

1星价 ¥148.2 (5.7折)
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  • ISBN:9787521911770
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:684
  • 出版时间:2021-06-01
  • 条形码:9787521911770 ; 978-7-5219-1177-0


《文集》从张志毅教授发表的200余篇论文中,选择不同时期、不同领域具有代表性论著近百篇,逾百万字汇编而成。《文集》分八部分:序言、前言、人生记事、目录、正文、附录、后记、彩插。 尹伟伦院士为《文集》作序。介绍了张志毅教授在林木遗传育种研究领域取得的实践成果和理论成就,并对他的为人处事、品格作风作出了高度评价,从中也可以领略张志毅教授教学、科研、工作及生活的不同侧面。 人生记事记录了张志毅教授学历、工作简历、行政及学术兼职等方面内容。 正文选录了张志毅教授发表的论文。内容丰富,具有较高的学术价值,包括六个方面:杨树育种技术及相关理论、分子标记技术及其应用、杨树生殖生物学与基因调控、杨树抗逆生理生化与分子生物学、杨树光合作用与水分生理及矿质营养吸收、杨树材性及木材加工。 附录部分包括:教材及国家标准的编著、研究生培养、主持和参与的科研项目、科研获奖、表彰和荣誉、社会兼职六个部分。 《文集》基本反映了张志毅教授一生的工作与学术成就,对林木遗传育种领域的科研人员和学生具有借鉴与启迪作用。张志毅教授勤勉好学、与时俱进,治学严谨、思维创新.为人谦虚谨慎、平易近人,对学生循循善诱、诲人不倦,深得师生们的尊敬与爱戴。他的优良品格值得继承和发扬,希望《文集》的出版将激励我们为我国林木遗传育种事业的发展做出更大的贡献。


序言前言人生记事部分 杨树育种技术及相关理论 Doubling Technology of Pollen Chromosome of Populus tomentosa and Its Hybrid Status and Advances of Molecular Genetic Improvement of Poplar Species in China Establishment of High Frequency Regeneration System of Populus tomentosa 四种抗微管物质诱导毛新杨2n花粉粒的研究 毛白杨种子胚根发育生根性状的遗传分析 滇杨遗传改良策略初论 中国杨树杂交育种研究进展 三倍体毛白杨新无性系木材干缩性的遗传分析 QTL. Analysis of Leaf Morphology and Spring Bud Flush in (Populus tomentosa × P. bolleana)×P. tomentosa 我国青杨派杨树基因资源及其遗传育种研究进展 Analysis of the Leaf Characteristies Variation in Populus tomentosa Carr Progress and Strategies in Cross Breeding of Poplars in China Variation Analysis of Seed and Seedling Traits of Cross Combination Progenies in Populus Cross Breeding of Populus and Its Hybrids for Cold Resistance 杨树体细胞胚胎发生研究概况 Somatic Embryogenesis from Cell Suspension Cultures of Aspen Clone 中国杨树资源与杂交育种研究现状及发展对策 我国杨树育种现状及其展望 Progress in the Study of Molecular Genetic Improvements of Poplar in China 毛白杨叶片离体再生培养的基因型效应 Isolation and Analysis of a TIR-specific Promoter from Poplar 杨树杂交亲本分子遗传距离与子代生长性状相关性研究 Seedling Test and Genetic Analysis of White Poplar Hybrid Clones Establishment of Cell Suspension Line of Populus tomentosa Carr Comparison and Early Selection of New Clones in Populus tomentosa第二部分 分子标记技术及其应用 毛白杨无性系同工酶基因标记的研究 Segregation of AFLP Markers in A (Populus tomentosa × P. bolleana) × P. tomentosa Carr. BC,Family Genetic Mapping in (Populus tomentosa × P. bolleana )and P. tomentosa Carr. Using AFLP Markers 毛白杨ISSR反应体系的建立及优化 Identification of AFLP Markers Associated with Mbryonic Root (radicle) Develop ment Trait in Populus tomentosa 杨属部分种及杂种的AFLP分析 利用AFLP标记研究银白杨×白榆的亲子关系 杨树Genomic-SSR与EST-SSR分子标记遗传差异性分析 基于ESTs序列的杨树木质部形成相关EST-SSRs标记的开发与应用第三部分 杨树生殖生物学与基因调控 杨树生殖生物学研究进展 三倍体毛白杨有性生殖能力的研究 Cloning and RNAi Construction of a LEAFY Homologous Gene from Populus tomentosa and Preliminary Study in Tobacco APETALA3 Homologous Gene (P1AP3) Cloning from Populus tomentosa: A Preliminary Study on Its Sense and Anti-sense Transformation in Tobacco 毛白杨PLFY在花芽发育中的表达模式与花芽形态分化 毛白杨PaSEP3-1基因启动子的克隆分析及其表达载体构建 Isolation of a LEAFY Homolog from Populus tomentosa: Expression of PtLFY in P. tomentosa Floral Buds and PiL.FY-IR-mediated Gene Silencing in Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum) Ectopic Expression of a Poplar APETALA3-like Gene in Tobacco Causes Early Flowering and Fast Growth 外源突变基因AGM3过表达对烟草开花的抑制和花器官发育的影响第四部分 杨树抗逆生理生化与分子生物学 The Changes of G6PDHase, ATPase and Protein During Low Temperature Induced Freezing Tolerance of Populus suaveollens 转Bt基因杨树对美国白蛾幼虫中肠解毒酶及乙酰胆碱酯酶的影响 转CpTI基因杨树对美国白蛾幼虫中肠解毒酶及乙酰胆碱酯酶的影响 在低温诱导毛白杨抗冻性中CaM含量和G6PDHase及ATPase活性的变化 Role of CaCl, in Cold Acclimation Induced Freezing Resistance of Populus tomentosa Cuttings Response of Antioxidant Defense System in Populus tomentosa Cuttings Subjected to Salt Stress Cold Acclimation Induced Changes in Total Soluble Protein, RNA, DNA, RNase and Freezing Resistance in Populus tomentosa Cuttings 毛白杨幼苗低温锻炼过程中Ca“的作用及细胞Ca”-ATP酶活性的变化 Identification of Expression of CpT I Gene in Transgenic Poplars at Protein Level Test of Insect-Resistance of Transgenic Poplar with GpT I Gene The Role of Calcium and Calmodulin in Freezing-Induced Freezing Resistance of Populus tomentosa Cuttings Role of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Freezing-induced Freezing Resistance of Populus suaveolens Resistance of Transgenic Hybrid Triploids in Populus tomentosa Carr. Against 3 Species of Lepidopterans Following Two Winter Dormancies Conferred by High Level Expression of Cowpea Trypsin Inhibitor Gene Assessment of Rhizospheric Microorganisms of Transgenic Populus tomentosa with Cowpea Trypsin Inhibitor (Cp7 I ) Gene Construction and Characterization of cDNA Library from Water-Stressed Plantlets Regenerated in vitro of Populus hopeiensis 具有光肩星天牛内切聚葡糖酶结合活性短肽的筛选 Prokaryotic Expression Analysis of an NBS-type P:DRG01 Gene Isolated from Populus tomentosa Carr Identification and Characterization of CBF/DREB1-related genes in Populus hopeiensis .…. 485 Successful Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Populus tomentosa with Apple SPDS Gene Functional Analysis of 5' Untranslated Region of a TIR-NBS-encoding Gene from Triploid White Poplar Functional Identification and Regulation of the Ptdrl02 Gene Promoter from Triploid White Poplar MdSPDS1基因导入毛白杨的遗传转化体系优化研究第五部分 杨树光合作用、水分生理及矿质营养吸收 三倍体毛白杨无性系光合特性的研究 美洲黑杨与大青杨杂种无性系苗期光合特性研究 3年生毛白杨无性系光合特性的比较研究 应用N示踪研究毛白杨苗木对不同形态氮素的吸收及分配 鲁西平原毛白杨造林地土壤速效磷和速效钾空间变异性研究 毛白杨杂种无性系稳定碳同位素值的特征及其水分利用效率 不同施肥处理对毛白杨人工林生长及营养状况的影响 修枝对毛白杨无性系生长、净光合速率和蒸腾速率的影响第六部分 杨树材性及木材加工 Study on Inheritance and Variation of Wood Fiber Length of Populus tomentosa Clones Study on Inheritance and Variation of Wood Basic Density of Populus tomentosa Carr. Clones 三倍体毛白杨无性系木材密度遗传变异研究 三倍体毛白杨无性系木材热学性质变异初探 Genetic Control of Air-dried Wood Density, Mechanical Properties and Its Implication for Veneer Timber Breeding of New Triploid Clones in Populus tomentosa Carr 毛白杨无性系湿心材比例的遗传分析 QTL. Analysis of Growth and Wood Chemical Content Traits in an Interspecifie Backeross Family of White Poplar (Populus tomentosa × P. bolleana) ×P. tomentosa 毛白杨无性系纤维特性及微纤丝角的遗传分析附录 一、教材及国家标准的编著 二、研究生培养 三、主持和参与的科研项目 四、科研获奖 五、表彰和荣誉 六、社会兼职后记

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