  • ISBN:9787513551229
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2014-10-01
  • 条形码:9787513551229 ; 978-7-5135-5122-9


谢文怡主编的这本《高级商务英语阅读(1)》共14个单元。每个单元的三篇阅读理解文章(texta,textb和supplementaryreading)都聚焦一个主题。选材十分注重选文的权威性和语言的经典性。编者设计的每一道练习题都经过反复斟酌:课文前的pre-readingquestions可以帮助教师了解学生对课文主题的熟悉程度,激发学生对阅读材料的兴趣和思考。课文后的comprehension包含两种练习,一种考查学生对课文的理解情况,另一种训练学生的批判性思维。阅读理解的练习围绕阅读材料的重点和难点编写,从词汇理解、内容推理和批判性思维三个层面使学生对阅读材料进行积极的思考和感悟。批判性思维练习是本教材的一大特色,为学生提供了与作者思想观点相交融的平台,着重培养学生对国际商务活动的思辨能力,以及分析问题和解决问题的能力。   supplementaryreading精心设计了适合学生进行小组讨论的思考题。


谢文怡主编的这本《高级商务英语阅读(1)》共14个单元。每个单元的三篇阅读理解文章(TextA,TextB和SupplementaryReading)都聚焦一个主题。选材十分注重选文的权威性和语言的经典性。编者设计的每一道练习题都经过反复斟酌:课文前的Pre-readingQuestions可以帮助教师了解学生对课文主题的熟悉程度,激发学生对阅读材料的兴趣和思考。课文后的comprehension包含两种练习,一种考查学生对课文的理解情况,另一种训练学生的批判性思维。阅读理解的练习围绕阅读材料的重点和难点编写,从词汇理解、内容推理和批判性思维三个层面使学生对阅读材料进行积极的思考和感悟。批判性思维练习是本教材的一大特色,为学生提供了与作者思想观点相交融的平台,着重培养学生对国际商务活动的思辨能力,以及分析问题和解决问题的能力。  SupplementaryReading精心设计了适合学生进行小组讨论的思考题。


unit 1 business start-ups
 text a how to prepare to launch your start-up
 text b seven great ways to finance a start-up
  supplementary reading five lessons for start-ups from buffy the vampire slayer
  test yourself
unit 2 marketing
 text a conducting market research
 text b marketing can do better
  supplementary reading coca-cola marketing shifts from impressions to expressions
  test yourself
unit 3 advertising
 text a where is advertising going? into "stitials"
 text b ethical issues in online advertising
  supplementary reading why television is the place advertisers want to be again
  test yourself
unit 4 stocks
 text a an introduction to the stock market
 text b stocks: five market mistakes to avoid
  supplementary reading why stocks are riskier than you think
  test yourself
unit 5 e-commerce
 text a e-commerce industry
 text b customer retention: keep customers by growing relationships online
  supplementary reading an internet with chinese characteristics
  test yourself
unit 6 innovation
 text a the eight essentials of innovation
 text b seven steps to a culture of innovation
  supplementary reading what is making enterprise innovation possible
  test yourself
unit 7 international trade
 text a how to start selling internationally
 text b global logistics/supply chain best practices--to support and drive business success and trends
  supplementary reading dating and business: not all that different
  test yourself
unit 8 manage your money
 text a are you buying it?
 text b advice for young investors
  supplementary reading ten tips for realistic money management in college
  test yourself
unit 9 insurance
 text a types of insurance
 text b the five big health-care dilemmas
  supplementary reading umbrella coverage for preventing your ruin
  test yourself
unit 10 negotiation
 text a how to negotiate effectively
 text b negotiating your way out of a bad situation
  supplementary reading three negotiation skills that can jump-start the economy
  test yourself
unit 11 leadership
 text a leadership: intentional influence
 text b ten communication secrets of great leaders
  supplementary reading seven leadership lessons from an nba coach
  test yourself
unit 12 sheeonomy
 text a woman power: the rise of the sheconomy
 text b nurturing a baby and a start-up business
  supplementary reading the vicious cycle of the gender pay gap
  test yourself
unit 13 green economy
 text a a global green deal
 text b eco-friendly model home in maryland reflects green movement's edging into the mainstream
  supplementary reading the trouble with green product ratings
  test yourself
unit 14 tourism
 text a- five ways to make travel easier, starting with a single shoe
 text b vacation blues as tourists stay at home
  supplementary reading hotels try harder to woo business customers
  test yourself



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