世界经济发展里程碑及未来趋势--创新经济与管理国际学术研讨会2018    第一页有笔记

包邮世界经济发展里程碑及未来趋势--创新经济与管理国际学术研讨会2018 第一页有笔记

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  • ISBN:9787509674543
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:295
  • 出版时间:2020-12-01
  • 条形码:9787509674543 ; 978-7-5096-7454-3


  2018年11月8日,“创新经济及管理国际论坛”如约在北方工业大学召开。会议期间,来自全世界20多个国家和地区的近200位专家学者围绕“新经济与全球化”“新经济环境下的领导力提升”“新经济环境下的组织结构变革”“新经济环境下的商业模式塑造”“面向新经济的品牌标准与战略规划”“新经济与消费行为新趋势”、“平台经济与共享经济的关系及未来演进”等议题展开了广泛的学术交流与讨论。  《世界经济发展里程碑及未来趋势:创新经济与管理国际学术研讨会2018》收录了与会人员分享的21篇代表性成果,希望在此基础上进一步研讨。


Chapter One A Comparative Study of TSE among China, US, Japan, Brazil and EU along with the Prospect of China Agricultural Support
Application Research of Developing Green Bonds Business of Commercial Banks Based on Value Engineering
Application Research of Value Engineering in Mobike Bicycle Enterprises
The Impact of Export Structure on Gender Wage Gap
Implementation of Standards on Key Audit Matters in the Financial Industry of A+H Share
Comparative Study on Key Audit Matters of Listed Companies in Chinese and British Pharmaceutical Industry
New Trends and Characteristics of World Economic Development

Chapter Two A Review of the Research on the Impact of Employer Brands on Employees' Proactive Behavior
Research on Disclosure of Internal Control Information of Listed Companies in Biological Vaccine Board of China
Research on the Trends and Influencing Factors of R&D Internationalization Based on Chinese Enterprises
Huawei's Fans Club: User Value Creation and Business Value Realization under Community Thinking
Research on the Efficiency and Potential of China's Producer Services Export to Czech under the Belt and Road Initiative-Based on the Perspective of Value -added of Trade
Socially Responsible Human Resource Management
Research on the Impact of Employer Brand on Job - hunting Intention
The Application of Integrated Marketing in Honor V20
The Analysis for Beijing's Service Industry and Its Effects on Regional Development
The Development Trend of Car Sharing Companies
Research on Development of China E - hailing Industry
Research on the Policy Effect of National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zones Based on DID Model
R&D Investment Competition and Efficiency in a Mixed Duopoly Model, with Endogenous Spillovers

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