

¥21.2 (8.2折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787303212729
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:155
  • 出版时间:2016-10-01
  • 条形码:9787303212729 ; 978-7-303-21272-9


   刘明东编*的《基础英语教程(**册)》共分为 十个单元。每个单元的编写均按照“听、说、读、写 、译”五个板块进行。每个板块的内容都紧紧围绕单 元课文进行编写,使得整部教材的编写具有*强的整 体性和*高的复现率,有利于读者的学习与巩固。编 写采用任务型的方式,使得读者非常明了各个板块的 学习任务。该教程具有“系统关联、强调输出、难易 恰当、便于操作”等特点。本教程适用于六年制小学 教育专业学生的**学期英语课,每个单元建议学时 为6学时。




Unit One The Frog Prince
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Part Ⅲ Reading
Part Ⅳ Writing
Part Ⅴ Translating
Unit Two A Person I'll Never Forget
Part Ⅰ Listening
Part Ⅱ Speaking
Part Ⅲ Reading
Part Ⅳ Writing
Part Ⅴ Translating
Unit Three Attitude
Part Ⅰ ListeningUnit One The Frog Prince Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Two A Person I'll Never Forget Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Three Attitude Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Four My Most Important Day Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Five A Story of Socrates Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Six A Good Friend Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Seven Education Does Count Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Eight Thanks Mom, For All You Have Done Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Nine What Life Is All About Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Unit Ten How to Teach Children Part Ⅰ Listening Part Ⅱ Speaking Part Ⅲ Reading Part Ⅳ Writing Part Ⅴ Translating Appendix Ⅰ WORDS Appendix Ⅱ PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS信息

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