  • ISBN:9787517609650
  • 装帧:60g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:968
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787517609650 ; 978-7-5176-0965-0






一、平芜尽处是春山 酒泉子(其四) 潘 阆 002 Fountain of Wine (IV) Pan Lang 003 酒泉子(其六) 潘 阆 004 Fountain of Wine (VI) Pan Lang 005 酒泉子(其十) 潘 阆 006 Fountain of Wine (X) Pan Lang 007 长相思 林 逋 008 The Everlasting Longing Lin Bu 009 点绛唇 林 逋 010 Rouged Lips Lin Bu 011 苏幕遮 范仲淹 012 Waterbag Dance Fan Zhongyan 013 离亭燕 张 昪 016 Swallows Leaving Pavilion Zhang Bian 017 六州歌头·项羽庙 李 冠 020 Prelude to the Song of Six States The Temple of Xiang Yu Li Guan 021 画堂春 张 先 024 Spring in Painted Hall Zhang Xian 025 剪牡丹·舟中闻双琵琶 张 先 026 Peonies Cut Down Hearing the Music of Double-Pipa in the Boat Zhang Xian 027 蝶恋花 张 先 030 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Zhang Xian 031 渔家傲·和程公辟赠别 张 先 032 Pride of the Fishermen Farewell to Cheng Gongbi Zhang Xian 033 诉衷情 张 先 034 Telling Innermost Feelings Zhang Xian 035 相思令 张 先 036 Song of Longing Zhang Xian 037 木兰花·乙卯吴兴寒食 张 先 038 Magnolia Flowers Cold Food Day in 1075 Zhang Xian 039 天仙子 张 先 040 Song of the Immortal Zhang Xian 041 一丛花令 张 先 044 Song of Flower Shrub Zhang Xian 045 玉楼春 宋 祁 048 Spring in Jade Pavilion Song Qi 049 采桑子(其一) 欧阳修 050 Gathering Mulberry Leaves (I) Ouyang Xiu 051 采桑子(其三) 欧阳修 052 Gathering Mulberry Leaves (III) Ouyang Xiu 053 采桑子(其四) 欧阳修 054 Gathering Mulberry Leaves (IV) Ouyang Xiu 055 浪淘沙 欧阳修 056 Sand-Sifting Waves Ouyang Xiu 057 浣溪沙 欧阳修 058 Silk-Washing Stream Ouyang Xiu 059 蝶恋花 欧阳修 060 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Ouyang Xiu 061 诉衷情近 柳 永 062 Telling Innermost Feelings Liu Yong 063 玉蝴蝶 柳 永 066 Jade Butterfly Liu Yong 067 八声甘州 柳 永 070 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song Liu Yong 071 蝶恋花 柳 永 074 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Liu Yong 075 雨霖铃 柳 永 076 Bells Ringing in the Rain Liu Yong 077 卜算子慢 柳 永 080 Slow Song of Divination Liu Yong 081 望海潮 柳 永 084 Watching the Tidal Bore Liu Yong 085 二郎神·七夕 柳 永 088 The Junior God The Double Seventh Eve Liu Yong 089 渔家傲 王安石 092 Pride of the Fishermen Wang Anshi 093 浪淘沙 王安石 094 Sand-Sifting Waves Wang Anshi 095 千秋岁引王安石 096 Prelude to a Thousand Autumns Wang Anshi 097 桂枝香·金陵怀古 王安石 100 Fragrance of Laurel Branch Thinking of Ancient Times in Jinling Wang Anshi 101 清平乐·春晚 王安国 104 Pure Serene Music Later Spring Wang Anguo 105 减字木兰花·春情 王安国 106 Shortened Form of Magnolia Flowers Spring Love Wang Anguo 107 苏幕遮 梅尧臣 108 Waterbag Dance Mei Yaochen 109 望江南 王 琪 112 Dreaming of the South Wang Qi 113 浣溪沙 晏 殊 114 Silk-Washing Stream Yan Shu 115 浣溪沙 晏 殊 116 Silk-Washing Stream Yan Shu 117 蝶恋花 晏 殊 118 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Yan Shu 119 踏莎行 晏 殊 120 Treading on Grass Yan Shu 121 浣溪沙 晏几道 122 Silk-Washing Stream Yan Jidao 123 临江仙 晏几道 124 Riverside Daffodils Yan Jidao 125 思远人 晏几道 126 Thinking of the Far-off One Yan Jidao 127 长相思 晏几道 128 The Everlasting Longing Yan Jidao 129 贺圣朝·留别 叶清臣 130 Homage to the Imperial Court Detaining the Parting Ye Qingchen 131 生查子·闺情 陈 亚 132 Mountain Hawthorn Longing for Love Chen Ya 133 二、人间有味是清欢 卜算子 李之仪 136 Song of Divination Li Zhiyi 137 忆故人 王 诜 138 Old Friends Recalled Wang Shen 139 踏莎行·荷花 贺 铸 142 Treading on Grass To Lotus He Zhu 143 琴调相思引·送范殿监赴黄岗 贺 铸 146 Lovesick Song of the Lute Parting with a Friend He Zhu 147 青玉案 贺 铸 150 Green Jade Cup He Zhu 151 将进酒 贺 铸 154 Invitation to Wine He Zhu 155 凌歊· 铜人捧露盘引 贺 铸 158 Scraping the Sky Song of the Yellow Mountains He Zhu 159 台城游 贺 铸 162 The Terrace Wall He Zhu 163 六州歌头 贺 铸 166 Prelude to the Song of Six States He Zhu 167 行路难 贺 铸 172 Hard Is the Way He Zhu 173 梦江南·太平时 贺 铸 176 Dreaming of the South Peaceful Time He Zhu 177 西江月 苏 轼 178 The Moon over the West River Su Shi 179 行香子·过七里滩 苏 轼 180 Song of Incense Passing the Seven-Li Shallows Su Shi 181 浣溪沙 苏 轼 184 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 185 南乡子·梅花词和杨元素 苏 轼 186 Song of Southern Country Mume Blossoms for Yang Yuansu Su Shi 187 水龙吟·次韵章质夫杨花词 苏 轼 188 Water Dragon's Chant In Reply to Zhang Zhifu's On Poplar Blossoms Su Shi 189 洞仙歌 苏 轼 192 Song of a Fairy in the Cave Su Shi 193 浣溪沙 苏 轼 196 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 197 满庭芳 苏 轼 198 Courtyard Full of Fragrance Su Shi 199 满庭芳 苏 轼 202 Courtyard Full of Fragrance Su Shi 203 归朝欢·和苏坚伯固 苏 轼 206 Happy Return to the Court In Reply to Su Jian Su Shi 207 南乡子·重九涵辉楼呈徐君猷 苏 轼 210 Song of Southern Country To Governor Xu on Mountain-Climbing Day Su Shi 211 南乡子·送述古 苏 轼 212 Song of Southern Country Seeing Chen Shugu off Su Shi 213 鹊桥仙·七夕送陈令举 苏 轼 214 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge Farewell on Double Seventh Eve Su Shi 215 昭君怨·金山送柳子玉 苏 轼 216 The Lament of a Fair Lady Farewell to Liu Ziyu on Mountain Jin Su Shi 217 八声甘州·寄参寥子 苏 轼 218 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song For a Buddhist Friend Su Shi 219 江城子·孤山竹阁送述古 苏 轼 222 Riverside Town Farewell to Governor Chen at Bamboo Pavilion on Lonely Hill Su Shi 223 永遇乐·寄孙巨源 苏 轼 226 Joy of Eternal Union To Sun Juyuan Su Shi 227 行香子 苏 轼 230 Song of Incense Su Shi 231 虞美人·有美堂赠述古 苏 轼 234 The Beautiful Lady Yu Written for Governor Chen at the Scenic Hall Su Shi 235 虞美人 苏 轼 236 The Beautiful Lady Yu Su Shi 237 更漏子·送孙巨源 苏 轼 238 Song of Water Clock Seeing Sun Juyuan Off Su Shi 239 阳关曲·中秋月 苏 轼 242 Song of the Sunny Pass The Mid-Autumn Moon Su Shi 243 西江月·梅花 苏 轼 244 The Moon over the West River To the Fairy of Mume Flower Su Shi 245 蝶恋花 苏 轼 246 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Su Shi 247 江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦 苏 轼 248 Riverside Town A Dream on the Night of the Twentieth Day of the First Moon 1075 Su Shi 249 念奴娇·赤壁怀古 苏 轼 252 Charm of a Maiden Singer Thinking of Ancient in Red Cliff Su Shi 253 江城子·密州出猎 苏 轼 256 Riverside Town Hunting at Mizhou Su Shi 257 南乡子 苏 轼 260 Song of Southern Country Su Shi 261 行香子 苏 轼 262 Song of Incense Su Shi 263 鹧鸪天 苏 轼 266 Partridges in the Sky Su Shi 267 浣溪沙 苏 轼 268 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 269 浣溪沙 苏 轼 270 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 271 浣溪沙 苏 轼 272 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 273 蝶恋花·密州上元 苏 轼 274 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Lantern Festival at Mizhou Su Shi 275 西江月·黄州中秋 苏 轼 276 The Moon over the West River The Mid-Autumn Moon in Huangzhou Su Shi 277 临江仙·送钱穆父 苏 轼 278 Riverside Daffodils Farewell to a Friend Su Shi 279 临江仙·夜归临皋 苏 轼 280 Riverside Daffodils Coming Back to Lingao Pavilion at Night Su Shi 281 醉落魄·苏州阊门留别 苏 轼 284 Drunk and Lost Farewell at the Gate of Suzhou Su Shi 285 浣溪沙 苏 轼 286 Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi 287 定风波 苏 轼 288 Calming the Waves Su Shi 289 满庭芳 苏 轼 292 Courtyard Full of Fragrance Su Shi 293 水调歌头 苏 轼 296 Prelude to Water Melody Su Shi 297 卜算子·黄州定慧院寓居作 苏 轼 300 Song of Divination Written in Dinghui Temple in Huangzhou Su Shi 301 水调歌头·游览 黄庭坚 302 Prelude to Water Melody Sightseeing Huang Tingjian 303 醉蓬莱 黄庭坚 306 Drunk in the Fairyland Huang Tingjian 307 虞美人·宜州见梅作 黄庭坚 310 The Beautiful Lady Yu Mume Blossoms Viewed in Yizhou Huang Tingjian 311 品令·茶词 黄庭坚 312 Song of Enjoyment The Tea Huang Tingjian 313 千秋岁 黄庭坚 316 A Thousand Autumns Huang Tingjian 317 蓦山溪·赠衡阳妓陈湘 黄庭坚 320 Hillside Creek at Dusk Farewell to a Songstress Huang Tingjian 321 鹧鸪天 黄庭坚 324 Partridges in the Sky Huang Tingjian 325 西江月 黄庭坚 326 The Moon over the West River Huang Tingjian 327 南乡子 黄庭坚 328 Song of Southern Country Huang Tingjian 329 点绛唇 秦 观 330 Rouged Lips Qin Guan 331 好事近·梦中作 秦 观 332 Song of Good Event In Dream Qin Guan 333 江城子 秦 观 334 Riverside Town Qin Guan 335 鹊桥仙 秦 观 338 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge Qin Guan 339 踏莎行 秦 观 340 Treading on Grass Qin Guan 341 行香子 秦 观 342 Song of Incense Qin Guan 343 望海潮 秦 观 346 Watching the Tidal Bore Qin Guan 347 满庭芳 秦 观 350 Courtyard Full of Fragrance Qin Guan 351 千秋岁 秦 观 354 A Thousand Autumns Qin Guan 355 临江仙 秦 观 358 Riverside Daffodils Qin Guan 359 卜算子·春情 秦 湛 360 Song of Divination Spring Love Qin Zhan 361 点绛唇 汪 藻 362 Rouged Lips Wang Zao 363 木兰花令·柳 王 观 364 Song of Magnolia Flowers Willow Trees Wang Guan 365 卜算子·送鲍浩然之浙东 王 观 366 Song of Divination Parting with Bao Haoran to the East of Zhejiang Wang Guan 367 苏幕遮 周邦彦 368 Waterbag Dance Zhou Bangyan 369 花犯·梅花 周邦彦 372 Invaded by Flowers To Mume Blossoms Zhou Bangyan 373 水龙吟·梨花 周邦彦 376 Water Dragon's Chant To Pear Blossoms Zhou Bangyan 377 六丑·蔷薇谢后作 周邦彦 380 Six Toughies Faded Roses Zhou Bangyan 381 风流子 周邦彦 384 Song of Gallantry Zhou Bangyan 385 西园竹 周邦彦 388 Bamboos in West Garden Zhou Bangyan 389 解语花·上元 周邦彦 392 Intelligent Flower The Lantern Festival Zhou Bangyan 393 满庭芳·夏日溧水无想山作 周邦彦 396 Courtyard Full of Fragrance Written on a Summer Day in Wuxiangshan Mountain Zhou Bangyan 397 齐天乐·秋思 周邦彦 400 Universal Joy Autumn Thoughts Zhou Bangyan 401 采桑子 吕本中 404 Gathering Mulberry Leaves Lü Benzhong 405 八声甘州·寿阳楼八公山作 叶梦得 406 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song Written in an Ancient Battlefi eld Ye Mengde 407 念奴娇 叶梦得 410 Charm of a Maiden Singer Ye Mengde 411 水调歌头 叶梦得 414 Prelude to Water Melody Ye Mengde 415 点绛唇·绍兴乙卯登绝顶小亭 叶梦得 418 Rouged Lips Written in Summit Pavilion in 1135 Ye Mengde 419 水龙吟 晁端礼 420 Water Dragon's Chant Chao Duanli 421 水龙吟 晁补之 424 Water Dragon's Chant Chao Buzhi 425 迷神引·贬玉溪对江山作 晁补之 428 Song of Enchantment Written in Banishment Chao Buzhi 429 如梦令 曹 组 432 A Dreamlike Song Cao Zu 433 卜算子 曹 组 434 Song of Divination Cao Zu 435 三、风住尘香花已尽 玉楼春 李清照 438 Spring in Jade Pavilion Li Qingzhao 439 鹧鸪天·桂花 李清照 440 Partridges in the Sky To the Laurel Flowers Li Qingzhao 441 孤雁儿 李清照 442 A Lonely Swan Li Qingzhao 443 一剪梅 李清照 446 A Twig of Mume Blossoms Li Qingzhao 447 醉花阴 李清照 448 Tipsy in the Flowers' Shade Li Qingzhao 449 声声慢 李清照 450 Slow, Slow Tune Li Qingzhao 451 永遇乐 李清照 454 Joy of Eternal Union Li Qingzhao 455 昭君怨·咏荷上雨 杨万里 458 The Lament of a Fair Lady Raindrops on Lotus Leaves Yang Wanli 459 虞美人·大光祖席,醉中赋长短句 陈与义 460 The Beautiful Lady Yu Written While Drunk in a Farewell Feast Chen Yuyi 461 虞美人 陈与义 462 The Beautiful Lady Yu Chen Yuyi 463 临江仙 陈与义 464 Riverside Daffodils Chen Yuyi 465 临江仙·夜登小阁忆洛中旧游 陈与义 466 Riverside Daffodils Mounting the Tower at Night to Recall the Former Visit in Luoyang Chen Yuyi 467 水调歌头·淮阴作 朱敦儒 470 Prelude to Water Melody Written in Huaiyin Zhu Dunru 471 临江仙 朱敦儒 474 Riverside Daffodils Zhu Dunru 475 西江月 朱敦儒 476 The Moon over the West River Zhu Dunru 477 西江月 朱敦儒 478 The Moon over the West River Zhu Dunru 479 贺新郎·送胡邦衡待制赴新州 张元幹 480 Congratulations to the Bridegroom Seeing Hu Quan off to Xinzhou Zhang Yuangan 481 石州慢 张元幹 484 Slow Song of Stone State Zhang Yuangan 485 水调歌头·追和 张元幹 488 Prelude to Water Melody Composing an Old Poetry Zhang Yuangan 489 水调歌头·金山观月 张孝祥 492 Prelude to Water Melody The Moon Viewed on Golden Hill Zhang Xiaoxiang 493 六州歌头 张孝祥 496 Prelude to the Song of Six States Zhang Xiaoxiang 497 念奴娇·过洞庭 张孝祥 502 Charm of a Maiden Singer Passing the Lake Dongting Zhang Xiaoxiang 503 满江红 岳 飞 506 The River All Red Yue Fei 507 满江红·登黄鹤楼有感 岳 飞 510 The River All Red On Mounting Yellow Crane Tower Yue Fei 511 小重山 岳 飞 514 Manifold Little Hills Yue Fei 515 喜迁莺·晋师胜淝上 李 纲 518 Migrant Orioles Victory on River Fei Li Gang 519 六幺令 李 纲 522 Song of the Green Waist Li Gang 523 水调歌头·定王台 袁去华 526 Prelude to Water Melody Prince Ding's Terrace Yuan Quhua 527 鹧鸪天·建康上元作 赵 鼎 530 Partridges in the Sky Lantern Festival in the Southern Capital Zhao Ding 531 鹧鸪天·东阳道中 辛弃疾 532 Partridges in the Sky On the Way to Dongyang Xin Qiji 533 清平乐·忆吴江赏木樨 辛弃疾 534 Pure Serene Music To Laurel Flowers Enjoyed at Wujiang Xin Qiji 535 鹧鸪天·送人 辛弃疾 536 Partridges in the Sky Farewell to a Friend Xin Qiji 537 八声甘州 辛弃疾 538 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song Xin Qiji 539 卜算子·漫兴 辛弃疾 542 Song of Divination Random Thoughts Xin Qiji 543 南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀 辛弃疾 544 Song of Southern Country Thoughts of Mounting the Northern Tower Xin Qiji 545 破阵子 辛弃疾 546 Dance of the Cavalry Xin Qiji 547 永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古 辛弃疾 550 Joy of Eternal Union Thinking of Ancient in the Northern Tower Xin Qiji 551 阮郎归·耒阳道中为张处父推官赋 辛弃疾 554 The Lovers' Return Meeting a Friend on My Way to Leiyang Xin Qiji 555 贺新郎 辛弃疾 556 Congratulations to the Bridegroom Xin Qiji 557 鹧鸪天 辛弃疾 560 Partridges in the Sky Xin Qiji 561 千年调 辛弃疾 562 Song of a Thousand Years Xin Qiji 563 清平乐·村居 辛弃疾 566 Pure Serene Music Living in Countrysid e Xin Qiji 567 清平乐·检校山园,书所见 辛弃疾 568 Pure Serene Music Hillside Garden Xin Qiji 569 鹧鸪天·游鹅湖,醉书酒家壁 辛弃疾 570 Partridges in the Sky Written on the Wall of a Wine Shop Xin Qiji 571 鹧鸪天 辛弃疾 572 Partridges in the Sky Xin Qiji 573 西江月·夜行黄沙道中 辛弃疾 574 The Moon over the West River Huangsha Road at Night Xin Qiji 575 青玉案·元夕 辛弃疾 576 Green Jade Cup The Lantern Festival Xin Qiji 577 丑奴儿·书博山道中壁 辛弃疾 580 Song of Ugly Slave Written on a Wall in Mountain Bo Xin Qiji 581 水龙吟·登建康赏心亭 辛弃疾 582 Water Dragon's Chant Mounting the Shangxin Arbour in Jiankang City Xin Qiji 583 清平乐·独宿博山王氏庵 辛弃疾 586 Pure Serene Music Staying Alone at Wang's Hut in Mountain Bo Xin Qiji 587 贺新郎·同父见和,再用韵答之 辛弃疾 588 Congratulations to the Bridegroom In Reply to Chen Liang Xin Qiji 589 *高楼 辛弃疾 592 The Highest Tower Xin Qiji 593 青玉案·被檄出郊,题陈氏山居 张 榘 596 Green Jade Cup Written on a Hill House Zhang Ju 597 蝶恋花 范成大 600 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Fan Chengda 601 水调歌头 杨炎正 602 Prelude to Water Melody Yang Yanzheng 603 贺新郎·寄辛幼安,和见怀韵 陈 亮 606 Congratulations to the Bridegroom In Reply to Xin Qiji Chen Liang 607 贺新郎·酬辛幼安,再用韵见寄 陈 亮 610 Congratulations to the Bridegroom In Reply to Xin Qiji Chen Liang 611 一丛花·溪堂玩月作 陈 亮 614 A Shrub of Flowers The Moon Viewed from the Hillside Hall Chen Liang 615 柳梢青·送卢梅坡 刘 过 618 Willow Tips Green Farewell to a Friend Liu Guo 619 念奴娇·留别辛稼轩 刘 过 622 Charm of a Maiden Singer Farewell to Xin Qiji Liu Guo 623 醉太平·闺情 刘 过 626 Drunk in Time of Peace Longing for Love Liu Guo 627 贺新郎 刘 过 628 Congratulations to the Bridegroom Liu Guo 629 唐多令 刘 过 632 Song of More Sugar Liu Guo 633 渔家傲·寄仲高 陆 游 636 Pride of the Fishermen For My Elder Cousin Lu You 637 双头莲·呈范至能待制 陆 游 638 Double Lotus For Fan Chengda Lu You 639 钗头凤 陆 游 642 Phoenix Hairpin Lu You 643 水调歌头·多景楼 陆 游 646 Prelude to Water Melody The Multi-Viewed Tower Lu You 647 鹊桥仙·夜闻杜鹃 陆 游 650 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge Hearing the Cuckoo's Cry at Night Lu You 651 诉衷情 陆 游 652 Telling Innermost Feelings Lu You 653 谢池春 陆 游 654 Spring on the Pool Lu You 655 蝶恋花 陆 游 658 Butterflies in Love with Flowers Lu You 659 临江仙·离果州作 陆 游 660 Riverside Daffodils Leaving Guozhou Lu You 661 木兰花·立春日作 陆 游 662 Magnolia Flowers Written on Spring Day Lu You 663 夜游宫·记梦寄师伯浑 陆 游 664 Palace Visited at Night A Dream Lu You 665 卜算子·咏梅 陆 游 666 Song of Divination Ode to the Mume Blossoms Lu You 667 霜天晓角·仪真江上夜泊 黄 机 668 Morning Horn and Frosty Sky Mooring at Night on River Yizhen Huang Ji 669 八声甘州·读诸葛武侯传 王 质 672 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song On Reading Zhuge Liang's Biography Wang Zhi 673 月上瓜洲·南徐多景楼作 张 辑 676 The Moon over Melon Islet Written on the Multi-Scene Tower Zhang Ji 677 西河·和王潜斋韵 曹 豳 678 The West River In Reply to Wang Qianzhai Cao Bin 679 长亭怨慢 姜 夔 682 Complaint of the Pavilion of Adieu Jiang Kui 683 暗 香 姜 夔 686 Gloomy Fragrance Jiang Kui 687 疏 影 姜 夔 690 Sparse Shadows Jiang Kui 691 江梅引 姜 夔 694 Song of Riverside Mume Jiang Kui 695 踏莎行 姜 夔 698 Treading on Grass Jiang Kui 699 扬州慢 姜 夔 702 Slow Song of Yangzhou Jiang Kui 703 淡黄柳 姜 夔 706 Pale Golden Willow Jiang Kui 707 卜算子 严 蕊 710 Song of Divination Yan Rui 711 霜天晓角 高观国 712 Morning Horn and Frosty Sky Gao Guanguo 713 金人捧露盘·水仙花 高观国 714 The Golden Statue with Plate of Dew The Daffodil Gao Guanguo 715 少年游·草 高观国 718 Wandering While Young The Grass Gao Guanguo 719 钗头凤 唐 婉 720 Phoenix Hairpin Tang Wan 721 沁园春·忆黄山 汪 莘 724 Spring in a Pleasure Garden Yellow Mountain Recalled Wang Shen 725 柳梢青·岳阳楼 戴复古 728 Willow Tips Green Yueyang Tower Dai Fugu 729 满江红·赤壁怀古 戴复古 730 The River All Red The Red Cliff Dai Fugu 731 西 河 王 埜 734 The West River Wang Ye 735 望江南 吴文英 738 Dreaming of the South Wu Wenying 739 浣溪沙 吴文英 742 Silk-Washing Stream Wu Wenying 743 风入松 吴文英 744 Wind Through Pines Wu Wenying 745 八声甘州·陪庾幕诸公游灵岩 吴文英 748 Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song Visiting Star Clif f Wu Wenying 749 莺啼序·春晚感怀 吴文英 752 Prelude to Orioles' Warble Recalling with Emotion in the Spring Evening Wu Wenying 753 夜合花 吴文英 760 Night Flower Wu Wenying 761 唐多令 吴文英 764 Song of More Sugar Wu Wenying 765 长相思 陈东甫 768 The Everlasting Longing Chen Dongfu 769 绮罗香·咏春雨 史达祖 770 Perfume of Silk Dress To Spring Rain Shi Dazu 771 留春令·咏梅花 史达祖 774 Retaining Spring To Mume Flowers Shi Dazu 775 齐天乐·白发 史达祖 776 Universal Joy My White Hair Shi Dazu 777 双双燕 史达祖 780 A Pair of Swallows Shi Dazu 781 东风**枝·咏春雪 史达祖 784 The First Branch in the Eastern Breeze To Spring Snow Shi Dazu 785 闻鹊喜·吴山观涛 周 密 788 Glad to Hear Magpies Waves Viewed from Wushan Zhou Mi 789 乳燕飞 周 密 790 Nursling Swallows' Flight Zhou Mi 791 瑶花慢·琼花 周 密 796 Song of Jasper Flower To the Jasper Flower Zhou Mi 797 花犯·赋水仙 周 密 800 Invaded by Flowers To the Daffodil Zhou Mi 801 一萼红·登蓬莱阁有感 周 密 804 A Sprig of Reds On the Fairy Bower Zhou Mi 805 念奴娇 吴 渊 808 Charm of a Maiden Singer Wu Yuan 809 南浦·春水 王沂孙 812 Southern Riverside Spring Water Wang Yisun 813 眉妩·新月 王沂孙 816 Lovely Eyebrows The Crescent Moon Wang Yisun 817 水龙吟·落叶 王沂孙 820 Water Dragon's Chant To Fallen Leaves Wang Yisun 821 绮罗香·红叶 王沂孙 824 Fragrance of Silk Dress Red Leaves Wang Yisun 825 齐天乐·蝉 王沂孙 828 Universal Joy The Cicada Wang Yisun 829 壶中天·夜渡古黄河,与沈尧道、曾子敬同赋 张 炎 832 Sky in a Vase Crossing the Yellow River at Night Zhang Yan 833 水龙吟·白莲 张 炎 836 Water Dragon's Chant To the White Lotus Zhang Yan 837 南浦·春水 张 炎 840 Southern Waterside Spring Water Zhang Yan 841 解连环·孤雁 张 炎 844 Double Rings Unchained The Lonely Wild Swallow Zhang Yan 845 摸鱼子·高爱山隐居 张 炎 848 Groping for Fish Hermitage in Mount High Love Zhang Yan 849 甘州·寄李筠房 张 炎 852 Song of Ganzhou To a Friend Zhang Yan 853 忆秦娥 刘克庄 856 Dream of a Fair Maiden Liu Kezhuang 857 贺新郎·送陈子华赴真州 刘克庄 858 Congratulations to the Bridegroom Seeing Chen Zihua off to Zhenzhou Liu Kezhuang 859 贺新郎·实之三和有忧边之语,走笔答之 刘克庄 862 Congratulations to the Bridegroom Reply to Wang Shizhi on His Worries of the Frontiers Liu Kezhuang 863 贺新郎·席上闻歌有感 刘克庄 866 Congratulations to the Bridegroom A Songstress Singing at the Banquet Liu Kezhuang 867 一剪梅·余赴广东,实之夜饯于风亭 刘克庄 870 A Twig of Mume Blossoms Farewell at Wind Pavilion Liu Kezhuang 871 浣溪沙·春日即事 刘辰翁 874 Silk-Washing Stream A Spring Day Liu Chenweng 875 山花子 刘辰翁 876 Song of Mountain Flowers Liu Chenweng 877 虞美人·用李后主韵二首(其一) 刘辰翁 878 The Beautiful Lady Yu In the Same Rhyme Scheme as Li Yu's (I) Liu Chenweng 879 虞美人·用李后主韵二首(其二) 刘辰翁 880 The Beautiful Lady Yu In the Same Rhyme Scheme as Li Yu's (II) Liu Chenweng 881 踏莎行·雨中观海棠 刘辰翁 882 Treading on Grass Crabapple Flowers Viewed in Rain Liu Chenweng 883 浣溪沙·感别 刘辰翁 884 Silk-Washing Stream Grief of Parting Liu Chenweng 885 宝鼎现·春月 刘辰翁 886 The Precious Tripod Spring Moon Liu Chenweng 887 忆秦娥 刘辰翁 892 Dream of a Fair Maiden Liu Chenweng 893 鹊桥仙(其一) 刘辰翁 894 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge (I) Liu Chenweng 895 鹊桥仙(其二) 刘辰翁 896 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge (II) Liu Chenweng 897 沁园春·寒食郓州道中 谢枋得 898 Spring in a Pleasure Garden On Cold Food Day Xie Fangde 899 凤栖梧·兰溪 曹 冠 902 Phoenix Perching on Plane Tree The Orchid Stream Cao Guan 903 南柯子 吴 潜 904 Song of a Dream Wu Qian 905 鹊桥仙 吴 潜 906 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge Wu Qian 907 一剪梅·舟过吴江 蒋 捷 908 A Twig of Mume Blossoms My Boat Passing by Southern River Jiang Jie 909 满江红·送廖叔仁赴阙 严 羽 912 The River All Red Parting with a Friend Yan Yu 913 水龙吟·采药径 葛长庚 916 Water Dragon's Chant The Way of Picking Herbs Ge Changgeng 917 鹊桥仙·富沙七夕为友人赋 赵以夫 920 Immortals at the Magpie Bridge Written for a Friend on the Double Seventh Eve Zhao Yifu 921 卜算子·答施 乐 婉 924 Song of Divination In Reply to Her Love Le Wan 925 传言玉女·钱塘元夕 汪元量 926 Message to Jade Maiden Lantern Festival After the Downfall of the Song Dynasty Wang Yuanliang 927 沁园春·题潮阳张许二公庙 文天祥 930 Spring in a Pleasure Garden Written in the Temple of Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan Wen Tianxiang 931 编后记 匠心之“美” 李 响 934

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