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  • ISBN:9787564158415
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:180
  • 出版时间:2015-09-01
  • 条形码:9787564158415 ; 978-7-5641-5841-5


  由田国民、蒋立辉主编的《新概念大学英语阅读 教程》精选体现时代特征和社会需求的文章30篇,按 校园生活、东西方文化、全球化、娱乐、能源等主题 编入10个单元,涉及中西方文化对比、网上购物、人 工智能、食品安全、环保等话题,旨在帮助学习者拓 展知识的同时,提升其阅读能力,从而有效提升语言 运用能力。本书适用于“应用型本科”院校、高职类 院校的英语专业学生,也可供非英语专业学生作为提 升素养的“拓展”课程教材使用。




unit 1  college life  part a  thinking critically: the most important skill for students' success  part b  is college really necessary for all high school graduates?  part c  top five money mistakes college students makeunit 2  culture  part a  multi-culturalism or world culture?  part b  american culture  part c  what should i absolutely not do when visiting your country?unit 3  e-commerce and logistics  part a  electronic business  part b  online shopping  part c  logisticsunit 4  entertainment (including tourism)  part a  chinese film industry expects big action  part b  a movie that moves  part c  how to travel on a budget?unit 5  globalization  part a  wto accession, globalization, and a changing china  part b  an overview of globalization and its positive and negative aspects  part c  globalization isn't dead, it's only just beginningunit 6  new materials  part a  nanotechnology  part b  superconductivity  part c  biomaterialunit 7  food safety  part a  gene revolution and food security  part b  dieting does make us depressed--even though we're healthier  part c  why could ramen noodles cut your life short?unit 8  new energy  part a  can renewable energy save the world?  part b  the myth of renewable energy  part c  a new dimension for solar energyunit 9  environment protection  part a  china-us joint announcement on climate change  part b  the chinese scientific revolution aims to tackle climate change  part c  eating less meat essential to curb climate change, says reportunit 10 artificial intelligence  part a  why should we think about the threat of artificial intelligence?  part b  why can't my computer understand me?  part c  artificial intelligence is here--and it's nothing to fear (yet)key to exercises

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