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  • ISBN:9787121085086
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:10
  • 出版时间:2009-04-01
  • 条形码:9787121085086 ; 978-7-121-08508-6






Unit 1 A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology1.1 Text1.1.1 History about Electronics1.1.2 Introduce to Some Courses1.2 Reading Materials1.2.1 an Advertisement1.2.2 Do You Know These Electronic Systems?1.2.3 Domestic Power Plugs & Sockets1.2.4 More Courses1.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识1——科技英语的特点)1.4 Exercises1.5 课文译文1.5.1 电子技术历史1.5.2 一些课程介绍1.6 阅读材料参考译文1.6.1 招生广告1.6.2 你了解这些电子系统吗1.6.3 民用电源插座和插头1.6.4 更多课程介绍Unit 2 Electrical Components2.1 Text2.1.1 Resistors2.1.2 Capacitors2.1.3 Inductors2.2 Reading Materials2.2.1 Nonlinear Resistors2.2.2 Transformers2.2.3 Various Low Voltage Apparatus2.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识2——单词)2.4 Exercises2.5 课文译文2.5.1 电阻器2.5.2 电容器2.5.3 电感器2.6 阅读材料参考译文2.6.1 非线性电阻器2.6.2 变压器2.6.3 各种低压电器设备Unit 3 Instruments3.1 Text3.1.1 Multimeters3.1.2 the Oscilloscope3.2 Reading Materials3.2.1 How Does an Oscilloscope Work3.2.2 Analog and Digital Oscilloscope3.2.3 Wattmeter3.2.4 Signal Generator3.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识3——非谓语动词V-ing)3.4 Exercises3.5 课文参考译文3.5.1 万用表3.5.2 示波器3.6 阅读材料参考译文3.6.1 示波器是如何工作的3.6.2 模拟示波器和数字示波器3.6.3 瓦特表3.6.4 信号发生器Unit 4 Electronic Components4.1 Text4.1.1 Semiconductor Diode4.1.2 NPN Bipolar Transistor4.1.3 MOS Transistors4.1.4 Ideal Operational Amplifier4.2 Reading Materials4.2.1 Audio Amplifiers4.2.2 the Transistor as a Switch4.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识4——非谓语动词 to V)4.4 Exercises4.5 课文参考译文4.5.1 半导体二极管4.5.2 NPN 双极型晶体管4.5.3 MOS晶体管4.5.4 理想运算放大器4.6 阅读材料参考译文4.6.1 音频放大电路4.6.2 三极管用做开关Unit 5 Power Supplies5.1 Text5.1.1 Information on Power Supplies5.1.2 Bridge (Full-wave) Rectifier5.1.3 Filter5.1.4 Zener Diode5.1.5 Linear Voltage Regulator5.2 Reading Materials5.2.1 about the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)5.2.2 Robots5.2.3 How Power Grids Work5.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识5——非谓语动词V-ed)5.4 Exercises5.5 课文参考译文5.5.1 关于(稳压)电源5.5.2 桥式(全波)整流器5.5.3 滤波器5.5.4 齐纳二极管(稳压管)5.5.5 线性稳压器5.6 阅读材料参考译文5.6.1 关于IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)5.6.2 机器人5.6.3 电力网是如何工作的Unit 6 Linear Circuit Analysis6.1 Text6.1.1 Electric Circuit6.1.2 Ohm’s Law6.1.3 Kirchhoff ’s Law6.1.4 Circuit Analysis Techniques6.1.5 Sinusoidal Circuits6.2 Reading Materials6.2.1 Circuit Breaker6.2.2 Information on Amplitude Modulation (AM)6.2.3 Thévenin’s Theorem6.2.4 Apple iPod Classic 120 GB Silver6.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识6——It的用法)6.4 Exercises6.5 课文参考译文6.5.1 电路6.5.2 欧姆定律6.5.3 基尔霍夫定律6.5.4 电路分析方法6.5.5 正弦电路6.6 阅读材料参考译文6.6.1 电路断路器6.6.2 关于调幅6.6.3 戴维南定理6.6.4 苹果(公司)iPod classic 120 GB 银色Unit 7 Integrated Circuit7.1 Text7.1.1 Information on Integrated Circuits7.1.2 Chip and Chip Holders7.1.3 Bipolar Integrated Circuits & MOS Integrated Circuits7.1.4 the Process of IC Design7.2 Reading Materials7.2.1 Circuit Board7.2.2 Circuit Delay7.2.3 3G Phones to Use Sony FeliCa IC Chip7.2.4 Electromagnetic Radiation and Lonosphere7.2.5 Garmin Nuvi 260 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator7.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识7——That 的用法)7.4 Exercises7.5 课文参考译文7.5.1 关于集成电路7.5.2 芯片和芯片插座7.5.3 双极型(晶体管)集成电路和MOS集成电路7.5.4 集成电路的设计过程7.6 阅读材料参考译文7.6.1 电路板7.6.2 电路延迟7.6.3 用索尼公司FeliCa芯片的3G手机7.6.4 电磁辐射和电离层7.6.5 Garmin Nuvi 260 3.5英寸便携式导航仪Unit 8 Digital Logic Circuits8.1 Text8.1.1 Number Systems8.1.2 Logical Gates8.1.3 the Flip-flops8.2 Reading Materials8.2.1 74 Series Logic ICs8.2.2 Registers8.2.3 Counter8.2.4 7-segment Display Drivers8.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识8——Which的用法)8.4 Exercises8.5 课文参考译文8.5.1 数字系统8.5.2 逻辑门8.5.3 触发器8.6 阅读材料参考译文8.6.1 74系列集成逻辑电路8.6.2 寄存器8.6.3 计数器8.6.4 7段显示驱动(芯片)Unit 9 Microcomputers9.1 Text9.1.1 Basic Computer9.1.2 the Motherboard9.1.3 the System Bus9.1.4 Main Memory9.1.5 BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)9.2 Reading Materials9.2.1 Microcontroller9.2.2 about DNA Computers9.2.3 PLC9.3 Knowledge about Translation(翻译知识9——连词Ⅰ)9.4 Exercises9.5 课文参考译文9.5.1 基本型计算机9.5.2 主板9.5.3 系统总线9.5.4 主存(内存)9.5.5 BIOS(基本输入/输出系统)9.6 阅读材料参考译文9.6




插图:The number system with which we are most familiar is the base 10,or decimal system.Recent technological developments have created the need for other number systems.The electronic computer.for example,required the development of systems that were easily adapted to electronic processes.These number systems were the binary(base 2),octal(base 8),and hexadecimal(base16).The binary system is the primary language of the computer and the octal and hexadecimal systems are usually used for communication with the computer and for storage of information within the computer.Since computers can only process binary numbers or numbers coded in other svstems such as octal and hexadecimal,the decimal system must be converted to one of these other systems before it can be processed by the computer.When the computer finishes its operations on the informarion.the output is printed or displayed in number system other than decimal,and this too must be converted,this time back to the decimal system.Digital electronics is a”logical”science.Logic,generally speaking,is the science of formal principles of reasoning.Digital logic is the science of reasoning with numbers;a special circuit called a gate can perform nearly all-digital functions.If the logic operation is too complex for one gate,it can almost always be implemented through the use of a combination of gates.These extended logic circuits are called combinational logic.8.1.2 Logical Gates1.AND Gate and NAND GateTwo 0f the most basic logic functions are the AND and NAND functions.The difference between these functions is that they are complements.This means they are opposite in function·The AND gate provides a function in digital logic which gives a high output when all of its inputs are high.Fig 8.1(a)shows the symbol used to represent an AND gate.In this case,there are two inputs,A and B,and one output C.Gates with as many as ei


p>朱一纶,教授,硕导,专业方向::测控 技术及仪器;本科就读于苏州大学物理 系,获理学学士学位;研究生就读于东

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