  • ISBN:9787040207576
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:793
  • 出版时间:2007-06-01
  • 条形码:9787040207576 ; 978-7-04-020757-6


mechanical engineering design为美国密歇根大学joseph e.shigley教授等著,是美国大学广泛使用的一本机械工程设计教材,具有极高的权威性。1956年,joseph e.shigley教授独自开始编写机械工程设计教材,后逐渐发展成为目前的机械工程设计教材。joseph e.shigley于1994年5月去世,其合作者仍然以joseph e.shigley教授的名义出版修订版至目前的第七版。修订版继续沿用原教材的基本内容和编写体系,可见该教材深受美国业内人士的广泛认同和欢迎。书中内容涵盖了设计过程、工程力学与材料、静载荷与动载荷下的防止失效、典型机械零部件设计等内容,提供了大量解决工程实际问题的方法和实例。该教材一直受到我国从事机械设计教学和研究人员的重视。作为国外权威性教材,高等教育出版社曾组织该书第三版(1980年)和第四版(1988年)的翻译出版工作,从而使国内同行深入了解和掌握美国机械设计相关课程的教学内容、体系、方法和发展,取得了很好的效果。机械工业出版社于2002年出版了该书(第六版)的英文影印版,为国内机械设计课程的双语教学起到了积极的推动作用。


1 introduction
1-1 design
1-2 mechanical engineering design
1-3 interaction between design process elements
1-4 design tools and resources
1-5 the design engineer's professional responsibilities
1-6 codes and standards
1-7 economics
1-8 safety and product liability
1-9 the adequacy assessment
1-10 uncertainty
1-11 stress and strength
1-12 design factor and factor of safety
1-13 reliability
1-14 units and preferred units
1-15 calculations and significant figures
2 failture resulting from static loading
2-1 static strength
2-2 stress concentration
2-3 failure theories
2-4 maximum-shear-stress theory for ductile materials
2-5 distortion-energy theory for ductile materials
2-6 coulomb-mohr theory for ductile materials
2-7 failure of ductile materials summary
2-8 maximum-normal-stress theory for brittle materials
2-9 modifications of the mohr theory for brittle materials
2-10 failure of brittle materials summary
2-11 selection of failure criteria
2-12 static or quasi-static loading on a shaft
2-13 introduction to fracture mechanics
2-14 stochastic analysis
3 fatigue failture resulting from variable loading
3-1 introduction to fatigue in metals
3-2 approach to fatigue failure in analysis and design
3-3 fatigue-life methods
3-4 the stress-life method
3-5 the strain-life method
3-6 the linear-elastic fracture mechanics method
3-7 the endurance limit
3-8 fatigue strength
3-9 endurance limit modifying factors
3-10 stress concentration and notch sensitivity
3-11 characterizing fluctuating stresses
3-12 fatigue failure criteria for fluctuating stress
3-13 torsional fatigue strength under fluctuating stresses
3-14 combinations of loading modes
3-15 varying, fluctuating stresses; cumulative fatigue damage
3-16 surface fatigue strength
3-17 stochastic analysis
4 flexible mechanical elements
4-1 belts
4-2 flat-and round-beh drives
4-3 v belts
4-4 timing belts
4-5 roller chain
4-6 wire rope
4-7 flexible shafts
5 gears--force analysis
6 spur and helical gears
7 bevel and worm gears
8 lubrication and journal bearings
9 rolling-contact bearings
10 shafts and axles
11 screws, fasteners, and the design of nonpermanent joints
12 clutches, brakes, couplings, and flywheels
13 mechanical springs
appendix a useful tables
appendix b answers to selected problems



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