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  • ISBN:9787030506863
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:288
  • 出版时间:2017-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030506863 ; 978-7-03-050686-3


Cai Li、Payam Alambeigi著的《Basic Management Theories of SMEs and Related Cases of China》通过中小企业管理的各种方面,使读者得到一个清晰的、更好的企业案例,涵盖了中小企业发展史,落实基本发展理论与实践、相关具体组织与结构、人力资源开发、生产经营管理、营销管理、财务管理、控制管理与危机管理。除了不同的管理理念,每章提供和在中国中小企业的一些案例分析。


CONTENTSPREFACECHAPTER 1HISTORY OF CHINA'S SMES11.1Genesis of SMEs in China11.2Developing Stage21.3Growing Stage51.4Contemporary61.5Globalization and Opportunities for China's SMEs7Reference8CHAPTER 2BASIC THEORIES OF SMES MANAGEMENT92.1Definition of SMEs92.2Identification of small and medium-sized enterprises in China182.3Controller, Governor, Owner192.4Social responsibilities of SMEs202.5SMEs 'System Management (Corporate Governance)212.6Innovation24Reference26CHAPTER 3ENTERPRISES MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES283.1Vision and Mission of SMEs283.2Environment Analysis393.3Strategic choices and Elevation42Reference48CHAPTER 4ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN AND STRUCTURES504.1Organizational Design504.2Organizational Structures534.3Formal and Informal Organization664.4Organizational Change72Reference81CHAPTER 5HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF SMES845.1Standard Breakdown of HR Processes845.2Job Analysis865.3Human Resource Planning895.4Recruitment, Selection And Placement895.5Training And Development905.6Compensation Management965.7Performance Appraisal Management1005.8Career Planning Management1035.9HR Office1075.10Employee relationship management1085.11Leadership of SMEs109Reference114CHAPTER 6PRODUCTION & OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT1166.1Theories of Production & Operations Management1166.2Goods and Services Design1196.3Production and Operational Process1256.4Quality Control of Production and Operational1276.5General Control1386.6Risk control142Reference148CHAPTER 7MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF SMES1517.1Role of Marketing in Small Medium Enterprises1517.2Marketing Mix and Key Marketing Activities1517.3Developing Market Segmentation1567.4Product Planning and Development1597.5Promotion Mix: Advertising, Publicity, Personal Selling and Sales Promotion1657.6Distribution Planning and Pricing Strategy172Reference179CHAPTER 8FINANCE MANAGEMENT OF SMEs1828.1Finance and Business1828.2Financial Management1868.3Managerial Finance Function1888.4Finance Functions191Reference194CHAPTER 9CONTROL MANAGEMENT1959.1Overview of Control Management1959.2Process of Controlling1979.3Principles of Effective Control2009.4Managerial Approaches to Implementing Controls2029.5The Primary Types of Organizational Control2039.6Control Systems and Techniques2169.7Planning and Controlling220Reference225Chapter 10CRISIS MANAGEMENT22910.1Definition of Crisis22910.2Types of Crisis23010.3Crisis Theory23110.4Crisis Management232References239


Cai Li, Associate Professor, Ph. D., Doctoral Supervisor, Visiting Scholar of the CSC, Chinese Scholarship Council of the Ministry of Education, P.R.C. Now working in the Department of Business Administration of Jiangsu University School of Management, in recent years focused on innovation and entrepreneurship management, sustainable research; a number of research articles published, presided over the National Social Science Fund, provincial and municipal level, horizontal and other various projects; the teaching projects mainly are Jiangsu provincial colleges and universities' full English excellent curriculum construction and Chinese Society of Academic Degree and Graduate Education; ever won the Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Excellence Award of Jiangsu provincial College and Universities; the Outstanding Scientific and Technological Research Award of Zhenjiang. Payam Alambeigi (Frankie), Assistant Professor in school of postgraduates of Jiangsu University. Head of foreign teachers affairs, has rich experience in teaching English in Ningbo, Wenzhou and Zhenjiang of China since 2007.

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