IUSTIN YIFU LIN-传奇学人林毅夫-英文

包邮IUSTIN YIFU LIN-传奇学人林毅夫-英文

1星价 ¥69.8 (6.4折)
2星价¥69.8 定价¥109.0
  • ISBN:9787508530048
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:271
  • 出版时间:2015-01-01
  • 条形码:9787508530048 ; 978-7-5085-3004-8






a legendary chinese economist
who belongs to the world
ⅰ. a risky "jump" from smaller self to bigger self
1. a top student who dropped out of school to join the army
2. missing of the star officer
3. name changed: from lin zhengyi to lin yifu
ⅱ. further studies in mainland china and in the united states
1. a student of"unknown origin" enrolled by peking university
2. the last doctoral student of theodore w. schultz
ⅲ. an intelligent economist and his immeasurable contributions in agricultural economics
1. his heart is tied to china's farmers
2. hhe localized study of economic issues
ⅳ. marching forward at peking university
1. establishment of ccer
2. qhe notable debates in langrun garden
3. a great teacher
ⅴ. justin yifu lin: one of china's most influential economic advisors
1. an economic advisor to chinas top leadership
2. a dedicated explorer of china's agricultural economics
3. an academic star devoted to diagnosing china's economy
ⅵ. an optimistic and wise explorer of china's future
1. "optimism is my habitual attitude".
2. "exploration is my constant mission".
3. lin's incisive diagnosis of chinas economic development
ⅶ. new career at the world bank
1. the first chinese on the marshall lectures
2. a "historic decision" made by the world bank
3. first step into the world bank: a busy vice president
ⅳ. new measures in response to the financial crisis
ⅴ. challenges for china's economy
ⅵ. composure towards crises and disasters
ⅶ. nobel prize: chinese economists' aspiration
ⅷ. "how i long for reunion!".
1. chen yunying, his soul mate of life
2. long journey home
3. the initiator for cross-strait interactions            



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