公路路线设计规范 JTG D20-2017(英文版)

包邮公路路线设计规范 JTG D20-2017(英文版)

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1星价 ¥220.0
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  • ISBN:9787114176753
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:269
  • 出版时间:2021-11-01
  • 条形码:9787114176753 ; 978-7-114-17675-3


为促进公路工程行业标准的对外交流,现发布《公路路线设计规范》英文版[JTG D20—2017(EN)][代替标准号JTG D20—2006(E)]、《公路沥青路面设计规范》英文版[JTG D50—2017(EN)][代替标准号JTG D50—2006(E)]。 上述标准英文版的管理权和解释权归中华人民共和国交通运输部,日常管理和解释工作由编译单位中国路桥工程有限责任公司负责。 标准英文版与中文版在技术内容上出现异议时,以中文版为准。


1 General Provisions 1 2 Highway Classification and Class Selection 3 2. 1 Highway function and classification 3 2. 2 Selection of highway technical classification and design speed 5 2. 3 Control of access 7 3 Highway Capacity 10 3. 1 General 10 3. 2 Level of service 11 3. 3 Design hourly volume for highway 13 3. 4 Design capacity of motorway or Class-1 highway segments 14 3. 5 Capacity of interchange 16 3. 6 Capacity of a Class-2 or Class-3 highway 17 4 Overall Design 19 4. 1 General 19 4. 2 Highway function and technical criteria 19 4. 3 Scope of project and implementation plan 20 4. 4 Environmental stewardship and resource conservation 24 4. 5 Design checking and safety assessment 25 5 Highway Route Location 27 6 Highway Cross-sections 31 6. 1 General 31 6. 2 Traffic lane 33 6. 3 Median 36 6. 4 Shoulders 37 6. 5 Road crown and cross-slope 39

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