

1星价 ¥43.3 (7.5折)
2星价¥43.3 定价¥58.0
  • ISBN:9787521835373
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:150页
  • 出版时间:2022-04-01
  • 条形码:9787521835373 ; 978-7-5218-3537-3


随着社会、产业和科技的发展进步,人类在享受塑料功能性和经济性方面的红利很多年之后,现在到了强调更高标准的健康安全性和循环性的阶段。塑料污染治理,中国的行动意义重大。本报告对中国塑料污染治理的理念和实践所做的介绍和总结,既全面系统,又非常及时。相信中国的经验对于全球共同应对塑料污染这一世界性难题有非常重要的参考价值。 Human beings have been enjoying the functionality and economic benefits of plastics for years as society and technology have progressed. Now we've reached a stage where higher standards of health safety and recyclability are emphasized. China's actions are significant in the treatment of plastic pollution. This report presents a holistic and timely summary on the philosophy and practice of plastic pollution control in China. It is believed that China's experience can serve as a very important reference for the global treatment of plastic pollution. ——金涌?Yong Jin 中国工程院院士、清华大学教授 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor of Tsinghua University 塑料已成为人类生产生活不可或缺的一类重要材料,但如何有效防止和减少全生命周期的环境影响,探索一条塑料的可持续发展道路,考验着人类智慧。中国在塑料污染治理上开展的努力、形成的经验十分宝贵,相信一定会为全世界塑料污染治理提供有益的借鉴。 Plastics has become an indispensable and important material in production and daily life, but how to practically reduce or prevent the negative impact of its entire life cycle and explore a sustainable development still remains a question. China has accumulated valuable experience in the treatment of plastic pollution, and I believe it will definitely provide a useful reference for the management of plastic pollution around the world. ——左铁镛?Tieyong Zuo 中国工程院院士 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 塑料的诞生,虽给人类生产生活带来了极大便利,但也给人类赖以生存的生态环境带来一定的危害,需要我们不断探索发展与保护的平衡,实现绿色可持续发展。塑料污染治理更需要树立绿色循环理念,从传统的生产环节延伸到流通、消费、回收利用、末端处置等全过程。在生态文明建设的背景下,加强国家统筹推进力度并引导社会力量广泛参与、加强国际合作并形成全球倡议来共同推动塑料污染治理,都是非常有意义的探索和实践。 The invention of plastics brings great convenience to human production and daily life, but also does harm to the ecological environment on which human beings depend for survival. We need to constantly maintain the balance between development and protection to achieve green and sustainable development. Plastic pollution treatment calls for the green circulation concept, extending from the traditional production process to the whole process of circulation, consumption, recycling, end disposal, and more. In the context of the construction of ecological civilization, it is an important exploration to strengthen national efforts and guide social forces to participate widely, strengthen international cooperation, and form global initiatives to jointly promote plastic pollution treatment. ——徐光?Guang Xu 中华环境保护基金会理事长 Chairman of China Environmental Protection Foundation 世界经济论坛欢迎中国智库单位提出的解决塑料污染*佳实践的报告。与世界经济论坛促进循环经济和应对塑料污染挑战的使命相一致,本报告对控制塑料使用的实践过程提供了切实可行的见解,这些实践促进了利用生命周期方法来发挥塑料的效益,同时也保护我们共同的环境。 这些工作方法代表了我们与中国之间进一步合作的机会,我们期待在本报告以及世界经济论坛系列伙伴关系的*佳实践的基础上进一步参与。 The World Economic Forum welcomes the initiative of the leading Chinese think tanks to address best practices of plastic pollution. Aligned with the mission of the WEF to promote circular economy and address the challenges of plastic pollution, this report provides tangible and practical insights to plastic control practices that promote life cycle approaches to leveraging the benefits of plastic while protecting our common environment. These working methods represent opportunities for further collaboration in China, and we look forward to further engagement building on this report and best practices developed across a range of WEF partnerships. ——?Gim Huay Neo 世界经济论坛董事会成员 Managing Board Member World Economic Forum


本书旨在总结中国塑料污染治理的理念、实践和经验, 为世界其他国家和地区的塑料污染治理提供借鉴, 为全球塑料污染治理贡献中国智慧和中国力量。经过几十年的努力, 中国塑料污染治理取得了显著成效: 一是建立起了由市场自发形成的覆盖广泛的废塑料循环利用体系, 回收废塑料超过全球同期回收总量的45% ; 二是依托完善的塑料工业体系, 形成了覆盖高中低端的完善的再生塑料利用体系, 材料化利用率达到30% ; 三是中国不仅对本国产生的塑料废弃物进行了有效回收利用, 在1992-2018年间还累计处置利用了来自欧盟、美国等其他国家和地区的1.06亿吨塑料废弃物, 并将其转化为再生塑料原料, 为全球塑料污染治理作出了巨大贡献。


1.加强塑料污染治理的紧迫性 1.1 塑料污染问题日益严峻 1.2 中国同样面临着塑料污染问题 2.塑料污染的本质和表现 2.1 塑料污染的本质 2.2 塑料污染的表现 2.3 塑料污染产生的原因 3.中国塑料污染治理理念和路径 3.1 中国塑料污染治理的历史沿革 3.2 中国塑料污染治理的总体理念 3.3 中国发展塑料循环经济的基本路径 4.中国塑料污染治理体系与成效 4.1 中国塑料污染治理体系 4.2 中国塑料污染治理取得的成效 5.中国塑料污染治理实践的启示和借鉴 5.1 应对塑料污染需要建立完善的全生命周期管理体系 5.2 发展塑料循环经济需要建立完善基于本国的回收利用体系 5.3 发展塑料循环经济需要综合考虑环境效益与经济效益 5.4 发展塑料循环经济需要科学比较分析各种塑料替代产品和方案 5.5 发展塑料循环经济需要加强政企合作和引导全社会广泛参与 5.6 塑料污染治理需要不断加强 合作 6.加强 塑料污染治理的倡议 结束语 参考文献 附录 重点支持单位和企业 致谢



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