  • ISBN:9787115259752
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:150
  • 出版时间:2020-11-09
  • 条形码:9787115259752 ; 978-7-115-25975-2




本书在内容选择上力求贴近企业,贴近实际,贴近岗位,在教学设计上力求“实用、好用、可用、能用得上”,并做到通俗、易懂、好学、能用。 本书共8个单元,每个单元都围绕汽车服务与营销展开,并尽量能反映一些与岗位紧密结合的实用英语内容。 本书既可作为高职高专院校的专业英语教材,也可用作企业培训,还可供相关的教师和学生及技术人员的自学参考。


Unit 1 Introduction to Automobiles 1 Part I. Practical Reading 1  Passage A 1  Notes 3  New Words 3  Phrases and Expressions 4  Passage B 5  New Words 6  Phrases and Expressions 7 Part II. Put in Use 10 Part III. Simulated Writing 12 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 13  Speaking 13  Listening 14 Part V. Translation 15 Part VI. Career Salon 15 Unit 2 How to Become a Salesman 17 Part I. Practical Reading 17  Passage A 17  Notes 19  New Words 19  Phrases and Expressions 19  Passage B 20  New Words 22  Phrases and Expressions 23 Part II. Put in Use 25 Part III. Simulated Writing 26 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 27  Speaking 27  Listening 29 Part V. Translation 29 Part VI. Career Salon 30 Unit 3 Introduction to Car Dealer & Service Manager 31 Part I. Practical Reading 31  Passage A 31  Notes 33  New Words 33  Phrases and Expressions 34  Passage B 35  New Words 36  Phrases and Expressions 37 Part II. Put in Use 39 Part III. Simulated Writing 40 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 41  Speaking 41  Listening 43 Part V. Translation 43 Part VI. Career Salon 44 Unit 4 Introduction to Sales Training 46 Part I. Practical Reading 46  Passage A 46  Notes 47  New Words 48  Phrases and Expressions 48  Passage B 49  New Words 50  Phrases and Expressions 51 Part II. Put in Use 53 Part III. Simulated Writing 55 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 56  Speaking 56  Listening 58 Part V. Translation 58 Part VI. Career Salon 59 Unit 5 Introduction to Auto Insurance 61 Part I. Practical Reading 61  Passage A 61  Notes 62  New Words 62  Phrases and Expressions 63  Passage B 64  New Words 65  Phrases and Expressions 65 Part II. Put in Use 68 Part III. Simulated Writing 69 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 70  Speaking 70  Listening 71 Part V. Translation 72 Part VI. Career Salon 72 Unit 6 Introduction to Automobile Estimate 74 Part I. Practical Reading 74  Passage A 74  Notes 75  New Words 75  Phrases and Expressions 76  Passage B 77  New Words 78  Phrases and Expressions 79 Part II. Put in Use 81 Part III. Simulated Writing 82 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 83  Speaking 83  Listening 85 Part V. Translation 86 Part VI. Career Salon 86 Unit 7 Automobile Maintenance and Repair 88 Part I. Practical Reading 88  Passage A 88  Notes 90  New Words 91  Phrases and Expressions 92  Passage B 93  New Words 94  Phrases and Expressions 95 Part II. Put in Use 97 Part III. Simulated Writing 99 Part IV. Speaking and Lisenting 100  Speaking 100  Listening 101 Part V. Translation 102 Part VI. Career Salon 103 Unit 8 Role and Duty of a Receptionist 105 Part I. Practical Reading 105  Passage A 105  Notes 106  New Words 106  Phrases and Expressions 107  Passage B 108  New Words 109  Phrases and Expressions 109 Part II. Put in Use 112 Part III. Simulated Writing 114 Part IV. Speaking and Listening 115  Speaking 115  Listening 117 Part V. Translation 118 Part VI. Career Salon 118 附录1 Glossary 120 附录2 Phrases and Expressions 130 附录3 课文译文及翻译答案 137


黄星,男,教授,大学本科,长春汽车工业高等专科学校外语教研中心主任,吉林省教学名师。研究方向:语言教学、ESP教学研究、语言测试。   从教以来,出版译著两本,参编字典一部,发表省级以上论文三十余篇,主编、参编教材二十多部,主持省级以上科研课题12项,获得省级以上科研立项二等奖四项,三等奖两项,优秀奖多项。   目前担任的社会职务:教育部高等学校高职高专英语类专业教学指导委员会分会委员,中国职业技术教育委员会教学工作委员会高职英语教学研究会副主任,吉林省大学外语学会副秘书长兼高职高专分会副会长。

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