment / 7
1. Learning the structural composition of the die-cutting equipment / 7
2. Learning the working principles of die-cutting equipment / 18
Task 3: Learning the process of making the model-cutting pressing-marks equipment and the
stamped sheet / 19
1. The stamped sheet making process and steps of die-cutting / 19
2. Using the virtual simulation system and learning the process of making the stamped sheet / 25
Task 4: Learning the simulation disassembly of the die-cutting equipment / 29
Task 5: Learning the simulation operation of die-cutting Troubleshooting / 33
1. The troubleshooting simulation operation of “too deep or too many creasing rules”/ 33
2. The troubleshooting simulation operation of “Insufficient die-cutting pressure”/ 36
Post-press Processing Technology Virtual Training Course
Project 2 Practical Training of Folding Simulation
Task 1: Learning the working principles and the main components of folding equipment / 40
1. The type and main components of folding equipment / 40
2. Learning the fence folding device with the virtual simulation system / 43
Task 2: Learning the simulation disassembly process of folding equipment / 46
Task 3: Learning the troubleshooting simulation operations of the folding machine / 50
1. The troubleshooting simulation operations of “uneven paper piles surface”/ 50
2. The troubleshooting simulation operations of up and down nozzle moves irregularly / 53
Project 3 Practical Training of Hot Stamping Simulation
Task 1: Learning the working principles and the technologocal process of hot stamping
equipment / 57
1. Learning the types and the technologocal processes / 57
2. Learning the work principles of hot stamping equipment / 65
Task 2: Learning the disassembly simulation of hot stamping equipment / 66
Task 3: Learning the simulation operations of hot stamping machine / 69
1. Familiarity to the operation interface / 69
2. The simulation operations of temperature adjustment / 70
3. Pressure regulation’s simulated operation / 73
4. The simulate operation of hot stamping plate adjustment / 76
Task 4: Learning the troubleshooting simulation operations of hot stamping machine / 79
1. The troubleshooting simulation operations of unstable hot stamping patterns. / 79
2. The troubleshooting simulation operations of illegible stamping pictures and texts / 85
Project 4 Laminating virtual simulation training
Task 1: Learning the working principles and main structure of the laminating equipment / 90
1. Learning the type and main structure of the laminating equipment / 90
2. Learning the working principles of laminating device / 95
Task 2: Learning the simulation disassembly of laminating equipment / 97
1. The simulation disassembly of instant coating laminating machine / 97
2. Pre-coated laminating machine disassembly simulation / 100
Task 3: Learning the simulate operation of laminating process / 103
1. Familiarity to the operation interface / 103
2. The simulate operations of composite pressure regulation / 105
3. The simulate operations of temperature adjustment / 107
Task 4: Learning the laminating troubleshooting simulate operation / 109
1. The causes of the coating technology’s main quality disadvantages and the solutions / 109
2. The simulate operations of uneven coating troubleshooting / 111
3. The troubleshooting simulate operations of wrinkled paper and film / 114
金琳,男,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为创新设计,具有国际TRIZ二级执业资格,中国发明协会会员,上海市高职高专“挑战杯”和“互联网+创新创业”优秀指导教师,共发表专业相关论文8篇,获授权发明或实用新型专利20余项,完成1项 “印后加工技术”虚拟仿真教学资源库的建设,担任“印后加工技术”“TRIZ理论与印刷”等课程的教学。
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