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2022-02-21 16:28:44
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  • ISBN:9787110089378
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:576
  • 出版时间:2015-07-01
  • 条形码:9787110089378 ; 978-7-110-08937-8
















table of contents

just as archaeologists can piece together much of the history of the shang from the material evidence of oracle bones and bronze cauldrons, palaeontologists can use fossils to reconstruct the far longer and more outlandish history of life on earth.

before we begin: vertebrates, deep time and fossils
skeletons that remain largely intact are rare and precious gifts from deep time to humanity.

part one palaeozoic
cold blood and scales
**篇 古生代

第1章 the chengjiang biota: dawn of the vertebrates
the forces of biological competition and predation, environmental change, and simple chance winnowed the field of early animal life, eliminating some creatures and thereby creating ecological space in which others could flourish.

[key transition 1: the beginnings of the backbone] 大事件1:脊梁骨的起源
what emerges clearly from the fossil record and the anatomy of modern hagfish, lampreys and sharks is that the evolution of vertebrae was not a sudden event.

第2章 the xiaoxiang fauna: fishing for answers
as greatly modified lobe-finned fish, we humans stroll about on our pelvic fins and use our pectoral fins to turn the pages of books like the one you are reading now.

[key transition 2: to jaw-jaw is always better] 大事件2 :有颌的感觉真好
vertebrates of different types use their jaws to crush the throats of prey animals, slice and grind their way through tough vegetation, and filter plankton out of seawater.

第3章 the zhongning fauna: a new breed of vertebrate
amid these remains of fierce predators and heavily armoured prey, a single jaw fragment measuring less than 10 cm in length and retaining only small denticles rather than true teeth might seem unremarkable.

[key transition 3: fish nearly out of water] 大事件3:即将离开水的鱼
the somewhat ironic upshot is that the first tetrapod limbs were probably used more for swimming than for walking.

第4章 the dashankou fauna: beasts and belebey
a particularly interesting beast from the dashankou fauna is the carnivore raranimus dashankouensis, whose name means literally the “rare spirit from dashankou”.

[key transition 4: the egg, not the chicken] 大事件4:先有鸡还是先有蛋
next time you buy amniotic eggs in a supermarket, why not take a moment to appreciate the sophistication and adaptive value of the intricate biological structures that will soon be appearing on your dinner table?

part two mesozoic
the empire of dinosaurs
第二篇 中生代

第5章 the guanling biota: life among the dangling crinoids
complete crinoids are among the most spectacular of all invertebrate fossils, looking for all the world like flowers in some garden tended by undersea giants.

[key transition 5: back to the sea] 大事件5:重返海洋
ichthyosaurs, with their dorsal and caudal fins, went further in resculpting their bodies to suit the demands of the sea than perhaps any other amniotes except cetaceans.

第6章 the lufeng fauna: china’s oldest dinosaurs
a single partial lower jaw represents perhaps the greatest mystery of the lufeng fauna.

[key transition 6: the stealthy rise of mammals] 大事件6::哺乳动物的悄然兴起
for nearly the first hundred million years of their history, mammals were inconspicuous, mainly insectivorous animals no larger than about one metre in body length, and for the most part much smaller.


第7章 the dashanpu dinosaur fauna: giants on the earth
by shaximiao times the dinosaurs had assumed pride of place in the march of vertebrate life, towering over other terrestrial carnivores and herbivores.

第8章 the daohugou biota: preserved in their finery
a few decades ago, palaeontologists believed that almost all mesozoic mammaliaforms were small, land-dwelling insectivores, and species from the daohugou biota have helped to temper that substantially correct but excessively broad generalisation.

[key transition 7: into the skies] 大事件7:飞上蓝天
by the time pterosaurs went extinct at the end of the cretaceous, birds had already joined them as denizens of the mesozoic skies.

第9章 the jehol biota: feathered dinosaurs!
the feathers are long enough to suggest that yutyrannus would have been rather shaggy, a murderous fuzzball stalking the forests of the early cretaceous.

[key transition 8: a profusion of urv?gel] 大事件8:美羽不怕多
exactly how old feathers are, in evolutionary terms, is a matter of profound uncertainty.

第10章 the wangshi fauna: a vast dinosaurian necropolis
shandong is an appropriate setting for a rich trove of bones from a late chapter in the history of one of the greatest dynasties of all, that of the mesozoic dinosaurs.

part three cenozoic
the triumph of mammals
第三篇 新生代

第11章 the qianshan fauna: life after the apocalypse
if niches in an ecosystem are like jobs in an economy, then mass extinctions create vacancies that are automatically filled by the first suitable candidates to step forward.

第12章 the shara murun fauna: hooves, horns and rams
what granger thought of lending his name to a large, and quite possibly aggressive and ill-tempered, eocene herbivore is uncertain.

第13章 the shanwang biota: almost like today
most of the major groups of vertebrates that dominate our modern world were already thriving in the miocene, whereas the brontotheres and many other characteristic denizens of earlier cenozoic epochs had long since succumbed to extinction.

第14章 the hezheng biota: horses, hogs and hyenas
however, the story of horses also exemplifies the baroque complexity of evolution, in that considerable diversification took place at every stage of the slow canter from eocene horses to equus.

第15章 the zhoukoudian fauna: the first beijingers
the hyenas could easily have killed occasional peking folk or seized the bodies of individuals who had died of other causes, devouring them in the fissure and leaving only fragments of shattered bone.

[key transition 9: ecce homo] 大事件9:人类的黎明
in recent decades it has become clear from a variety of evidence, but above all from genetics, that humans are especially closely related to the african apes known as chimpanzees.

concluding thoughts: the march continues, under fire
a strong case can be made that a sixth mass extinction is unfolding in our modern world, as a result of human activity.

afterword 后记

further reading 延展阅读

appendix 1: locations of major vertebrate fossil sites in china

appendix 2: chinese museums that display fossils to the public

index of genus names used in the book




this is by far, in my opinion, the most content-rich, authoritative, and interesting book which describes the journey “from fish to human” based on chinese lagerst?tten. i believe this book will become a classic, loved by readers from all over the world.


zhou zhonghe (academician of the chinese academy of sciences, president of the international palaeontological association)


this is an excellent science outreach book in the field of palaeontology, unique in content and written in a sophisticated manner. the distinctive characteristics of 15 representative fossil faunas from china are described, and nine key transitions in vertebrate evolution are vividly outlined. this book not only will broaden the horizons of its readers, but also is imbued with literary and artistic grace.


sun ge (vice president of the palaeontological society of china, director of the palaeontology college of shenyang normal university)


human beings have a boundless desire to explore natural history, and fossils are among the important keys that can unlock this impulse. this is a book about fossils, but also beyond fossils. too few good books of this kind are published.


meng qingjin (vice president of the chinese association of natural science museums, director of the beijing museum of natural history)


china is the most fascinating source of paleontological discoveries in the world right now. from fossils shedding light on the origin of vertebrates to fantastic sites that bear witness to some of the early stages in the evolution of our own species, passing through astonishing dinosaurs and pterosaurs from cretaceous strata – it's all here in this marvelous book! a must for any paleo-enthusiast!

alexander kellner(巴西科学院院士、巴西国家博物馆、里约联邦大学教授)

alexander kellner (academician of the brazilian academy of sciences, professor at the national museum of the federal university of rio de janeiro, brazil)


a wonderful, up-to-date account of the rich fossil vertebrate sites of china. the discoveries are very new, and the authors are an international team that can give unique insights into the discoveries and their meaning. a beautifully written and illustrated book.

michael benton(国际古生物协会前任主席、英国布里斯托大学教授)

michael benton (former president of the international palaeontological association, professor at the university of bristol, england)


china is blessed with a spectacular fossil record populated with feathered dinosaurs, fallout from the cambrian explosion, and sea serpents swimming among giant crinoids, but the language barrier has hindered them from becoming familiar to western readers. here the authors present these discoveries alongside the long and fascinating history of paleontological research in china, with archival images of the foreign adventurers and homegrown scientists who made the discoveries.

james m. clark(美国乔治华盛顿大学教授,世界知名恐龙学者)

james m. clark (professor at george washington university, united states of america, and renowned dinosaur expert)


in recent decades, china has yielded a wealth of spectacular fossils that span a period of some 500 million years and have already rewritten many chapters of the history of back-boned animals. this book presents an easily accessible, richly illustrated survey of the key discoveries and the history of their exploration.

hans-dieter sues(美国史密斯研究院国家自然历史博物馆高级馆员,加拿大皇家学会会员,美国科学促进会会员)

hans-dieter sues (senior scientist and curator of vertebrate paleontology at the national museum of natural history of the smithsonian institution, united states of america, fellow of the royal society of canada and the american association for the advancement of science)


a sassy, bold book with stunning images and enjoyable, informative text telling the grand narrative of our own evolution through china’s many spectacular fossil discoveries. chinese palaeontology has filled some of the biggest gaps in the evolution of life, and this book is a visual celebration of their world class fossil finds.

john long(古脊椎动物学会主席、澳大利亚弗林德斯大学教授)

john long (president of the society of vertebrate paleontology, professor at flinders university, australia)


this book on the fossils of china is a perfect blend of visual information and high quality, detailed story telling by three leading scientists. this book contains beautiful and informative photos, drawings, and other forms of illustration, exceeding the standards of excellence of the most demanding readers.

robert reisz(加拿大多伦多大学教授,美国科学促进会会员)

robert reisz (professor at university of toronto, canada and fellow of the american association for the advancement of science)

2 8 8 | n at u r e | vo l 5 2 1 | 2 1 m ay 2 0 1 5

tracing the backbone in china’s rocks

xu xing relishes a bilingual book on the evolution of vertebrate life in his fabulously fossil-rich country.

china’s rich fossil resources have supplied many firsts — discoveries that have rewritten and helped to construct evolutionary history. the bilingual (english and chinese) from fish to human summarizes and highlights the spectacular chinese vertebrate fossil record and its place in the broader span of vertebrate life.

this volume, rich with illustrations, was produced by an international team of vertebrate palaeontologists. corwin sullivan wrote the english text with input from the other authors, wang yuan did the chinese translation and brian choo pro?duced the illustrations. (i work alongside all three, but was not involved with this book.) their effort has produced an excel?lent resource.

from fish to human describes 15 chinese faunas — collections of fossils of a similar age from the same general area — that highlight every major geological time period from the early cambrian to the late pleistocene epoch. the cambrian chengjiang biota, for example, dating to around 525 million years ago, contains the oldest known diverse multicellular animals, including the earliest vertebrates, such as the primitive, fishlike haikouichthys. it is shedding light on the rapid diversification of life known as the cambrian explosion.

flamboyant feathered dinosaurs from the roughly 125-million-year-old jehol biota, such as the four-winged microraptor and the gigantic tyrannosaur yutyrannus, have garnered much public attention; less known are the earlier silurian xiaoxiang and devonian zhongning faunas. the authors explain how discoveries from these have helped to establish the evolution of important structures such as jaws and limbs. entelognathus from xiaoxiang, for example, is a placoderm, or armoured fish, with the jawed face of an osteichthyan, or bony fish — a finding that blurs the bound-ary between major vertebrate groups.

each fauna or group of faunas is followed by a concise review of a related evolutionary transition. so the dis?cussion of how feath?ers evolved into their modern form fol-lows a description of the jehol biota, which yielded much of the fossil evidence for it.

the balance between specific discoveries and general evolutionary history allows a clear and current understanding of verte?brate evolution, and showcases the beauty of the extinct animals. thus stunning pho?tographs, for example of the exquisitely preserved fossils from the chengjiang biota, sit alongside remarkable reconstruc-tions of creatures and habitats. informative drawings show the family trees of major vertebrate groups and biological structures such as tetrapod limbs.


Corwin Sullivan is an associate research professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of Victoria, Canada before going on to earn an MSc degree at the University of Toronto at Mississauga and a PhD at Harvard University. He is the English editor of Vertebrata PalAsiatica, the Institute’s peer-reviewed scientific journal. When not busy with fieldwork in China or his native Canada, he pursues research focussing on dinosaurs and other Mesozoic vertebrates at the Institute, and studing Chinese hard in leisure time. From Fish to Human: the March of Vertebrate Life in China is his first major science outreach effort.

Wang Yuan graduated from the Geology Department of Peking University and received his second MS degree in the US and his PhD from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is now a research professor of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, CAS, and serves as director of the Paleozoological Museum of China. He has been awarded China’s National Prize for Natural Sciences and the Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has discovered and collected many important vertebrate fossils, and loves to study fossil frogs and salamanders. As the diligent director of a palaeontological museum in China, he also excels at telling the stories of Chinese dinosaurs.

Brian Choo
Brian Choo, currently at Flinders University, was born in Singapore but moved to Australia at a young age. He graduated from Murdoch University and received his PhD at the Australian National University before going on to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, from 2009 to 2013. His research has focused primarily on fossil fishes from the Silurian and Devonian Periods, but he has also published occasional papers on Mesozoic marine reptiles. As a self-taught illustrator, he has provided scientifically rigorous life-reconstructions of fossil animals for academic papers, popular articles, museum exhibits, books and television documentaries.

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