- ISBN:9787521834963
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:338
- 出版时间:2022-05-01
- 条形码:9787521834963 ; 978-7-5218-3496-3
The Chinese path refers to the path of socialism with distinctive Chinese characteristics. As Chinese President Xi Jinping points out, it is not an easy path. We are able to embark on this path thanks to the great endeavors of reform and opening up over the past 30 years and more, and the continuous quest made in the 60-plus years since the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is based on a thorough review of the evolution of the Chinese nation over more than 170 years since modern times and carrying forward the 5,000-year-long Chinese civilization. This path is deeply rooted in history and broadly based on China's present realities. A right path leads to a bright future. The Chinese path is not only access to China's development and prosperity, but also a path of hope and promise to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only by forging the confidence in the path, theory, institution and culture can we advance along this path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. With this focus, The Chinese Path Series presents to readers an overview in practice, achievements and experiences as well as the past, present and future of the Chinese path. The Chinese Path Series is divided into ten volumes with one hundred books on different topics. The main topics of the volumes are as follows: economic development, political advancement, cultural progress, social development, ecological conservation, national defense and armed forces building, diplomacy and international policies, the Party's leadership and building, localization of Marxism in China and views from other countries on the Chinese path. Each volume on a particular topic consists of several books which respectively throw light on exploration in practice, reform process, achievements, experiences and theoretical innovations of the Chinese path. Focusing on the practice in reform and opening up with the continuous exploration since the founding of the PRC, these books summarize on the development and inheritance of China's glorious civilization, which not only display a strong sense of the times, but also have profound historical appeal and future-oriented impact.
1.1 Connotations of economic internationalization and China's economic internationalization
1.2 The characteristics of China's economic internationalization
1.3 The course of China's economic internationalization
Chapter 2 Internationalization of China's Economy before the Reform and Opening Up
2.1 The internationalization of China's economy from the Opium War to the founding of the PRC
2.2 The internationalization of China's economy between the founding of the PRC and the reform and opening up
Chapter 3 The Development of China's Economic Internationalization
3.1 Internationalization of China's economy at the beginning of reform and opening up
3.2 The internationalization of China's economy in the 1990s
3.3 The internationalization of China's economy at the beginning of the 21st century
3.4 Internationalization of China's economy in response to the financial crisis
Chapter 4 Comprehensively Carrying Forward China's Economic Internationalization
4.1 The background of China's overall economic internationalization: the historical trend of win-win cooperation
4.2 Policies and measures for the comprehensive promotion of China's economic internationalization: comprehensively deepening reform and opening up
4.3 The solid foundation of China's overall economic internationalization: the sustained and healthy development of domestic economy
4.4 Overall promotion of China's trade internationalization: transforming from a trader of quantity to a trader of quality
4.5 Overall promotion of China's capital internationalization: "bringing in" and "going global" under the Belt and Road Initiative
4.6 Overall promotion of China's human resources internationalization: from one-way flow to two-way flow coordinated development
Conclusion Retrospect and Prospect of China's Economic Internationalization
1.Retrospect: the success of the Chinese path promoted the internationalization of China's economy
2.Prospect: the Chinese path will surely expand the new realm of economic internationalization
四川大学外国语学院院长, 四川省高校外语研究会会长; 教授,翻译学博士生导师,美国新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)语言学系和人类学系访问学者,英国爱丁堡赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot Watt University)访问学者,荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)访问学者。主要译著有《四川对外企业大典》《四川名牌大词典》《川西民俗》《九寨沟》《海螺沟》《中国经济国际化》《中国东北亚战略研究》《国家文化软实力》等;出版专著《文化翻译与少数民族文学对外译介研究》《文化视野下文学翻译主体性研究》;发表论文 50 余篇。
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