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  • ISBN:9787564129293
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2011-08-01
  • 条形码:9787564129293 ; 978-7-5641-2929-3


     孙书兰、翁建秋、蔡旭东编著的《高级英语读写译教程》的编写目的在于进一步扩大和巩固学生的常用词汇和语法基础知识,增强学生的阅读理解能力,训练和培养学生的写译能力以及一定的口头表述能力,使学生运用英语的各项技能得到进一步的提高,以满足日益增长的国际交流与合作的需要。 本教程中所选课文题材广泛,内容丰富,主要涉及现代科学技术、社会文化等方面,经典耐读。文章大多选自国外近年来的书刊,有较强的知识性、科学性和趣味性。学生可以不囿于自己专业的狭小天地,广泛涉猎各种读物,在扩大知识面、增加对文化背景了解的过程中,达到对英语的习得。




unit 1 section a intensive reading and writing the green banana section b extensive reading and translation culture shock unit 2 section a intensive reading and writing how to write with style section b extensive reading and translation variety and style in language unit 3 section a intensive reading and writing my father, "dr. pat" section b extensive reading and translation this was my mother unit 4 section a intensive r6ading and writing the danger of space junk section b extensive reading and translation the end is not at hand unit 5 section a intensive reading and writing how to increase your mental potential section b extensive reading and translation, why smart people fail? unit 6 section a intensive reading and writing what makes sony run section b extensive reading and translation my way to success unit 7 section a intensive reading and writing what the hidden persuaders are up to nowadays section b extensive reading and translation marketing to your mind unit 8 section a intensive reading and writing what is science? section b extensive reading and translation basic research and graduate education unit 9 section a intensive reading and writing feeling guilty section b extensive reading and translation what makes people unhappy? unit 10 section a intensive reading and writing flag fever:the paradox of patriotism section b extensive reading and translation on patriotism unit 11 section a intensive reading and writing myth and mythology section b extensive reading and translation the power of myth unit 12 section a intensive reading and writing the city section b extensive reading and translation the future of urban development

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