  • ISBN:9787576313123
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:162页
  • 出版时间:2022-05-01
  • 条形码:9787576313123 ; 978-7-5763-1312-3




Unit 1 Sports in the Ancient Greece and Rome
Text A Sport culture in ancient Athens and Sparta
Text B The gladiators of Rome: blood sport in the ancient empire
Practice for the unit
Unit 2 Sport in Medieval & Pre-modern Era
Text A Sports in the Medieval Times
Text B Humanism movement & sport culture
Practice for the unit
Unit 3 Emergence of Modern Sport in Europe
Text A The factors that affect the modern sport
Text B Modern sport and education
Practice for the unit
Unit 4 Rise & Expansion of the Modern Olympics
Text A The philosophy connotation of modern Olympics
Text B The expansion of Olympics: Western culture's domination
Practice for the unit
Unit 5 European Sport in Globalization Era
Text A A football world: The history and its globalization
Text B Why are the European and American sports worlds so different?
Practice for the unit
Unit 6 Sport from Colonization to Antebellum
Text A Sports in colonial era
Text B The health reform during the early republic period
Practice for the unit
Unit 7 The Forming of American Sport in the Gilded Age
Text A Baseball v. cricket: the rise of American ideology
Text B The rise & development of intercollegiate sport
Practice for the unit
Unit 8 Sport and Social Change in the Progressive Era
Text A Sport & americanization of ethnic groups
Text B Sport & colonialism
Practice for the unit
Unit 9 Sport as Popular Culture
Text A Media & the commercialization of sport
Text B Professional sport & labor relations
Practice for the unit
Unit 10 Major Problems of Sport and Society
Text A Sport and civil rights movement
Text B Sport and women's movement
Practice for the unit
Unit 11 New Forms of Sport in 21st Century
Text A Sociology of alternative sports
Text B A comparison between esports and traditional Sports
Practice for the unit


霍传颂,男,山东淄博人。先后毕业成都体育学院英语专业和体育教育训练学专业,体育史与体育文化传播博士研究生,美国西密歇根大学访问学者。现任成都体育学院讲师。长期从事欧美体育史、奥林匹克运动、体育翻译研究,在中文核心期刊发表西方体育文化相关主题学术论文4篇,主持和参与《美国体育史》《体育翻译研究》《体育翻译史研究》《中华武术外译》《新中国体育史》等多项 重大、一般和省部级课题。主译和参编学术著作2部,主编和参编体育院校专业教材4部,包括《篮球英语》(主编),《田径英语》(副主编),《排球英语》及《体育文化通识读本》(编委)。

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