  • ISBN:9787302592976
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:167
  • 出版时间:2021-11-01
  • 条形码:9787302592976 ; 978-7-302-59297-6


随着中国民航业的飞速发展和国际航线的与日俱增,越来越多的航空公司开通了中国至世界各地的航线。如何提高空中乘务人员的英语实际应用能力,已成为各航空公司迫在眉睫的重要工作。空中乘务人员学好英语,并且灵活运用这种语言,将对提高航空公司服务质量与保障客舱安全起到非常重要的作用。 客舱服务、服务英语、英语实训,本书都有具体示范和详细讲解





Unit 1 Duties of Cabin Service 1

Guide Reading 2

Teaching Objectives 2

Section One Flight Attendants’ Duties 2

Unit 2 Procedures of Cabin Service 11

Guide Reading 12

Teaching Objectives 12

Section One Contents of Cabin Service 12

Section Two Basic Procedures of Cabin Service 17

Unit 3 Skills of Cabin Service 28

Guide Reading 29

Teaching Objectives 29

Section One Skills of Verbal Service 29

Section Two Skills of Nonverbal Service 36

Section Three Skills of Serving Special Passengers 65

Unit 4 Cabin Emergency Disposal 69

Guide Reading 70

Teaching Objectives 70

Section One Fire Disposal 70

Section Two Anti-hijacking Disposal 76

Section Three Disposal of Cabin Decompression 78

Section Four Disposal of Dangerous Goods 80

Section Five Emergency Landing/Ditching and Evacuation 86

Section Six Survival Skills 95

Section Seven First aid on board 100

Unit 5 Useful Expressions of Cabin Service 123

Guide Reading 124

Teaching Objectives 124

Section One Before Take-off 124

Section Two Mid-flight 126

Section Three Pre-arrival and Post-arrival 131

Unit 6 Flight Announcement 134

Guide Reading 135

Teaching Objectives 135

Section One Announcement Before Taking off 135

Section Two Announcement during the Flight 136

Section Three Announcement before Landing and after Landing 138

Section Four Emergency Announcement 139

Unit 7 Simulation Practice of Cabin Service 141

Guide Reading 142

Teaching Objectives 142

Section One The Charts of Flight Attendants’ duties 142

Section Two The Procedures of Simulation Training 145

References 155

Appendix Airline Logos 156


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