

1星价 ¥31.9 (6.5折)
2星价¥31.9 定价¥49.0
  • ISBN:9787510027260
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24开
  • 页数:355
  • 出版时间:2010-09-01
  • 条形码:9787510027260 ; 978-7-5100-2726-0




this book is an outgrowth of notes compiled by the author while teaching courses for undergraduate and masters/mba finance students at washing-ton university in st. louis and the institut ffir hshere studien in vienna. at one time, a course in options and futures was considered an advanced finance elective, but now such a course is nearly mandatory for any finance major and is an elective chosen by many non-finance majors as well. moreover, students are exposed to derivative securities in courses on investments, international finance, risk management, investment banking, fixed income, etc. this ex-pansion of education in derivative securities mirrors the increased importance of derivative securities in corporate finance and investment management.


part i introduction to option pricing
1 asset pricing basics
1.1 fundamental concepts
1.2 state prices in a one-period binomial model
1.3 probabilities and numeraires
1.4 asset pricing with a continuum of states
1.5 introduction to option pricing
1.6 an incomplete markets example
2 continuous-time models
2.1 simulating a brownian motion
2.2 quadratic variation
2.3 it6 processes
2.4 it6's formula
2.5 multiple it5 processes


《衍生证券教程:理论和计算》内容简介:This book is an outgrowth of notes compiled by the author while teachingcourses for undergraduate and masters/MBA finance students at Washing-ton University in St. Louis and the Institut ffir HShere Studien in Vienna. Atone time, a course in Options and Futures was considered an advanced financeelective, but now such a course is nearly mandatory for any finance major andis an elective chosen by many non-finance majors as well. Moreover, studentsare exposed to derivative securities in courses on Investments, InternationalFinance, Risk Management, Investment Banking, Fixed Income, etc. This ex-pansion of education in derivative securities mirrors the increased importanceof derivative securities in corporate finance and investment management.

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