  • ISBN:9787520391399
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:255
  • 出版时间:2021-10-01
  • 条形码:9787520391399 ; 978-7-5203-9139-9


“上海论坛”是目前在上海举办的拥有靠前影响力的品牌论坛之一。论坛创始于 2005 年,以“关注亚洲、聚焦热点、荟萃精英、推进互动、增强合作、谋求共识”为宗旨。每年有近 700 位来自世界各国政府机构、知名企业、品质高校、有名智库和主流媒体精英参会,在优选治理、社会安全、生态治理、经济金融、科技创新等领域,围绕重大战略性议题和发展问题展开对话交流和思想碰撞,挖掘并形成政策研究成果与产品,为中央和地方,政府和企业,学术机构及智库平台做更好的服务。本书是对论坛2015-2020年主题发言、讨论的文章汇编(英文),撰稿人为国内外的行业领军人物,知名学者,主题包含对优选化、区域格局、优选治理、靠前关系、国家间合作的思考等。


Chapter One Development:We Hope for the Best
1.A Rethink ofthe Globalization
Current Situation and Prospect of the World Economy
We Hope for the Best
The Belt and Road Initative:A New Way of Globalization
Asia's Role and Responsibility in Addressing Global Challenges
Education for a Changing Worid:Universities and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The Transition ofthe Energy System:A Systemic View
2.The New Pattern of Regional Development
Expanding and Deepening the Cooperation in Asia:Opportunities and Challenges
Current European Economic Situation and Complementary
Relationship between Asia and Europe in International Cooperation
Nordic Way:Challenges with More Potentials
China-Africa Economic Ties:A New Dynamics of Development
Why Did Latin America Fall Behind East Asia
Lessons Learned from NAFTA between Canada, USA, and Mexico
Development ofRailway Transportation iS Essential for
China-Russia Cooperation
Railway Construction:Kyrgyzstan's Promising Road to the Future
Ethiopia:Africa is a Rising Economic Star

Chapter Two Governance:New Thinking Leads to New Opportunities
1.Pragmatic Innovation and Effective Governance
A New Silk Road Leads to New Opporttmities
The New Development Theory and Exchange
The New Development Bank:Feature, Mission and Historical Significance

rspectives on High-Tech Era:New Patterns of Business, Economy and Educafion
The Future of Financial Innovation
Work in the Age of Robots and AI
Harnessing Corporate Objectives
2.The New Pattern of the Global Governance
The Intemational Monetary System after the Global Financial Crisis:Opportunities and Challenges
Regional Integration and Development:Nordic Lessons Learned
The EU Integration and the Asia Community of a Shared Future:Two Paths, the Same Values
TPP Should Involve More Countries including China:from the Experience of NAFTA
Trump's Policies:A More Realistic Goal to Achieve a Mid-term Arrangement
Getting Together and Cooperation Globally to Deal with the Climate Change

Chapter Three Security:China in a World of Change
1.A World of Change
The East Policy ofDonald Trump:Adapting to a Changing Region
China-US Relations:from the Perspective of Geoeconomics
The Relationship between China and the US
The Relationship between China and Japan in the Rapidly Changing World
2.A World of Cooperation
Challenges Faced by Europe and China in the Economic Development
The EU and China Should Work Together for a Stronger Europe-Asia
ASEAN and China:Better Regional Architecture and Better Cooperation
The Relation between China and Central Asia under the Belt and Road Initiative
Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap
3.China towards the Worid
China's Role in a World of Change
Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
To Construct the Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics



  The scholars differ about the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the future of work and the future shape of the labor market, but all agree that changes are happening and that the pace of change will only increase.Some scholars estimate that as many as 40 percent of current jobs will be replaced by computers in 10 to 15 years. No one doubts that the students currently at Fudan University and the University of Sydney will need to be ready for several career changes during their lives. These changes will require changes of whole careers, not just ofjobs or roles. Much attention has been focused on the role of university research. I think it's also important not only to think about research and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also the role of the university as the center of education.It's in that area of the role of the university as the center of education,as the places in which these future leaders that will help us navigate the uncertainties of the current time are produced, that we need to think.The technological revolutions of the past have mostly left the roles for which university education is required untouched, but not so of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The work of lawyers, of accountants, of doctors,of many professionals will be radically changed. As a recent report by the Reuters put it, today being educated increasingly means having attitudes and behaviors that enable one to a'dapt quickly to changed circumstances.China'a President Xi made a similar point earlier this week when he spoke of the need for resilience. The question facing all universities is how we produce graduates who are going to be the people telling the machines what to do, and not just people whose jobs are replaced by the machines.And I think for every university, it requires essentially two areas of self examination and reform, areas that we've been giving considerable attention to at the University of Sydney. I'Il use my own university as a case study. In addition, the changing face of technology poses important questions for education policy-makers, one of which I'd like to touch on briefiy at the conclusion of my remarks.  First, there's no doubt that universities have to closely examine both our undergraduate curricular and the extracurricular experience that we offer, to determine how future-proof they may be. The University of Sydney has just massively reformed our undergraduate curriculum, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution in mind, a process that involved extensive international consultation with experts, with employers throughout the region, with students and with our community more generally. We began with a blank sheet of paper, by asking exactly what personal and intellectual qualities a student will need in order to have the adaptability to respond to the rapidly changing world of work. We have designed a new undergraduate curriculum intended to live up to these core attributes.As a result, all our undergraduate degrees are now marked by three key features. The first is a balance between deep disciplinary expertise and interdisciplinary effectiveness. In English-speaking world, models of undergraduate education are being spread on the spectrum between the poles of the English model with its single area of focus and the very broad American undergraduate liberal arts education. Having taught in those systems, I can say with some confidence that a traditional English undergraduate education teaches you everything about almost nothing,and a traditional American undergraduate education teaches you nothing about almost everything. But it's generally agreed that the education that can survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution must be T-shaped. It must both be broad and genuinely deep in a particular disciplinary area. Depth is required because it's been repeatedly demonstrated to be the most effective way of teaching critical thinking skills that will be essential to the adaption to change, and also effective skills in written and oral communication. Still students need to acquire a habit of mind that pushes beyond the superficial, into the complexities of a given issue or given area oflearning. But the questions of the modern world, questions such as how to deal with climate change, with global shifts in the political balance of power, in inequality and alike, are essentially multi-disciplinary in their formation. The key to an effective graduate career is the ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams, and to learn quickly the language and intellectual framing of disciplines that are not one's own.



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