  • ISBN:9787300285801
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:28cm
  • 页数:354页
  • 出版时间:2021-03-01
  • 条形码:9787300285801 ; 978-7-300-28580-1


本书是一本英文影印版图书,原著是美国管理学和组织行为学权威斯蒂芬??罗宾斯教授撰写的一本组织行为学简明图书。它保持了经典著作《组织行为学》的一贯特色,还具有以下新的特点: ·篇幅短小,便于教师更好地设计和安排课程,也便于学习者灵活选择辅导资料和学习方案。 ·内容充实而有趣味,涵盖所有重点概念,学习者可以在较短的时间内掌握组织行为学的核心内容。 ·语言规范,行文流畅,广泛使用范例,堪称一本经典读物。 本书配有丰富的教辅资源,特别适合开展双语教学的高校使用,也适合从事工商管理和经济分析的各类人员阅读参考。


第Ⅰ篇 导论
第1章 欢迎来到组织行为学的世界
第Ⅱ篇 个体差异
第2章 态度
第3章 情绪
第4章 人格因素
第5章 知觉过程
第6章 重视多元化
第7章 激励的概念
第8章 激励的应用
第Ⅲ篇 组织中的群体
第9章 沟通
第10章 群体行为的基础
第11章 从群体到团队
第12章 领导者的特点
第13章 组织中的权力与政治
第14章 组织中的冲突
第Ⅳ篇 组织系统
第15章 组织结构与设计
第16章 创建和管理组织文化
第17章 组织变革


This book was created as an alternative to the 600- or 700-page comprehensive text in organizational behavior (OB). It attempts to provide balanced coverage of all the key elements comprising the discipline of OB in a style that readers will find both informa- tive and interesting. We’re pleased to say that this text has achieved a wide following in short courses and executive programs as well as in traditional courses as a companion volume to experiential, skill development, case, and readings books. It is currently used at more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. It’s also been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Danish, and Bahasa Indonesian. KEY CHANGES FOR THE FOURTEENTH EDITION ?? Increased content coverage was added to include updated research, relevant discus- sion, and new exhibits on current issues of all aspects of organizational behavior. ?? Increased integration of contemporary global issues was added into topic discussions. ?? Extensive reorganization of all chapters with new headings and subsections to make navigating the print and digital versions of the text easier and bring important content to the fore. ?? Increased cross-references between chapters to link themes and concepts for the student’s quick access and to provide a more in-depth understanding of topics. ?? New assisted graded questions that students can complete and submit via Pearson MyLab Management are provided for each chapter. ?? A new feature, Try It , has been added to 14 chapters to direct the student’s atten- tion to Pearson MyLab Management simulations specific to the content in the text. ?? A new blue box feature has been introduced in 8 chapters. These box features highlight global examples of the section covered. RETAINED FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION What do people like about this book? Surveys of users have found general agreement about the following features. Needless to say, they’ve all been retained in this edition. ?? Length. Since its inception in 1984, we’ve tried diligently to keep this book in the range of 325 to 400 pages. Users tell us this length allows them considerable flex- ibility in assigning supporting materials and projects. ?? Balanced topic coverage. Although short in length, this book continues to provide balanced coverage of all the key concepts in OB. This includes not only traditional topics such as personality, motivation, and leadership but also cutting-edge issues such as emotions, diversity, negotiation, and teamwork. ?? Writing style. This book is frequently singled out for its fluid writing style and ex- tensive use of examples. Users regularly tell us that they find this book “conver- sational,” “interesting,” “student friendly,” and “very clear and understandable.” ?? Practicality. This book has never been solely about theory. It’s about using theory to better explain and predict the behavior of people in organizations. In each edi- tion of this book, we have focused on making sure that readers see the link between OB theories, research, and implications for practice. ?? Absence of pedagogy. Part of the reason we’ve been able to keep this book short in length is that it doesn’t include review questions, cases, exercises, or similar teach- ing/learning aids. It continues to provide only the basic core of OB knowledge, al- lowing instructors the maximum flexibility in designing and shaping their courses. ?? Integration of globalization, diversity, and ethics. The topics of globalization and cross-cultural differences, diversity, and ethics are discussed throughout this book. Rather than being presented only in separate chapters, these topics have been wo- ven into the context of relevant issues. Users tell us they find that this integrative approach makes these topics more fully part of OB and reinforces their importance. ?? Comprehensive supplements. Although this book may be short in length, it’s not short on supplements. It comes with a complete, high-tech support package for both fac- ulty and students. Instructors are provided with a comprehensive Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, TestGenerator, and PowerPoint slides. The Pearson MyLab Manage- ment course provides both instructors and students with various types of assessments, video exercises, decision-making simulations, and Personal Inventory Assessments.


斯蒂芬·罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins),美国圣迭戈州立大学管理学荣誉退休教授,世界管理学与组织行为学领域畅销图书的作者,获亚利桑那大学博士学位。他的书被全球上千所高校采用,被译成20种文字。他的研究兴趣广泛,在组织中的冲突、权力与政治、行为决策、有效人际技能的开发等方面成就突出。蒂莫西??贾奇(Timothy A. Judge),美国圣母大学门多萨商学院讲座教授,获伊利诺伊大学香槟分校博士学位。主要研究兴趣为人格、情绪与心境、工作态度、领导、职业生涯等领域。

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