中国古代文学简史 Little History of Chinese Classical Literature

包邮中国古代文学简史 Little History of Chinese Classical Literature

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  • ISBN:9787561574508
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:389
  • 出版时间:2022-03-01
  • 条形码:9787561574508 ; 978-7-5615-7450-8


本书系用英文写作,从全球化、大历史的视角,以西方人熟悉的表达方式, 编写了这本自秦汉至明清的文学简史。全书共分八章,并附有作品赏析,利于英文读者鸟瞰中国三千年的文学脉络与传承,对中国历史及文化的常识有一个较为全景式的了解和认识。此外,本书亦适合作为比较文学及翻译课程的教材。本书系用英文写作,从全球化、大历史的视角,以西方人熟悉的表达方式, 编写了这本自秦汉至明清的文学简史。全书共分八章,并附有作品赏析,利于英文读者鸟瞰中国三千年的文学脉络与传承。


Chapter One
Pre-Qin: The Naissance Of Chinese Literature
Book of Odes: The Oldest Songs Of China
Zhuangzi: Where Philosophy And Literature Meet
Elegies of Ghu: The Mournful Numbers Of An Exiled Patriot
Chapter Two
Two Han Dynasties: The Formative Stage Of Literature
Sima Q jan: The Father Of Prose And Pater Historiae Of China
Grand Rhapsody And Sima Xiang-ru: A Fancy Style For A Fancy Man
Yue-fu Songs: As Fresh As Morning Roses Newly Washed With Dew
Nineteen Old Poems: The Crown Of The Classical Pentasyllabic Poems
Chapter Three
Six Dynasties: The Era Of Literary Self-Awakening
Three Caos : The Illustrious Trio Of The House Of Cao
Tao Yuan-ming: The Creator Of The Peach Blossom Spring
A New Account Of The Tales Of The World: A Gallery Of The Most Glamorous Personages
Chapter Four
Sui And Tang Dynasties: The Florescence Of Chinese Poetry
The Illustrious Four Of The Early Tang: The Heralds Of High Tang Poems
Wang Wei And Meng Hao-ran: The Two Foremost Idyllists Of High Tang
Li Bai And Du Fu: The Sun And The Moon Have Come Together
Yuan Zhen And Bai ]u-yi: The Kindred Spirits And Beaux Esprits
Han Yu And Liu Zong-yuan: Movers And Shakers Of The Classical Prose Movement
Du Mu And Li Shang-yin: The Twin Starlets In The Twilight Canopy
Chapter Five
Song Dynasty: The Golden Era Of Song Lyrics
Ouyang Xiu: A Literary Giant With A Soft Spot In His Heart
Liu Yong: Where There Is A Fountain, There Goes His Song
Su Shi: The Shiniest Icon Of Chinese Art And Culture
Li Qjng-zhao: Greatest Chinese Blue Stocking Of All Time
Xin Oj-ji: A Warrior In The Worm Of Letters
Chapter Six
Yuan Dynasty: The Heyday Of Chinese Dramas And Plays
Guan Han-qing: The Champion Rake Of All The World
Romance Of The Western Chamber: A Lover's Bible In Medieval China
Tale Of The Lute: The Paragon Of The Southern Plays
Chapter Seven
Ming Dynasty: The Epoch Of Novels And Plays
Water Margin: An Epic Eulogy Of Bromance And Fraternity
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Journey To The West: A Mindful Journey Of Enlightenment
Peony Pavilion: A Love To Die For And Live For
Plum In The Golden Vase: The Trailblazer Of The Novels Of Manners
Chapter Eight
Qing Dynasty: The Afterglow Of Classical Literature
Peach Blossom Fan: A Token Of Love And A Witness Of The Vicissitudes
Nalan Xingde: A Bright Meteor Across The Canopy Of The Qing
Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio: The Phantasmagoria Of The Supernatural
Dream Of The Red Chamber: The Be-all And End-all Of Chinese Classical Literature
Four Greatest Novels Of Condemnation: The Dystopian Panorama Of A Falling Empire

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