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  • ISBN:9787560669663
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:184页
  • 出版时间:2024-01-01
  • 条形码:9787560669663 ; 978-7-5606-6966-3


本书是在2019年**版的基础上修订而成的,此版主要特色如下: (1) 切合学生实际,内容形式多样,在编写过程中注重学生的接受能力,主要体现在篇幅和语言表达上。 (2) 内容覆盖面尽可能广。为使学生在学习英语的同时了解计算机应用领域的一些基础知识,本书精选了来自英文教程、杂志或网站等的相关资料,主要包括知识概述、应用、专业分析、科技新闻等。 (3) 在组织形式上,每单元引入相关的情景对话,培养学生在生活、学习和工作中运用英语进行专业交际的能力;加强计算机专业英语基本的读、写、译能力,让学生在掌握基本bi备知识的前提下学会举一反三、自主学习。


本书面向高职高专计算机及相关专业的英语课程,全面介绍了计算机专业的基础英语知识,内容涉及计算机发展史、计算机硬件、操作系统、应用软件、程序语言、互联网、信息安全、大数据、人工智能、云计算等主题。 全书共10个单元,每单元均分为情景对话、阅读材料和扩展阅读三部分。情景对话旨在提高学生在学习和职场环境下的英语会话水平;阅读材料从篇章、词汇、句法和结构等方面入手,加强学生专业文献读、写、译方面的基本应用技巧;扩展阅读补充计算机小知识阅读材料,培养学生用英文解决计算机相关问题的能力。 本书可作为高职高专院校信息技术、计算机应用、计算机信息管理、软件技术、网络管理等专业的教材,也可作为IT行业技术人员和计算机爱好者的参考书。


Unit 1 An Overview of Computers 1 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 1 Text Computer Debate 1 Section 2 Reading Material 2 Text A Instruction to the Development of Computers 2 Text B Classification of Computer Systems 6 Section 3 Extended Reading 10 Text A What Are the Benefits of Computers in School? 10 Text B What Are the Advantages of Computers in Business? 11 Text C Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs 13 Unit 2 Computer Hardware 18 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 18 Text Teens and Computers 18 Section 2 Reading Material 19 Text A The Hardware 19 Text B The Motherboard 23 Section 3 Extended Reading 27 Text A How Bluetooth Is Making Our Lives Easier 27 Text B Alibaba Group Will Invest $15B into a New Global Research and Development Program 28 Text C 10 Ways to Make a Computer Move Faster 29 Unit 3 Operating System 32 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 32 Text System Crash 32 Section 2 Reading Material 34 Text A Operating System 34 Text B An Overview on the Most Commonly-used OS 38 Section 3 Extended Reading 42 Text A Android Operating System 42 Text B Comparison Between Linux and Windows 43 Text C Should You Upgrade or Repair Your Computer? 45 Unit 4 Application Software 48 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 48 Text A Job Interview 48 Section 2 Reading Material 50 Text A Instruction to the Computer Application Software 50 Text B Using the Speak Feature in Office 2010 52 Section 3 Extended Reading 57 Text A The Office 2010 Suite Will be Released 57 Text B Microsoft Teams Challenges Slack for Office Dominance 59 Text C The Way Ahead: Innovating Together in China-by William H. Gates 60 Unit 5 Programming Language 64 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 64 Text Call About Courses of Computer Programming 64 Section 2 Reading Material 65 Text A Introduction to Programming Language 65 Text B The C Programming Language 68 Section 3 Extended Reading 71 Text A What Is the Java Language? 71 Text B Object Oriented Programming 72 Text C How to Learn a Programming Language 75 Unit 6 Network and Internet 82 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 82 Text About Going Online 82 Section 2 Reading Material 83 Text A Instruction to the Network 83 Text B Instruction to the Internet 86 Section 3 Extended Reading 90 Text A How to Use the Internet 90 Text B Set Up an FTP Between Two Computers 95 Text C To Be Completely Anonymous on the Internet 101 Unit 7 Information Security 103 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 103 Text Computer Hackers 103 Section 2 Reading Material 104 Text A Computer Viruses 104 Text B The Ways to Protect Information Security 108 Section 3 Extended Reading 111 Text A What Does a Data Security Manager Do? 111 Text B How to Create a Secure and Stable Windows System 112 Text C Create a Perfect Password: Ten Easy Steps to Stay Secure 113 Unit 8 Big Data 117 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 117 Text Discussion of Data 117 Section 2 Reading Material 118 Text A Big Data 118 Text B About Big Data 122 Section 3 Extended Reading 126 Text A More About Big Data 126 Text B Uses of Big Data 128 Text C Overview of Big Data 131 Unit 9 AI 135 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 135 Text Talk About Design of Hybrid Vehicle 135 Section 2 Reading Material 136 Text A Artificial Intelligence 136 Text B AI: What It Is, and What It Isn't 140 Section 3 Extended Reading 143 Text A Artificial Intelligence and Space Travel: The Future of Exploration 143 Text B How Artificial Intelligence may Change Our Lives? 145 Unit 10 Cloud Computing 148 Section 1 Situational Dialogue 148 Text A Job Interview 148 Section 2 Reading Material 150 Text A What Is Cloud Computing? 150 Text B About Virtualization Technology 158 Section 3 Extended Reading 161 Text A What Is Parallel Computing? 161 Text B Distributed System 162 Text C Grid Computing 164 Appendix Index of Basic Vocabulary 166 References 184

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