  • ISBN:9787568924351
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:128页
  • 出版时间:2022-03-01
  • 条形码:9787568924351 ; 978-7-5689-2435-1


  《电气工程导论(英文)》是一本电气工程相关专业学生的入门教材,共有7个章节,主要内容包括总论、电路原理基础、电机与电气、电力电子、电力系统及自动化、高电压与绝缘技术和智能电网,列举了电气工程技术在一些重要行业的应用案例。  《电气工程导论(英文)》通过对电气工程学科的起源、主要研究内容、现状和未来发展趋势的介绍,让学生对电气学科有基本的认识,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性,为后续课程学习奠定良好的基础。  《电气工程导论(英文)》深入浅出、内容翔实,体现了电气工程的基础性、系统性、前沿性和理论性,反映了本领域的新动态、新观点,适合本科类院校电气类专业高校本科生,尤其是来自英语国家的国际学生,也可作为英语国家非电气行业初学者、部分电气从业人员的培训教材和学习参考书。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Electrical engineering
1.2 Brief history of electrical engineering
1.3 System of units
1.4 Special features of this course
1.5 The common computer softwares in electrical engineering

Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Ohm's Law
2.3 Kirchhoff s Laws
2.4 Electric power and sign convention
2.5 Basic analysis methods
2.6 Sinusoidal AC circuit and three-phase circuit

Chapter 3 Electric Machines and Apparatus
3.1 Classification of electric machine
3.2 Generator
3.3 Transformer
3.4 Motor
3.5 Special motor
3.6 High voltage apparatus
3.7 Low voltage apparatus

Chapter4 Power Electronics
4.1 Emergence and development of power electronic technology
4.2 Power electronic devices
4.3 Power electronic converter technology
4.4 Electric drive technology

Chapter 5 Power System and Automation
5.1 Electrical power industry
5.2 Composition of power system
5.3 Power plants
5.4 Transmission and distribution system
5.5 Substation
5.6 Power supply and utility technology
5.7 Protection and remote control system

Chapter 6 High-voltage and Insulation Technology
6.1 The source of high-voltage disciplines
6.2 Main contents
6.3 Dielectric insulation
6.4 Measurement of high voltages
6.5 Overvoltage protection and insulation coordination

Chapter 7 Smart Grid
7.1 Background
7.2 Features of the smart grid
7.3 Smart grid technology
7.4 Smart grid modelling
7.5 Deployments and potential deployments

Appendix 1 Major Journal in the Electrical Engineering
Appendix 2 Basic Definition Terminology


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