  • ISBN:9787306049247
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:182
  • 出版时间:2014-06-01
  • 条形码:9787306049247 ; 978-7-306-04924-7


本书讨论国际商务活动中涉及到的各种文化交往中需要注意的问题。涉及对于时间、礼物、合同、如何人际交往等实际问题,案例丰富,观点新颖,具有启发性。本书按照字母顺序,讨论在国际商务活动涉及的跨文化交际过程中可能遇到的各种话题,包括从achievements, adevertising到women n business and the profession等82个主题。本书原来以social kissing,gifts and bribes(社交场合的吻礼、送礼以及贿赂)为名由英国pen press出版。现由作者授权,作为“全国英语专业博雅系列教材”中跨文化交际常识课程的教材予以出版。




achievementsadvertisingaesthetics or appreciation of beautyagealcoholanimals, birds and petsappointmentsattitudesbody language and non-verbal communicationbribery and corruptionbusiness cardsbusiness correspondencebusiness entertainingbusiness ideology, management style and decision makingbusiness meetingscars and drivingcensorshipclass systems, caste and social structurecolour preferences and prejudicescomplimentsconversation and communicationcourtesyculturedress code and etiquetteeducationemail, netiquette and cyberspace behaviourergonomics and product designethnic stereotypingetiquette, customs and conventionsflowers and giving flowersfood, drink and eating lifestyleforms of address and use of titlesgesturesgiving and receiving giftsgreeting cardsgreeting, introductions, modes of address and leave-takinghours of workhuman physical differencesinformation, operating instructions and methods of useinterpreting and translatingintra-national and intra-regional differencesjokes and anecdoteslanguagelaws and legal systemsleisure and leisure aetivitieslinks and connectionslosing and saving facemale-female relationshipsmanners, conduct and behaviourmeasuring and managing timemusic and soundnamesnational and public holidays and festivalsnegotiating and bargainingnumbers, figures and countingperception of spacephotography, video and other forms of visual recordingspoliticsprotocol and conventions related to official occasionspunctuality, duration and terminating a business visitreligious beliefssense of humour, laughter and smilessense of timesexsigns, pictorial representations, emoticons and other symbolssmokingsocial contactsocial kissingstatus symbolstable etiquette and eatingtaboos, superstitions and non-religious beliefstelephoningthe family and the in-groupthe way of life, lifestyle or the quality of lifetipping and gratuitiestrade fairs and exhibitionstravellingunits of measureusing proverbsverbal and visual presentationsvisiting other countrieswomen in business and the professionssummaryabout the author 


  Frederick Marsh is a well-known and experienced figure in industry, commerce and management consuhancy. He has travelled extensively throughout the globe, visiting more than 90 countries. He founded his consuhancy company in 1975 and undertook management consuhancy and market research projects worldwide. His clients included many European companies and trans-national corporations, chambers of commerce, universities and management colleges, in particular the United Nations Geneva-based agency ITC-UNCTAD/WTO and the Trade Development Institute of the Helsinki School of Economics. He was a keynote speaker at many marketing seminars, which included cross-cuhural presentations, and has written numerous articles on a wide range of topics for over 150 British and international trade publications. He is President of the Royal Aero ClubTrust, a registered charity. He was also the Founder President of Europe Airsports, the federation of all European aero club

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