  • ISBN:9787521341003
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:208
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787521341003 ; 978-7-5213-4100-3


《中华思想文化术语11》为"中华思想文化术语传播工程"的主要成果,每辑收录了100条中华思想文化术语,以中英文双语的方式进行阐释。这些术语反映了中国传统文化特征和民族思维方式,体现了中国核心价值,编写者用易 于口头表达、交流的简练语言客观准确地予以诠释,目的是在政府机构、社会组织、传播媒体等对外交往活动中,传播好中国声音,讲好中国故事,让世界更多了解中国国情、历史和文化。 中华思想文化术语是中华优秀传统文化的思想精粹。准确表达中华思想核心概念,推进中华思想文化术语传播,是维护文化主权、增强文化自信、促进文化交流的重要途径。 党和国家领导人高度重视中华优秀传统文化传承。为进一步做好中华思想文化术语传播工作,经国务院批准,设立中华思想文化术语传播工程(以下简称"工程"),并建立了由教育部、国家语委作为召集单位,中央编译局、中国外文局、外交部、民政部、文化部、新闻出版广电总局、国务院新闻办、新华社、中国科学院、中国社会科学院等十个部委(单位)为成员的部际联席会议机制,负责统筹协调中华思想文化术语传播工作。 "工程"的设立旨在梳理反映中国传统文化特征和民族思维方式、体现中国核心价值的思想文化术语,用易于口头表达、交流的简练语言客观准确地予以诠释,在政府机构、社会组织、传播媒体等对外交往活动中,传播好中国声音,讲好中国故事,让世界更多了解中国国情、历史和文化。"工程"聘请权威专家成立顾问组、专家委员会、学术委员会,制定中华思想文化术语遴选与译写规则和标准,开展遴选与译写工作,发布译写成果及规范应用等。秘书处设在北京外国语大学外语教学与研究出版社。 目前,"工程"组织文、史、哲等学科权威专家100余人,经过前期缜密研究,反复论证,已遴选、译写中华思想文化术语,形成本系列,向社会发布,推荐和鼓励社会使用。


1 a?ibi?nɡ-bìshènɡ 哀兵必胜\u2028An Endangered Army Filled with Indignation Will Be Victorious 2 biàn 辩\u2028Debate 3 bi?nɡɡuìshénsù 兵贵神速\u2028Speed Is Key in Warfare 4 bi?ng zhi? shèngbài, be?n zàiyú zhèng 兵之胜败,本在于政\u2028Victory or Defeat in War Is Dictated by State Policy. 5 bi?ng zhi?suo?yi? qiáng zhe?, mín ye? 兵之所以强者,民也\u2028The Military Is Strong Because It Enjoys Popular Support 6 chánɡ kuàihuo biàn shì ɡo?nɡfu 常快活便是功夫\u2028To Stay Constantly Joyful Is a True Attainment. 7 chénqián-fe?nɡsònɡ 沉潜讽诵\u2028Focused Study Through Reading and Recitation 8 chényù-dùncuò 沉郁顿挫\u2028Pensiveness and Cadence 9 cí bié shì yi?jia? 词别是一家\u2028Ci Poems Have a Distinctive Style 10 dàrén 大人\u2028Man of Virtue 11 dàtónɡyì/xia?oto?nɡyì 大同异 / 小同异\u2028Major Commonality and Difference / Minor Commonality and Difference 12 dàyi?/xia?oyi? 大一 / 小一\u2028The Largest One / The Smallest One. 13 dào jìn ji? wànwù zhi? li? 道尽稽万物之理\u2028Dao Encompasses the Patterns of All Things. 14 dàoyì ke? zu?n, wú zé fùfàn 道义可尊,无择负贩\u2028A Person Who Leads a Moral and Righteous Life Commands Respect Even If He Is a Humble Peddler 15 dìdào 地道\u2028Way of Earth 16 fànbài 梵呗\u2028Bra?hma Pa?4thaka (Buddhist Chant). 17 fùmu?zhi?ba?nɡ 父母之邦\u2028Mother Country 18 ɡo?nɡche?pu? 工尺谱\u2028Gong-che Notation 19 ɡo?nɡlùn 公论\u2028Public Opinion 20 ɡua?nɡyi?nɡ-la?nɡliàn 光英朗练\u2028Concise and Clear Wording Makes Writings Shine. 21 ji?qù 机趣\u2028Verve and Appeal 22 j(i? wo?) 己(我)\u2028Self (Myself) 23 ji? yù lì ér lì rén 己欲立而立人\u2028While Seeking to Establish Oneself, One Strives Also to Establish Others. 24 jia?nbái-xia?nɡyínɡ 坚白相盈\u2028Solidity and Whiteness Ful ll Each Other 25 juéjù 绝句\u2028Jueju (Quatrain) . 26 kuánɡzhe?-xio?nɡcì 狂者胸次\u2028An Unrestrained Mind 27 lèjiàn 乐谏\u2028Welcome Admonishments 28 li? bù xià shùrén 礼不下庶人\u2028The Common People Are Not Bound by Ceremonial Rites. 29 liùqì 六气\u2028Six Forms of Qi (Vital Force) 30 lónɡli? 隆礼\u2028Respect for Social Norms 31 l shi? 律诗\u2028Lüshi (Regulated Verse; Rhythmic Poetry) 32 nìnɡwéi-yùsuì, bùwéi-wa?quán 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全\u2028Rather Be a Broken Jade Vessel Than a Whole Clay Pot / Rather Die with Honor Than Live in Shame 33 pín bù xué jia?n, be?i bù xué ɡo?nɡ 贫不学俭,卑不学恭\u2028Poor People Do Not Need to Learn Frugality, and Humble People Do Not Need to Learn Respectfulness. 34 pínɡshui?yùn 平水韵\u2028Pingshui Rhyming System 35 qìshènɡ-yányí 气盛言宜\u2028Virtue and Knowledge Produce Good Writing. 36 qún'érbùda?nɡ 群而不党\u2028Be Sociable but Never Form a Clique 37 rén nénɡ hónɡ dào, fe?i dào hónɡ rén 人能弘道,非道弘人 People Can Promote Dao, Rather Than Use Dao Does Not\u2028Promote Themselves. 38 rénrén-zhìshì 仁人志士\u2028A Person with Compassion, Integrity and Resolve. 39 sha?she?n-chénɡrén 杀身成仁\u2028Sacri ce Life to Preserve Virtue 40 shàn shènɡ bi?nɡ zhe?, xia?n zì xiu?li? 善胜兵者,先自修理 Success in War Requires Good Organization. 41 shàn zhàn zhe?, lìyú bùbàizhi?dì 善战者,立于不败之地\u2028Those Who Excel at War Must First Protect Themselves from Defeat. 42 shi?kèzàihé 师克在和\u2028To Be Victorious, an Army Must Be United. 43 shí'èr píngju?nlü? 十二平均律\u2028The Twelve-tone Equal Temperament 44 sìshe?nɡ-ba?bìnɡ 四声八病\u2028Four Tones and Eight Rhythmical Errors . 45 sùpu? 素朴\u2028The Natural State 46 sui? fùfàn, bì yo?u zu?n 虽负贩,必有尊\u2028Even Peddlers Have Something to Be Respected for. 47 sui? tia?nzi?, bì yo?u zu?n 虽天子,必有尊\u2028Even the Son of Heaven Has Something to Respect. 48 sui? yo?u zhìhuì, bùrú chénɡshì 虽有智慧,不如乘势\u2028Even If One Is Intelligent, It Is Better to Follow the Trend of the Times. 49 tia?ndào yua?n, réndào e?r 天道远,人道迩\u2028The Way of Heaven Is Far Away, While the Way of Man Is Near at Hand.81 50 tia?ndìzhi?qì 天地之气\u2028The Qi (Vital Force) of Heaven and Earth 51 tia?nxià wú she?nɡ ér ɡuì zhe? 天下无生而贵者\u2028No One in the World Is Born Noble. 52 tia?nxiànɡ 天象\u2028Heavenly Phenomena 53 tia?nxínɡ-yo?uchánɡ 天行有常\u2028Nature's Ways Are Constant. 54 tónɡxi?n 童心\u2028Childlike Heart 55 wànwù-yi?ti? 万物一体\u2028All Things Are One. 56 wànwùzhi?li? 万物之理\u2028Universal Principle 57 wànɡyo?u-qi?nɡlè 忘忧清乐\u2028Forget One's Worries and Enjoy Leisurely Tranquility 58 wèiwo? 为我\u2028For One's Own Sake \u2028 59 wénhuà 文化\u2028Wenhua (Cultural Education). 60 wén qi? ba?dàì zhi? shua?i, dào jì tia?nxià zhi? nì 文起八代之衰,道济天下之溺\u2028The Classical Style of Writing Revived the Literary Style in\u2028Decline During the Eight Dynasties; Confucianism Lifts\u2028the People out of Their Mental Plight. 61 wénwu?zhi?dào, yi?zha?nɡ-yi?chí 文武之道,一张一弛\u2028The Rules of King Wen and King Wu Are Like Slack and\u2028Taut Bowstrings 62 wo? sho?u xie? wo? ko?u 我手写我口\u2028I Write What I Want to Say 63 wúqiónɡ 无穷\u2028Limitlessness / In nity 64 wúxínɡ 无形\u2028Incorporeal 65 wú yi? zì wú láilì 无一字无来历\u2028No Word Is Without a Source 66 wu?l 五律\u2028Five-character Rhythmic Poetry 67 xiálù-xia?nɡfénɡ yo?nɡ zhe? shènɡ 狭路相逢勇者胜\u2028When Confronting the Opponent on a Narrow Path,\u2028the Boldest Will Prevail. 68 xia?nshèng-hòuzhàn 先胜后战\u2028Be Sure of Winning Before Engaging in War 69 xiànliánɡzhi?me?i 现量之美\u2028Beauty of Spontaneous Response. 71 xiànɡjiào 象教\u2028Image-based Teaching 71 xia?olìnɡ 小令\u2028Xiaoling (Short Lyrics / Short Songs) 72 xiàoyàn 效验\u2028Veri cation and Validation 73 xi?nbe?nzìlè 心本自乐\u2028Joy Is Original of Man's Heart and Mind 74 xuánmòzhi?bia?o 玄默之表\u2028Being Quiet and Reticent 75 xué yú zhònɡrén, si? wéi shènɡrén 学于众人,斯为圣人 Learning from Others Enables One to Become a Sage 76 yànyuè 燕乐\u2028Banquet Music 77 ya?nɡbi?nɡ-qia?nrì, yònɡbi?nɡ-yi?shí 养兵千日,用兵一时 Maintain an Army a Thousand Days for Use at a Critical Time 78 yi? yi?n yi? yánɡ zhi? wèi dào 一阴一阳之谓道\u2028The Alternation of Yin and Yang Constitutes the Way. 79 yi?shi?wéicí 以诗为词\u2028Writing Ci Poems in a General Poetic Style 80 yi?wénwéicí 以文为词\u2028Writing Ci Poems as Prose 81 yi?nyánɡzhi?qì 阴阳之气\u2028The Qi (Vital Force) of Yin and Yang. 82 yi?nqínɡ-dùncuò 音情顿挫\u2028Achieving Rhythm of Speech and Emotion and\u2028Cadence of Speech 83 yo?udài 有待\u2028Having Something to Depend on 84 yo?uwéi 有为\u2028Action 85 yo?uxínɡ 有形\u2028Corporeal 86 yù móu shènɡ dí, xia?n móu rénhé 欲谋胜敌,先谋人和\u2028To Overcome the Enemy, First Build Unity. 87 yuánqì 元气\u2028Yuanqi / Fundamental Qi (Vital Force) 88 yuè yùn ér fe?nɡ, chu? rùn ér yu? 月晕而风,础润而雨\u2028A Lunar Halo Forecasts Wind, and a Wet Column Base\u2028Forecasts Rain 89 yùnyònɡzhi?miào, cúnhu?yi?xi?n 运用之妙,存乎一心\u2028The Skillful Use of Tactics Depends on the Thinking and\u2028Judgment of the Commander. 90 zhàn shènɡ yì, sho?u shènɡ nán 战胜易,守胜难\u2028It Is Easy to Win a War but Di cult to Retain the Victory 91 zhi?ji?-zhi?bi?, ba?izhàn-bùdài 知己知彼,百战不殆\u2028Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy and You Will Know No Peril. 92 zhi?rén 知人\u2028Know Others 93 zhi?rén-lùnshì 知人论世\u2028Know Others and Discuss Their World 94 zhi?yán-ya?nɡqì 知言养气\u2028Understanding True Meanings of Statements and Cultivating Uprightness 95 zhìchéng-wúxi? 至诚无息\u2028The Highest Level of Sincerity Is Endless. 96 zhìqínɡ 至情\u2028True Passion 97 zhì tia?nmìnɡ ér yònɡ zhi? 制天命而用之\u2028Grasp and Utilize the Endowments of Heaven. 98 zhònɡlè 众乐\u2028Share Joy with Other People 99 zìwèi 自为\u2028For the Sake of Self-interest 100 zuìwe?nɡzhi?lè 醉翁之乐\u2028The Joy of the Old Drunkard



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