

1星价 ¥30.0 (3.8折)
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  • ISBN:9787509388594
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:444
  • 出版时间:2018-01-01
  • 条形码:9787509388594 ; 978-7-5093-8859-4






非洲各国法律对中国企业在非投资的影响及争端解决机制 The Influence of Laws and Regulations of African Countries on the Investment of Chinese Enterprises and Investment Dispute Resolution Mechanism between China and Africa 非洲国家劳动法规对中国企业投资的影响 The Influence of Labor Laws and Regulations of African Countries on the Investment of Chinese Enterprises 非洲劳动法律法规对中国企业投资的影响 The influence of labor laws and regulations of African countries on the investments of China enterprises 关于中非间投资争端解决机制的分析 The Analysis of Investment Dispute Resolution Mechanism between Cluna and Africa 中非投资争端解决机制研究 The Analysis of Investment Dispute Resolution Mechanism between China and Africa 论非洲国家劳动法律法规对中国企业投资的影响——以赞比亚为视角 Paper on the Influence of Labour Laws and Regulations of African Countries on the Investment of Chinese Enterprises A Zambian Perspective 非洲关于中非合作论坛约翰尼斯堡行动计划( 2016 2018)制定的支持性法律和政策的解释 The Interpretation of Supporting Laws and Policies Made by African Counties according to "the Forum on China—Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan (2016—2018) 中非投资争端解决机制之分析 The Analysis of Investment Dispute Resolution Mechanism b etween China and Africa 中国企业在非洲蓝色海洋经济发展计划中的机遇和风险 Opportunities and Legal Risks for Chinese Enterprises Arising from Blue Marine Economy Development Plan of Africa 非洲各国投资法律规定之介绍 Introduction to Investment laws and Regulations of African Countries 对非投资的市场准人规则与政策 Market Access Rules and Policies on Investment in Africa 埃及税收政策对外国直接投资的影响 The Impact of Taxation Policies in Egypt on Foreigji Direct Investment 埃及银行业的发展趋势以及银行设立中存在的法律问题 The Development Trends of Egypt's Banking Sector and Legal Issues on the establishment of banks 非洲国家财政政策对外国直接投资的影响 Impact of the fiscal policies of the African countries on the foreign direct invesnnent 非洲国家有关境外直接投资之税收政策概述 The Impact of Taxation Policies of African Countries on Foreign Direct Investment 非洲投资市场准入规则及政策 The Market Access Rules and Policies on Investing in Africa 在非洲投资的市场准人规则和政策 The Market Access Rules and Policies on Investing in Africa 非洲国家税收政策对外商直接投资的影响 The Impact of Taxation Policies of African Countries on Foreign Direct Investment 非洲投资背景下的环境法 The Environment Laws in the Context of Investing in Afhca 非洲的市场准人规则和投资政策 The Market Access Rules and Policies on Investing in Africa 在非投资的法律风险 Legal risks of Foreign Investment in African Countries 非洲农业投资的法律风险 Legal Risks of Agricultural Investment in Africa 非洲外国投资的法律风险095 Legal Risks of Foreign Investment in Africa 在非洲投资农业的法律风险 Legal Risks of Agricultural Investment in Africa 在非洲进行农业投资方面的法律风险 Legal Risks of Agricultural Investment in Afica


万猛,中国—非洲法律研究中心理事、秘书长,北京外国语大学教授。 张海征,中国—非洲法律研究中心执行主任,北京外国语大学教授。

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