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  • ISBN:9787560070629
  • 装帧:暂无
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  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:221
  • 出版时间:2007-11-01
  • 条形码:9787560070629 ; 978-7-5600-7062-9


《大学英语六级考试71 0分快速突破听力》
《(大学英语六级考试71 O分快速突破综合测试)》
《大学英语六级考试71 0分快速突破模拟试题》


     前 言
    《大学英语六级考试71 0分快速突破阅读》由以下内容组成:


Passage 11
      If you don't have a Beenz in your virtual pocket, maybe you should. Beenz (the trademarked word is
both singular and plural) are a new kind of money that circulates exclusively on the Intemet. There are no
Beenz coins or Beenz bills. The only place you can earn Beenz is on the web, and until now, the web is the
only place you could spend them. Beenz are the product of a company called Beenz.com that hopes to make
them currency of the Intemet, and they may be the future of cash. "In five years," says Beenz.com founder
Charles Cohen, "I believe we'll start to see Beenz listed against other major currencies." This vision
moved closer to reality last month with the launch of a debit card allowing consumers to convert Beenz
for local currency--spending in real or no-line stores.
      Beenz aren't a currency in the strictest sense. But Beenz are one of the more successful attempts to
solve a problem that's as old as the web--that of finding an easy way to spend money online in small
amounts. Early attempts to create a practical alternative to credit cards for online financial transactions
have been slow to gain consumer confidence.
      Here's how Beenz work. First you open a free account with Beenz.com, a New York-based outfit
that's been in business since 1998. You earn Beenz by visiting certain websites that give Beenz away to
reward customer loyalty, in exchange for personal information or as a reward to surfers for just showing
up. Hence the name  "You get something just for having been there," explains Beenz.com chairman and
CEO Phiop Letts. Among the sites that offer Beenz are Excite UK, Dash and Fortune-City. Then, once
your virtual wallet is bulging, you can spend Beenz at any of some 200 e-commerce sites that accept Beenz
as a form of payment, including Flooz, JellyBeenz Gifts and MP3.com.
      Cohen founded Beenz.com, because he was fed up with existing customer-incentive programs. He
saw an opportunity to give consumers more of a choice in how companies reward them for purchases, and
to grease the wheels of the burgeoning Intemet economy. Beenz.com launched in March 1999, and by
August 150 companies were signed up to accept the new tokens.
     Beenz is now a global operation, with offices from New York to Stockholm to Sydney to Hong Kong.
And it' s getting to be a significant business: its technology partners include Oracle, Sun Microsystems
and Web-hosting giant Exodus. Almost 750 million Beenz are in circulation--roughly equivalent to the
currency float of a small country.
1. From Paragraph 1, we learn that
   A) Beenz are a kind of currency that can only be used locally
  B) Beenz are a form of payment with coins and notes
   C) Beenz are a kind of currency that can only be used online
  D) Beenz is a new type of currency that can be used in real and on-line stores

2. From Paragraph 2, we can infer that
  A) it can be sure that the customers will be confident of Beenz
  B) Beenz appear because people need a substitute for credit cards
  C) Beenz result in a big problem for online transaction
  D) Beenz is not very successful
3. Beenz get its name from
   A) best
   B) busy
   C) been
   D) business
4. The reason why Beenz.com was founded is that
   A) Cohen was fed up with stimulating customers
   B) Cohen found the chance to provide more choice in customer-incentive program
   C) the customers want more programs
   D) Cohen wants to push the development of the Intemet
5. What is the author's attitude towards Beenz's future?
   A) Puzzled.
   B) Indifferent.
   C) Pessimistic.
   D) Optimistic.
Passage 12
     The global economy is developing faster and more powerful every year. As it does so, the role of
education in reducing poverty and transforming the development prospects of poor countries around the
world can be clearer. Research shows that countries which invest a lot in quality education for their people
have higher economic growth and healthier citizens. Average wages in those countries go up, along with
trade development, and fewer of their people are left in grinding poverty.
      In order to make those less developed countries able to keep up with those advanced countries, the
global economy brings ample rewards, but the pace creates a widening education or knowledge gap.
Developing countries will have little success in reducing poverty and boosting economic growth unless
they can bridge this divide.
      States like Brazil, Chile, Ireland, Vietnam and Lithuania have prospered because of their strong
commitment to a process of lifelong education, beginning in early childhood and continuing until people
retire from the workplace. Such leaming spurs economic development, reduces poverty and encourages
opens and cohesive societies.
      Continuous education creates a country's intellectual and economic foundation, and enhances its

ability to acquire and use the new high-tech knowledge and skills increasingly demanded by the global
     The widening education gap between wealthy and poor countries explains why nearly five billion
people in developing and transition economies account for only 20 percent of global GDP. Helping
developing countries join the global knowledge economy is essential to closing the gap between them and
advanced countries. The key to bridging the knowledge divide is an all-encompassing system that
supports and recognized individual learning in both the formal and the non-formal components of the
education sector.
     The global economy increasingly relies on the use of ideas and technology in devising smarter ways
of working and doing business. Such knowledge is rapidly changing the relative economic positions of
countries and individuals. Finland, for instance, has switched from a natural resource-based economy to
a high-tech economy. The share of computer and telecommunications products in its total exports
increased to 30 percent in 2000 from less than 7 percent in 1990.
     The growth of the knowledge economy has not been confined to industrial economies but has spread
with remarkable speed to developing and transition economies, such as Lithuania, Brazil and Mauritius.
Countries that are able to take full advantage of these opportunities will be able to jump-start their
economies and eventually catch up with highly industrialized economies.
1. In what situations is a country able to develop quickly?
   A) When its people have higher economic growth.
   B) When it invests a lot in education.
   C) When it has healthier citizens.
   D) When fewer people are left in poverty.
2. What is correct about global economy in helping developing countries?
   A) It is very successful.
   B) Global economy brings little rewards.
   C) It results in education gap.
   D) We don't know from the, passage.
3. What is the main reason for the development of Brazil, Chile, and etc.?
   A) Learning spur.
   B) They encourage open and cohesive societies.
   C) Their engagement in lifelong education.
   D) They begin to educate people when they are very young.
4. Which of the following is correct?
   A) The economic difference leads to the education gap between wealthy and poor countries.
   B) The developing countries account for a small portion of transition economies.
   C) The education gap between wealthy and poor countries is due to historical reasons.
   D) Education is the key for developing countries to catch up with developed countries.

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