

1星价 ¥14.9 (7.8折)
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  • ISBN:9787513807241
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:54
  • 出版时间:2014-01-01
  • 条形码:9787513807241 ; 978-7-5138-0724-1




  The HSK is a national level standard test, which is tailored to test the proficiency of non-native Chinese speakers. Since the revision of the HSK test in 2009, it has become much more adaptable to the spread of the Chinese language worldwide.  Students can acquaint themselves with the material as well as its style by doing the exercises from the HSK Official Examination Papers. These papers can not only test students' levels of Chinese, but also help them to master commonly used vocabulary and grammatical points that they may confuse by offering them the chance to learn and do these exercises repeatedly. In order to help HSK examinees prepare for the test more effectively and systematically, this book offers an explanation for each exercise in the HSK Official Examination Papers (2014 edition) in detail; it also has a focus on the explanation of vocabulary and grammatical points that are easily misused so as to help students avoid misunderstandings in the Chinese language. This book can guide students to pass the HSK test more easily.


h31221卷答案解析  一、听力listening section  二、阅读reading section  三、写作writing sectionh31222卷答案解析  一、听力listening section  二、阅读reading section  三、写作writing sectionh31223卷答案解析  一、听力listening section  二、阅读reading section  三、写作writing sectionh31224卷答案解析  一、听力listening section  二、阅读reading section  三、写作writing sectionh31225卷答案解析  一、听力listening section  二、阅读reading section  三、写作writing section 

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